Chapter Twenty-Two: Connections

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Returning to the imposing mansion of the Moretti family gave Enzo a bit of nostalgia, though he wasn't sure if that was a good idea or not. To his surprise, Ella had arranged for someone to pick him up and safely escort him to the property. She'd insisted it was her responsibility to ensure his safety until Lucio returned.

"Enzo!" Loretta Moretti was more than happy to receive him and immediately welcomed him inside the mansion. "I've reserved one of the finest guestrooms for you. I'm so happy you visited! You are staying for the night, yes?"

Enzo felt a mixture of glee and guilt as he saw how happy Nonna was seeing him. Honestly, if her grandson weren't threatening him and his friends, he would've enjoyed the attention. Still, before coming over, he already informed the woman about needing a favor and Loretta was more than eager to hear him out.

Dinner was immediately served and Enzo soon found himself seated in the dining hall with Loretta, listening to her tales of day-to-day activities. Surprisingly, he actually enjoyed listening to her. Loretta had an infectious energy, a charm that her grandsons had inherited, along with a unique sense of humor. She seemed genuinely fond of Enzo and admired his humble lifestyle, making him feel that with her around, he didn't need to pretend to be someone else. Yet, this amiable nature was potentially dangerous, as Enzo had to remind himself that she was the matriarch of the Moretti household which means she could be hiding her true colors.

Retreating to her library, Loretta shifted to business mode and inquired about the business proposal. Enzo promptly presented the pitch his sister had crafted, and Loretta reviewed it with a focused expression. Enzo watched her intently, hoping she wouldn't find it suspicious that Serena had chosen to partner with the club for special events.

"Hmm..." She nodded thoughtfully. "Sounds good. But why the Black Diamond Lounge?"

Enzo cleared his throat, ready with his response. "It's one of the trendiest places in the area and offers exposure to influential people. Partnering with this club could help my sister attract more clients."

"Well, I'm sure you've heard about this club from Lucio, but..." She paused to looked at him. "That place isn't as 'cool' or 'chic' as you or your sister portray it to be. That place is hell on earth, Enzo."

Enzo's heart started to pound, there was something about her gaze that reminded him so much of Lucio. It felt like she was peering into his soul, uncovering his thoughts and revealing his true emotions. It was unsettling to think that someone as kind and lovely as Loretta Moretti could be as cruel and calculating as her grandson.

"My sister organizes events, parties, soirees with one of her biggest clientele being guys wanting a wild bachelor party before shackling themselves in marriage," Enzo shared and Loretta chuckled softly at his description. "We believe the club can cater to male clients seeking that kind of experience. The club's reputation would be an added bonus plus I heard the girls and boys in the club are good-looking, so..."

Loretta nodded approvingly. "You and your sister have done your homework on the place. I won't pry any further. I do have connections at that club, although Lucio mainly runs it himself. However, I can use my influence to ensure I work with you and your sister instead. How does 20% of the profit sound?

Enzo was so shocked by Loretta's generosity. "What?"

"Oh, too much? I'm good with ten percent---"

"No, no, no!" He quickly waved off the misunderstanding. "We were thinking of a 50-50 split, but I didn't expect you to---"

She laughed wholeheartedly. "You and your sister will do most of the work, I don't need that much. Besides, this is the first favor you've asked of me. I feel so thrilled to be needed by my future grandson-in-law."

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