Chapter Thirty-Five: Bargains

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As the sun slowly made its way inside the room through the small opening in the curtains, Enzo's eyelids pulled back to reveal a pair of brownish hues. Even when the light grew steadily brighter through the windows, his face glowed and flushed as he recalled the previous event. How did it happen that Lucio spared his life after a moment of passion? Enzo anticipated cruelty, expecting Lucio to take whatever he desired without hesitation. Instead, Lucio had been kind and gentle, whispering words that Enzo could barely understand but made him feel all hot and bothered. Enzo couldn't even count the number of times they did it until their tangled bodies ended up casting shadows across the room. All these thoughts made Enzo's whole being ached for the soft and loving touch of the devil.

When his sight turned to the clock on the bedside table, his eyes widened and a sudden terror seized him; awakened by the fact that Lucio FOUND him and there was no telling what hellish deed he might unleash. As he attempted to sit up in bed, he felt a slight loosening of his muscles and couldn't help but grimace. Damn, Lucio had so much stamina! It felt as though he had consolidated all the passion of the six months, they had been apart into a single night!

Carefully rising from the bed, Enzo began searching for his clothes, but he couldn't find them. He was contented that Lucio wasn't around, but he knew he had to act fast to warn the others. So, he quickly rummaged the dresser for whatever clothing he could find to cover his naked body. Luckily, there were casual clothing and even underwear neatly arranged. If he hadn't known better, he would have assumed Lucio had been residing in the villa for quite some time.

Once he had finished taking a bath and wore appropriate clothing, he started looking for his things. But just like his missing clothes, all his belongings were missing including his phone. Suddenly, he heard footsteps in the doorway, and like a frightened child, he unconsciously ducked under the bed and listened intently.


It was Lucio. Enzo stiffened at the sound of his voice, surprised by its gentleness compared to the threatening tone he received last night. How odd it made him feel, that he furrowed his brows, trying to recall if there had been anything they did that warranted this kind of change in Lucio's behavior. But to his astonishment, Lucio quickly located him under the bed, lifting an eyebrow at Enzo's current position.

"Is this some new form of sexual play?"

Enzo's face reddened. "I was...just looking for my stuff---"

Lucio comforted his fears by sweeping him into his arms and kissing him full on the lips. There was a noticeable shift in the way he was being treated as if he was a delicate, brittle object that could easily break. Enzo wasn't accustomed to being handled this way and he seriously didn't know how to respond.

"Your stuff is outside," Lucio's gaze swept at his overall outfit and the corner of his mouth quirked up. "You look good in my clothes. Don't change."

"I have to go back to the laundromat," Enzo blurted out, trying hard not to get affected by Lucio's charming approach. In truth, he had nothing specific in mind to say, but he remembered that he left his newly purchased linen at the laundromat. "Can we make a quick stop?"

"Alright, whatever you say, Papi," Lucio replied, reaching for Enzo's hand and kissing it before intertwining their fingers.

Enzo was bewildered. He wondered if Lucio suddenly grew a conscience or if the devil was possessed by the holy ghost. Whatever that was...

The next thing Enzo knew, he found himself seated at the dining table with Lucio, pleasantly surprised to discover that the man could be a gracious host when he wanted to. Knowing Lucio, Enzo decided to keep to himself as they ate. But halfway through the meal, Lucio was the one to break the silence.

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