Chapter Forty-Two: Pick Your Poison

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Vito was still grinning as he came through the doors of the quaint little restaurant. His arrival was greeted with some cheerful hellos and friendly nods of the head. The bartender smiled warmly as Vito slipped onto a stool at the bar. A quick tap of his knuckles on the counter and soon the bartender served him his drink.

He would've continued enjoying his alone time while he contemplated his next move when his phone suddenly buzzed in his pocket. With a sigh, he answered, "What's up?"

Emilia did not speak for a second, but when she did, her tone was bordering between impatience and eagerness. "Have you talked to him?"

Vito couldn't help but let out an audible exhale. "I didn't do it for you. I did it for myself."

"Well, I'm calling you for myself too!"

"Look...I don't know what you're expecting from all of this, but let me remind you about the most important thing regardless of the result. You're barking up the wrong tree."

"I don't want to hear that from you. Thank you very much."

"Well, you're going to have to be slapped with reality sometimes," Vito smirked as he waited for the sound of frustration on the other line. "Before you hang up on me, can I ask you a very important question?"

Emilia's unsympathetic cackle echoed next to his ear. "I don't think your definition of important matches mine, you asshole."

"Have you ever loved Enzo?"

There was a moment of thoughtful silence, at least on Emilia's side. After all, this was a question few would dare to ask given the eccentricity of their situation. Again, she would like to question the universe why out of all the people Enzo would come across---why Lucio?

"Get rid of Lorenzo."

"That's not really an answer, step-mama," Vito teased, unfazed by her attitude. "And I'm not getting rid of Enzo to please you. I am taking him away because I believe he deserves someone better."

"And you are that someone better?" Emilia's chuckle was laced with mockery. "You're no better than Lucio or Giovanni. In fact, none of you deserve him."

But Vito wasn't affected at the least. "Don't be too quick to judge."

She took a deep breath. "I don't fucking care how you do it, just get it done. Enzo must disappear from Lucio's life. I've worked so hard to be in this position in my life and I won't allow someone who came out of nowhere to steal the spotlight! That's simply not acceptable."

In spite of the tension in her voice, Vito laughed heartily, rejoicing at her distress. "Isn't it ironic that the man you once thought of marrying and building a future with, has turned out to be your greatest rival? Well, this plot twist is ten times much better than those angsty soap operas. I'm thoroughly invested!"

That was the final straw as he heard the other line go silent. Shrugging and smiling with satisfaction, Vito slipped the phone back to his coat and ordered another round of drinks plus a luncheon special. However, his peace was abruptly interrupted again when someone suddenly settled beside him, a little too close for comfort.

Vito's growl almost turned into a snarl if his hindsight hadn't caught the familiar figure. He turned icily to meet Giovanni Moretti's eyes and said with a stiff smile, "Well, hello there..."

Although he was grinning back at him, Gio's glassy dark stare remained in his profile. "I heard you drop by Alessia's residence?"


"Alessia Rossi. She's Enzo's older sister. Is it true?"

Vito quickly turned away from him, acknowledging the bartender as the luncheon special was placed in front of him. "What is it to you?"

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