Chapter Twenty-Seven: Tensions Rise

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"I don't understand..." Alessia asked for probably the umpteenth time as Enzo handed her a ticket and suddenly gifted her a luxurious villa on a remote island. "We are moving after your marriage?"

"Yes," Enzo said simply as he struggled to put Gianna in her pajamas. "Don't worry, I have everything arranged. I've found good schools there; I'm sure Luca will like it."

"But what about my work?"

"I have enough to support us," he told his sister. "I am planning to have my own bakeshop there, and you will help me manage it."

Alessia was really taken aback yet impressed at how Enzo carefully planned everything, but she still didn't understand the need to move away. "Your husband approved of this?"

Enzo stiffened as he moved to comb Matteo and Sofia's hair. "Yes..." he lied.

"Alright," Alessia gave up, knowing Enzo wouldn't tell her everything. She might need to wait until he was confident enough to open up to her. Anyway, it seemed like he got everything figured out. The place, the school, and even the business. "What about my mother and Serena?"

"Of course, we're not leaving without them so I arranged something for them too." He was finally done fixing his nephews and nieces, urging them to go to bed. Enzo turned to his sister with a smile that didn't quite reach his eyes. "Trust me, everything will be fine."

"I trust you," she answered. "I just don't understand this...sudden change. Also, why can't I talk about this with your fiancé?"

"Because he's busy preparing the wedding and all. Besides, you guys are still my responsibility, not his."


After the rather long and tedious conversation with his older sister, he took another leave of absence and went straight to Fonsie and Giorgio's apartment. It was fortunate that Lucio hadn't bothered him for days since it gave him the freedom to do whatever he wanted. That includes roaming around and planning the escape with a little assistance from a "secret" ally.

When he arrived, he saw Stefano and Tifa huddled with Fonsie and Giorgio on the floor as they counted the cash money on the table. "How was it?"

"How was it?" Fonsie looked like he was about to throw up with so much counting. "You're a fucking millionaire and nobody knows about you!"

Stefano turned to him, "We sold most of your tributes in auction houses online and banks. We probably have enough to live for like ten years or so."

"Sit down, Enzo," Giorgio said, emerging from the kitchen carrying a tray of lemonade. "There's something we need to discuss."

"Sit down where?" Enzo looked around the messy apartment that was about to be foreclosed. But that didn't seem to matter now since they were all moving away anyway---disappearing until the final act.

"Everywhere!" Fonsie snapped.

Sighing, Enzo sat down on the floor, and only then did his friends have a good look at him. Though it was the same Enzo they could see, something else had changed as well. The same enthusiasm was there but there was no more sparkle in his eyes. They also missed the sarcastic way he responded and the energetic way he would argue with Fonsie even if the reason was nonsensical.

This version of Enzo was also different from his past self. This new breed of Enzo seemed lost and confused. He seemed to be a mindless shell moving without any real destination.

"Tell us the truth," Stefano started. "What's going on with you?"

Enzo looked at him and then quickly averted his attention to the lemonade. "I'm fine."

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