Chapter Thirty-Eight: Reunion

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Sitting in the office, overlooking the cityscape right outside the window, Lucio found himself in deep thought. It was a strange phenomenon, really, one he hadn't experienced since Enzo entered his life. Lucio had always been good at handling both legitimate and illegitimate dealings, and never had to think twice. But he always ended up not being able to make a proper decision whenever Enzo was around.

People feared him. He was certain Enzo feared him too, which was why it was so fucking unbelievable how Enzo managed to continuously come up with outrageous things to test the limit of his patience.

"Yohoo, got time for your baby brother?"

Lucio swiveled his chair to face his younger brother, Giovanni. Lately, even his brother found Enzo's and his friends' company so entertaining that he would often drop by their newly opened bakery shop to hang out with them. "What are you up to?"

Gio acted outraged at the accusation his brother had thrown. "I...happened to be a very happy, satisfied individual for the past few days." After his rather practiced speech, he placed the paperwork on Lucio's desk not failing to notice the unusual dull reaction on Lucio's face.

Well, Lucio's resting bitch face wasn't really, anything new. But there was an added layer of detachment to it right now, given that his eyes were out of focus in spite of its sharpness. "You okay, bro?"

"What makes you say I'm not?" Lucio's reply was curt.

"I don't seem so...lethargic?" Gio pressed, undeterred.

"I'm exhausted, what do you expect?"

"Are you sure?" Gio arched an eyebrow and continued to annoy his brother, even pulling up a chair to sit before his desk. "Are you sure it has nothing to do with Lorenzo?"

A sharp glare pierced through him. "Don't call him that."

"But Lorenzo is his name."

"Only I get to call him that," Lucio's stern voice echoed loud and clear in the four corners of the room. He leaned on his high-back chair, realizing the force of his outburst. He had never raised his voice to anyone, let alone his brother. Though Gio likely wouldn't hold it against him, knowing Lucio well enough to understand the sudden burst of emotion, he was still taken aback by his brother's rather possessive nature when it came to Lorenzo. "Have you ever felt like you've hurt someone so bad, that it keeps nagging at your conscience, and now your mind is in a puddle, unable to think or function correctly?"

Gio's astonishment had taken another leap as he looked at his brother with his mouth slightly agape. " you mean, you feel like you've offended someone?"

"Not offended. More like...profoundly wounded."

Gio mulled over his words for a moment. "Have you done something lately that might've displeased them?"

"I don't think so. On the contrary, I did exactly what they requested."

"Well, what makes you think they were deeply hurt by you?"

Lucio's gaze remained distant; his mind reeled at the very last moment he held that person in his arms. "I just think that...they haven't been themselves lately. They are too obedient. Their smiles seem sadder...I could touch them but never fully reach them. Do you get it?"

Throughout their lives as siblings, Giovanni had never heard Lucio speak in such a manner. Between them, his brother had always been direct and meticulous, leaving no room for misgivings or probable blunders. Regardless of the pronouns he used to make it subtle, Gio was absolutely certain they were discussing Enzo.

"I'm sure he's just busy," he replied, casually waiting for Lucio to refute the assumption. "You know, with the opening of his business and all..."

But instead of denial, Lucio simply turned his gaze to his face. "You think?"

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