Chapter Thirty-Four: Fierce Surrender

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Since moving to the island, Giorgio had been caught up with complicated feelings about the whole situation. He still trusts Enzo and would willingly die for him, but he refuses to believe that Lucio has not even an inch of humanity in him. Or that he didn't feel anything for his best friend.

Until he made the mistake of sending a message to Lucio's brother, therefore exposing their location.

Finding the right time to meet with him, Giorgio picked a venue that was a mile away from the village where they were staying. Inside a family restaurant, he saw Giovanni enjoying his enchilada while chatting excitedly with the owners.

When it comes to Lucio's younger brother, Giorgio's view tends to clash. Unlike Lucio who had always been frank and nonchalant in his answers, Gio was a joker. There was no telling if he was displeased or if he ever felt upset at all. Given that Enzo shot his brother, it was amazing to see him smiling and playful. Yet this kind of trait, in Giorgio's opinion, was twice more lethal than the charming Vito or the pure devil Lucio himself.

"Sorry if I kept you waiting," Giorgio slid into the chair facing the man.

Across the table, Gio's eyebrows raised, watching him amusingly. "Nah, that's alright. I was thinking of getting us dinner since I'm almost done with lunch."

Giorgio shot him a glare. "I was contemplating on whether to meet with you or not."

"Yeah? Should've thought of that when you send me a text at 3 AM, your time. Why are you up that time?"

"I was thinking of us...of you...I mean---" Giorgio paused as he saw the expression on Gio's face. He was clearly mocking.

"That made me blush."

"Would you cut that out? First of all, I wouldn't have thought of texting you if you had not sent me an email three days before with your movie recommendations!"

"But you asked for that," said Gio, feigning hurt.

"Really? That's like six months too late, you bastard!"

Gio grinned and asked for a glass of water. "You still answered. Oh, you texted me...I didn't think you'd still have my number on your new phone."

That was fair, Giorgio thought bitterly. He avoided his gaze, "Your brother is alive, isn't he?"


Giorgio scoffed. "It's true what they say, Devil don't die."

This made Giovanni chuckle as he took his time downing his glass of water. "I'm going to level with you, I was only trying my luck when I sent you that email."

"Well, I'm not some naïve teenager," Giorgio shot back. "I figured out the purpose initially."

Gio grinned. "Is that so? Yet you fell hook, line, and sinker."

Their eyes met. "Yeah...I did."

Gio leaned back on his chair to get a better view of him. "We never really hang out, for real, right? I mean, aside from that special moment where I save your ass. We only exchange text messages and emails that include song and movie recommendations."

"It's weird."

"I find it cute, actually."

Giorgio lowered his eyelashes. "Get lost."

"So, why did you respond?"

The sudden question left Giorgio flustered. He wasn't ready to answer that. "What?"

"I'm asking, why did you respond? You know it's a trap and I was baiting you, but still, you responded and even texted me. Are you an idiot or slow?"

"Are you bipolar or mentally incapacitated?" Giorgio shot back.

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