Chapter Forty-Three: Confronting A Confession

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Within a few hours, Lucio and Enzo were seen emerging at the airport having picked up their luggage and passed through customs. Being able to fly privately allowed them the privilege to skip the lengthy customs queue commercial travelers usually faced. Enzo calmly slipped his arm through Lucio's as they headed through. They brought only a handful of formidable guards with them, including Sandro and Nero who Enzo had never seen left Lucio's side even for a minute. To his astonishment, Filip was there too, having pledged his allegiance to the Moretti clan only to ensure Enzo's safety. He smiled as he saw the old man, glad to see him alive and well. He hadn't asked Lucio about him but if he was part of his entourage, then it meant Lucio decided to give him a second chance.

France was a country known for its breathtaking landscapes. From the iconic Eiffel Tower that graced the skyline of Paris to the sun-kissed vineyards of Bordeaux, it was indeed a land of endless charm and romantic allure.

As they headed to their hotel, Enzo watched the scenic view out of the window of the limousine. He marveled at the architectural designs and gasped at the city's boulevards adored with prominent boutiques, cafes, and Michelin-starred restaurants. But he wanted to see beyond Paris, the capital city, and Lucio promised to take him around the country and stop by all the famous places he only had the privilege of learning through magazines and the internet.

"It's true what people say," he remarked, leaning back in his seat yet unable to contain his excitement. "Being here is a whole different experience compared to just reading about it."

Lucio had been watching his face solemnly, a grin playing at his lips as he witnessed Enzo's childish side. "You'd love the countryside in Provence. They have these lavender fields and charming villages."

"Really? You'll take me there, won't you?"

"Of course."

"You're not leaving me to wander this country alone, are you?"

"Anywhere you want to go, I'll be there."

That made Enzo's smile all the sweeter and Lucio was instantaneously enamored. Even Sandro and Nero exchanged knowing glances, witnessing their usually sadistic boss infatuated for the first time. Having known Lucio since childhood, it was truly exciting to see a different aspect of him.

Lucio, as far as everyone in the family was concerned, was raised solely by their father. He was trained to use different types of weapons at an early age, coached how to captivate people with his words, and even how to seduce his enemies with his devilishly wicked charms. He wasn't known to follow rules because he was the rule, and anyone who dared go against him must be eliminated at all costs. To defy him often means death.

From the very beginning, it was clear to everyone that Enzo had stirred their boss's curiosity, a surprise in itself considering Lucio's usual disinterest in others' backgrounds. They had assumed Enzo was nothing but a toy that Lucio wanted to play around with whenever it pleased him. And he did, for the most part. He wanted Enzo as his fiancé because, in his opinion, he believed he could easily be manipulated by fear but also provided him a much-needed entertainment. Such was the sadistic nature of Lucio. But both Nero and Sandro, and even his brother Giovanni could see that Lucio's interest in Enzo was quickly turning into an attraction that he soon wouldn't be able to control.

It wasn't until they reached a critical moment that Lucio arrogantly risked his own life just to see how far Enzo would go. When Enzo pulled that trigger, Lucio knew it was impossible for him to miss. What was even more remarkable, was the fact that Enzo immobilized him with three slugs yet never truly hit any part that could end up fatal.

That was when Giovanni, Nero, and Sandro knew, Enzo wasn't meant to be just another pawn in Lucio's game. They saw him as an asset and they were certain that it was the same with Loretta Moretti, but to Lucio, he had become something more. Those three slugs became the trigger that yes...he found the ONE he had been searching for.

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