Chapter Thirteen: Ambush

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The moonlight cast a shimmering glow on the misty highlands, revealing the silhouette of a fortress-like chateau nestled on a flat area surrounded by dense forest, overlooking a serene lake. Encircled by towering stone walls, the estate was illuminated by bright floodlights, its grounds meticulously maintained. Armed guards, accompanied by vigilant dogs, patrolled the perimeter, adding to the aura of impenetrability.

The driveway and motor court were bustling with luxury cars, hinting at a grand event unfolding inside. A formal soirée was underway, hosting a private reception for a Middle Eastern dignitary. Men in crisp tuxedos escorted their elegantly adorned partners through the grand front doors. As they entered, they gracefully shed their overcoats and were courteously screened with hand-held metal detectors by security personnel clad in black gloves.

Giovanni mingled effortlessly, smiling and engaging with each guest to foster valuable relationships, especially with the visiting dignitary and his entourage of politically influential members. Yet, his attention was constantly split, searching the opulent venue for the head of the Moretti family. Once he was certain the man wouldn't make an appearance, Giovanni let out a resigned sigh and discreetly withdrew from the gathering.

"What's going on, Lucio?" Gio burst into his brother's office, clearly agitated. "You said you were bringing Enzo tonight. Did you two have another fight?"

Lucio, seated by the towering glass window, was leisurely savoring a glass of brandy. His unbuttoned polo revealed his broad chest, and his usually impeccable hair was slightly disheveled---a departure from his usual pristine appearance.

"Enzo wants out," Lucio stated simply.

Gio was stunned. "You know that's not an option, right?"

A smirk tugged at Lucio's lips. "I'm aware, but he seems to have forgotten that."

Gio took a deep breath, trying to remain calm. "What did you do? Why does Lorenzo suddenly want to leave?"

Lucio shrugged nonchalantly. "I showed him what happens when someone dares to touch what's mine."

Gio sighed, clearly exasperated. "This isn't a game, Lucio. Nonna expects to meet him in two weeks. He can't back out now. Everyone in our circle knows him as your fiancé. You know the dangers he and his friends could face if he changes his mind."

Lucio's grin widened a hint of mischief in his eyes. "It's time Enzo understands he gave up his freedom that moment he spent the night with me."

"So, what's the plan?" Gio asked, his curiosity piqued.

Lucio locked eyes with his brother, his gaze intense. "I need to remind Enzo of his role as my husband and make him understand that walking away isn't an option."


The blaring alarm pierced the quiet of the room, but Enzo resisted the urge to open his eyes. The events of last night played over and over in his mind. He couldn't believe he'd mustered the courage to end things with Lucio Moretti, the infamous mafia kingpin. It had been an embarrassing display of vulnerability, practically pleading with Lucio to let him go. Although Lucio had left him at his doorstep without a word, granting his wish for an end, the relief he'd expected was overshadowed by a growing sense of dread. Now, he was left with the daunting task of dealing with the stash of tributes hidden at his sister's place and Giorgio and Fonsie's apartment.

"Uncle Enzo!" Gianna burst into the room, full of excitement. "Wake up, wake up! It's Christmas!"

Enzo groaned, pulling the comforter tightly around himself. "I forgot to lock my door again, didn't I?" He wanted to wallow, to curse Lucio for the mess he was in. Instead, he sighed, pushed himself out of bed, and trudged sleepily toward the bathroom. As if Gianna's enthusiasm wasn't enough, the mischievous twins Matteo and Sofia had also joined in, bouncing on the bed beside her.

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