Chapter Thirty-Two: Relapse

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"The lavish estate of Vittorio Genovese, scion of a wealthy family, had become the center of a high-profile investigation following his arrest in connection with the alleged assassination of a woman who once worked at the infamous Black Diamond Longue, along with her father. Also detained was Mayor Eulalio Milano, a once-respected figure in the community whose fall from grace shocked the city to its core. Allegations of his involvement in the sordid affair sent shockwaves through the political establishment, tarnishing the reputation of the office he once held with pride, with his wife.

Meanwhile, the affluent Moretti clan, long rumored to have ties to organized crimes, found themselves under intense scrutiny as investigation delved into their alleged participation in the unfolding drama. Their lawyers cited no comment as the matriarch of the family Loretta Moretti----"

Stefano, Fonsie, Tina, and Giorgio whirled their heads to find Enzo standing behind them, holding the remote control. He immediately turned off the television as soon as he heard Nonna's name, and another wave of guilt splashed across his face.

"It's been six months Enzo," Fonsie said. "We haven't heard any updates on the case since then."

Stefano glared at Fonsie's misplaced sensitivity. "Have you forgotten? She once was Enzo's grandmother-in-law. She was kind to him. To all of us, actually."

Fonsie was never the one to hold his tongue and added, "On the brighter side, Enzo won. He not only got us out of the country, but he also ensnared all of them, including Vito."

Enzo remained unusually silent and chose not to respond to Fonsie's statement. He turned on his heel and left the house, seeking a breath of fresh air to calm his reeling mind.

Had it truly been six months?

Regardless, Fonsie was right. He won. But at what cost?

Truthfully, Enzo would've not succeeded if not for Filippo Venturi, the guard that Vito assigned to keep an eye on him. It turned out that he used to be an undercover policeman who got tangled up in underground activities, including mafia clans. At first, Enzo was skeptical, but Filip's revelation hit close to home when he disclosed that it was his sister and his father whom Vito killed, as ordered by Mayor Milano.

Dorothea was his sister and unlike him, she lived a difficult life in the streets. She became involved with the mayor in the hopes of turning her life around. Their relationship at first was peaceful, though she wasn't completely happy, she was at least satisfied. But she wanted to bear him a child---a decision the mayor thwarted aggressively. "Thea" had become too demanding for him and he started seeking other women for attention. She discovered this and she threatened to ruin him by divulging the information to his wife.

It had been shocking to know that Filip had worked so hard to earn Vito's trust to the point of becoming his leftwing man, alongside the loyal Niccolò Trevisani. He carefully orchestrated the mayor's downfall, aligning with Vito, but careful not to expose himself knowing that another tiger was watching in the den, someone who was bigger than Vito---Lucio Moretti.

Filip had a flawless plan but he lacked the right opportunity to execute it. He needed someone to distract Lucio, and luck favored him when Enzo and his friends came into the picture. Enzo opened up about his predicament with Lucio Moretti, and through him, Filip completed his whole scheme. Enzo's determination pushed him to the edge too, and for once, he saw hope in someone who could challenge the two kings.

And he did it.

Who would've thought that a commoner like Enzo could bring down two kingdoms in a single move? And in spite of the brutality of the action, Enzo couldn't forget the rush of adrenaline, reminiscent of his leadership days in the Black Dahlia gang. But...was he happy?

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