Chapter Twenty-Eight: The Vault

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Finally sealing the business partnership, Serena was more than pleased and for once, found a rare agreement with Enzo. Now that she managed to secure one of the elusive venues in the city, it wouldn't be long before clients started coming in. While waiting for that, Enzo along with Stefano, Tina, Giorgio, and Fonsie meticulously ironed out their plans, studying the blueprint that Enzo had obtained. Fortunately, Stefano managed to secure two part-time gigs in the Black Diamond Longue. The first gig would allow him to scout the premises, comparing it to the blueprint to uncover any hidden areas. Recognizing the potential discrepancies, Stefano alerted Enzo, who urged him to align the layout before proceeding with their mission.

During the weekends, Enzo often found himself in the office of Lucio's new lawyer. He had no idea what had happened to the previous one, and he doubted Ella would divulge this information. Enzo did his best to coax her into talking, but Ella remained tight-lipped about it.

"This is the revised edition, and we've included all of your requests," the lawyer explained, handing over the documents. "You can take your time reviewing it, but I assure you that everything is in there just as you like it."

Lucio's new lawyer was the young and prominent Giuseppe Martini, a familiar face to Enzo from his appearances on television. Renowned for his eloquence and persuasive arguments, Giuseppe was unafraid to tackle challenging cases and dangerous clients. Like his new employer, he possessed an impeccable appearance and demeanor-tall, well-built, and exuding confidence. Giuseppe presented himself with a blend of professionalism and style, often clad in tailored suits in shades of charcoal or navy.

In court, Giuseppe was famous for his keen intellect and thorough understanding of the law, making him a formidable opponent for any adversary. Moreover, his linguistic prowess extended beyond English and Italian, encompassing over eleven languages. With his polished speaking skills, Giuseppe commanded the attention of everyone in the courtroom.

With Ella's assistance, Enzo meticulously went through the documents, raising all of his questions and concerns. Satisfied with the answers provided, he felt content with the agreement. "If you're fine with everything, you may sign it now," Ella said, her eyes sparkling with relief, indicating that she was glad to see that he had no further requests.

Enzo couldn't help but wonder about Ella's attitude. Considering Lucio's plan to eliminate him, he questioned the purpose of indulging his whims.

Then again, would he sign it if his demands weren't met?

Alright," he sighed deeply, proceeding to sign. "Where is Lucio, by the way?" he inquired casually.

Ella hesitated briefly, shooting a glare at the lawyer who swiftly retrieved the documents from Enzo's grasp. "Thank you for signing, Mr. Moretti," he interjected abruptly, leaving Enzo puzzled. "I'll be on my way now."

"Don't call me Mr. Moretti just yet," Enzo's scowl deepened as he handed back the pen. "I'm not married yet."

Giuseppe chuckled at Enzo's response. "Soon, you will be. You should own it," he remarked, nodding towards Enzo before turning to Lucio's secretary. "Is there anything else I need to do?"

"No, that's all," Ella replied with a quick smile. "You may leave us, Giuseppe. Thank you."

They waited until the lawyer had left, but Enzo resisted the temptation to pose another question. It felt odd that Giuseppe was leaving the building, considering this was his office. However, Enzo realized that Ella was being cautious, following Lucio's orders to keep certain conversations private. People uninvolved in Lucio's affairs shouldn't be burdened with unnecessary knowledge. Lucio had multiple lawyers, and this one was specifically tasked with handling his marriage contract and nothing more. Thus, he wasn't privy to information beyond his job description.

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