Chapter One: Spider Lily

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"Look at all this cash!" Enzo exclaimed, eyes widening as he stared at the mountain of money in the duffel bag.

Without a clue what to do with their unexpected windfall, Enzo and his friends decided to bring the duffel bag to Giorgio and Fonsie's shared apartment. As they gathered around the bag in the kitchen, they were still scratching their heads, trying to figure out what to do next.

Truth be told, there were plenty of things they could do with that pile of money. But no matter how much they joked about robbing a bank or a grocery store, none of them had ever actually gone through with it. Why? Because when it came down to it, they were all a bunch of chicken shits whose biggest problem was their own names.

Introducing Giorgio "Giorgie" Castiglione, the guy who's always trying to keep things on track but somehow ends up stirring up chaos instead. He was like a bull in a China shop---well-intentioned but prone to causing mayhem without even trying. Whether he was misplacing keys, triggering fire alarms by accident, or getting hopelessly lost on the way to the grocery store, Giorgie's mishaps always keep his friends entertained and on their toes. Surprisingly, he works as a Dental Assistant, where he first crossed paths with Enzo, one of his regular customers.

Then there was Alfonso Russo, also known as "Fonsie". He was the life of the party, a guy that Enzo could literally drag anywhere. Except maybe when things got too wild! Fonsie talks big but runs faster than Usain Bolt when trouble comes knocking. He worked as a bank teller and had a love-hate relationship with his job, which was often as unpredictable as his escapades.

The Romano siblings were probably the most responsible ones in their group. Stefano or Stef was a reliable friend who was always there whenever they needed him, except when he was too busy meditating or trying to keep his Zen in check. This was really important to him since he worked as a bartender and navigating his customers' chaotic lives was among his responsibilities, aside from pouring them their drinks. His baby sister was Valentina AKA "Tina" who was a model in the morning and a boxer at night. Seriously, Enzo had no idea how she worked on those two very different kinds of life. Nevertheless, she was the unofficial group therapist. Except for her mean right hook...which was kind of...scary.

Now to our main hero: Lorenzo "Enzo" Rossi, stood tall and commanding at 185 cm, his stature imposing yet graceful like a knight poised for battle. His complexion was reminiscent of freshly fallen snow; porcelain white with a hint of rosy undertones that spoke of his hidden vitality. Enzo possessed a strong jawline, chiseled and defined, adding a touch of rugged masculinity to his otherwise ethereal beauty. He seemed rather perfect...except that he didn't really know what he wanted in life.

Enzo's life took a sharp turn when his father passed away just a week after marrying his horrid stepmother named Martina. He found himself with two stepsisters: one kind-hearted and the other... not so much.

Alessia, the eldest stepsister, was like a real sister to Enzo. Despite her tendency to fall for the wrong guys, she ended up with four children whom Enzo cared for deeply. They were like his own nieces and nephews.

On the flip side, Serena, the younger stepsister, was as horrid as her mother. Proud of her looks, she always got what she wanted and never hesitated to choose the best boyfriend, regardless of the consequences.

Despite all the challenges life threw at him, Enzo was actually pretty happy. He even met someone special and they were engaged. Well, that was until she decided he wasn't good enough for her, broke up with him, and got engaged to another guy the very next day. Ouch.

Fonsie, their resident bank teller, couldn't resist the urge to know exactly how much cash they'd stumbled upon. He volunteered to count it, making sure to wear gloves to avoid leaving any incriminating evidence behind.

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