Chapter Fifteen: Satan and Lucifer

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Flabbergasted and completely baffled by Lucio's bold move, Enzo reluctantly admitted that this man might just be his downfall. To his deep embarrassment, he found himself powerless to resist as Lucio kissed him---and even more shocking, he kissed back. No matter how much he tried to deceive himself or his friends, the undeniable reality of their situation was glaringly clear. Lucio remembered that unforgettable night they shared, and he knew Enzo remembered it just as vividly.

With Enzo's face flushed a bright crimson, Lucio guided him to yet another room in the sprawling mansion. Honestly, Enzo had lost count of how many rooms this chateau held. He'd seen nearly a dozen, each serving a similar purpose but boasting unique styles and sizes. Now, he found himself in an elegantly furnished office. Beautiful antiques sparkled in the moonlight streaming through the French doors. Dominating the room was a grand desk, with towering bookshelves behind it.

"Lucio! What has taken you so long to bring him here?"

Enzo was frozen on the spot as Loretta Moretti strode into the room from the balcony, exuding elegance and grace that seemed to defy her age. Her blonde hair was neatly pulled back into a bun with soft layers framing her face, lending her a timeless allure. Her eyes mesmerizing shade of dark brown, held a depth of wisdom and a hint of mischief, reflecting a lifetime of experiences.

A vibrant energy radiated from her, capturing Enzo's attention the moment she smiled at him. Despite her lively demeanor, she exuded a regal poise that made it clear she was not to be underestimated. "Finally!" She exclaimed, gripping Enzo's hands with enthusiasm. "I've been waiting for weeks for Lucio to bring you here. Such a lazy bastard..."

Enzo couldn't help but snort, trying to suppress a laugh at Nonna's playful jab calling Lucio a "bastard." Lucio barely reacted, simply moving to sit on the couch opposite the imposing desk. She continued, "So, Lorenzo, is it? I love your name. It has a classic ring to it."

"It is," Enzo replied, his gaze dropping slightly, a touch of shyness coloring his demeanor. "You seem too young to be a grandmother."

Loretta's eyes twinkled with amusement. She glanced briefly at Lucio before focusing back on Enzo. "Do you really think so?"

"Uh, yes."

"Did you hear that, Lucio?" Loretta said, addressing Lucio, who remained unfazed. Pointing at him, she turned back to Enzo. "Meanwhile, your devil of a fiancé here seems to think I'll be dead next year. Oh my, is that the ring?"

Loretta held Enzo's hand gently to admire the engagement ring Lucio had given him earlier. After studying it for a moment, she nodded with a satisfied smile. "Well, my grandson does have impeccable taste," she remarked. "Come, have a seat over here, Lorenzo. You're not my client, and I'm not your boss. You're going to be my grandson too."

"You can just call me Enzo..."

She smiled warmly and led him to the lounge adjacent to her office. The space was inviting, blending mid-century design with modern and retro elements. Unlike the other rooms, this area had a distinct personality that spoke of Loretta's tastes and preferences. Elegant furnishings, vibrant curtains that complemented antique accents, and textured rugs adorned the room. The bold lighting and cheerful color palette were exactly what Enzo envisioned for a home. It was no wonder he found himself captivated by the overall ambiance.

Loretta noticed the sparkle in Enzo's eyes as he admired the living room she had meticulously designed herself. Her smile widened, pleased by his reaction. "I think you and I are going to be best friends," she said, gesturing for him to sit on the plush sofa.

Enzo was taken aback but found himself admiring the elegant older lady. "I was close with my grandmother. She passed away a few years ago after my father's..."

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