Chapter Forty-Nine: The Boss

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"Do you think he's going to come for you?"

Vito continued to engage Enzo in a conversation after being shut down from his initial attempt to convey his adoration for him. The words served nothing but further egged Enzo not to respond, staring out the window, he hoped Lucio would come and fetch him sooner.

"He's not coming for you, Enzo. Lucio never negotiates with kidnappers."

At the admission, Enzo snapped his head towards him, glaring. "Glad to hear you're confessing to a kidnapping!"

"You left me without a choice," Vito smiled, pleased that he had finally managed to get a response from him, even if it was out of respite. "How can you trust a man who blackmailed you, used you and your friends to do his dirty work, and threatened to hurt you and the people you love? Do you think you've had him playing into your hands? You're wrong. You don't know Lucio long enough to think that he'd suddenly turn into a knight in shining armor and rescue you from the clutches of his enemy."

He didn't know what caused it, but there were suddenly tears in Enzo's eyes as he looked at him. "He'll come for me. I know he will."


"I may not know Lucio long enough to convince you he's not what you always think he is," Enzo cut him short. "But I know his heart well enough to understand why he became the way he is. I believe him. I'll still believe him even if he doesn't come for me."

Vito stared at him, long and hard. Enzo's spirit was unyielding despite the tears running down his cheeks. And yet, Vito's heart rejected this and averted his gaze. "You need some time to think, Enzo. You don't belong to him."

"And to whom do I belong?" Enzo questioned; his voice trembled with controlled anger. "YOU?"

Quite abruptly, Vito turned his gaze back on him. "YES, ME! You belong with me, Lorenzo. I can LOVE you way better. I can treat you nicer. Can't you see? He'll just hurt you, damn it. And I have to watch another broken toy again!"

They stared at each other for a long moment. Enzo felt that Vito seemed to observe him from within. To his shock, the man leaned closer and tenderly kissed his wet cheek. He turned his face away, but Vito held his chin and forced him to look back. "Don't," Enzo cautioned, his gaze narrowing into slits.

Vito's mouth hovered above his, but as he peered at those lips, a sudden disgust forced him to pull back and return to his position. What had gotten into him? He had never begged for anyone's attention, but here he was craving it. "Shit!" The frustration boiled over, and he slammed his fist on the door.

Niccolò glanced at his master from the rearview mirror. "Calm down," a gentle reminder.

"I am calm, goddamn it!"

But Niccolò knew better than to believe his words and his gaze shifted to Enzo, whose tears wouldn't stop falling. The young man didn't look afraid despite his current state; he was simply upset that Vito wouldn't let him go. "We're almost there," Niccolò announced.

The silence brought Enzo some peace. He turned his attention back to the unfamiliar surroundings and realized once again that he had been underestimated...


Nestled in a secluded village somewhere in the French countryside, Enzo looked out the window and couldn't help admiring the scenery despite the unpleasant companion. It appeared to be an oasis of nature, allowing someone to discover wildlife at their own pace. The house had a large fenced garden across the road and a nearby farm. It was indeed an ideal getaway for someone looking for some peace and quiet.

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