Chapter Five: Borderline

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Enzo, sprawled across the bed like a starfish, his mouth wide open, and a sleeping mask covering his eyes, was abruptly awakened by a series of sharp raps on the door. Startled, he bolted upright, momentarily disoriented until he yanked off the mask. Still half-asleep, he stumbled out of bed and made his way groggily towards the insistent knocking, finally throwing open the door.

"What are you guys doing barging into my house this early?!" Enzo grumbled, rubbing the sleep from his eyes.

"Technically speaking, it's your sister's house," Fonsie retorted, breezing past him into the room, followed closely by Giorgio and the Romano siblings. "But this is your domain."

Giorgio glanced around Enzo's room and grimaced. "Agreed."

Enzo's room was impeccably tidy, with everything in its proper place. The bed was neatly made with crisp linens, and the furniture was arranged in a symmetrical fashion. There were no clothes strewn about or clutter on the floor. The walls were adorned with tasteful artwork and framed photographs, but they were arranged in a meticulous grid pattern, lacking any sense of spontaneity.

Despite the room's neatness, Enzo's friends frowned at its overall appearance. To them, it felt too sterile and bland, lacking any personality or character. It was almost as if the room had been meticulously curated rather than lived in. They longed for a bit of chaos, some color, or even just a hint of messiness to make it feel more inviting and lived-in. Enzo's orderly nature had turned his room into a pristine but somewhat soulless space, much to the disappointment of his friends.

"Yep, Enzo's the king of no ambition," Stefano joked as he plopped down on the bed. "No dreams, no goals."

"Totally," Tina agreed, joining her brother on the bed. "Just Enzo."

Enzo shot them a glare, his impatience evident in his tone. "Seriously, why are you guys here?"

Enzo's friends exchanged amused glances before Fonsie replied, "We're here to rescue you from the clutches of your own boredom, obviously."

Giorgio chimed in, "Yeah, your room was practically begging for some life to be injected into it."

Enzo rolled his eyes. "Well, my room is fine the way it is. And I'm perfectly capable of entertaining myself, thank you very much."

Stefano smirked. "Sure, Enzo. That's why we found you snoring like a freight train."

Enzo scowled. "I do not snore." He paused, eyeing them suspiciously. "Is this about the text message I sent on the group chat?"

Fonsie scoffed. "Come on, Enzo! You sent us a text about the mafia boss showing up at your doorstep, asking for our passports!"

Giorgio nodded in agreement. "Yeah, spill the beans, Enzo. What's going on?"

Enzo sighed, grabbing clothes from his closet. "We don't have much choice. We lost sixty grand of his money, remember? We're in deep with this guy."

Fonsie crossed his arms. "Well, I'm not getting involved in any drug smuggling operation, that's for sure."

Enzo raised his hands in surrender. "Hey, I never said anything about smuggling drugs. Boss Lucio just said to prepare our passports, that's it."

"Exactly," Stefano chimed in. "Maybe he wants us to join him on a vacation. Ever thought about that?"

Tina rolled her eyes. "Yeah, because mob bosses are notorious for their generosity in taking their debtors on luxury vacations."

Enzo sighed, pulling out a shirt from his closet. "Look, we don't know what he wants yet. Let's not jump to conclusions."

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