Chapter 1 - I Almost Do

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[Basically, I got tired of 1D fanfics all the time :3

Tell me if you like it in the comments!!



The gigs usually consisted of 4 covers. I hadn't worked up the courage to play one of my own songs yet. Taylor Swift was one of my favourite singers to cover. I had been told I was like a ginger Taylor.

I hit the end note of I Almost Do, quietly fading off with my fingers plucking the strings of my well-worn guitar. I heard the applause ringing in my ears, quite a loud noise from such a small crowd.

I smiled lightly out into the crowd, squinting my eyes against the lights shining in my face. I coughed and leant into the microphone.

"Thankyou.. I've been Riley Sullings, have a good night.."

I stood from the wooden I was sat on, flexing my arms as I walked off stage. I stood in the corner of the small backstage room, quietly zipping my guitar into it's black case. I became aware of someone watching me.

I glanced back quickly and saw the boy with the black hair and blue eyes. I rolled my eyes and turned back to focus on my guitar case. I slung my backpack over my shoulder and picked up the guitar by the handle.

I nodded towards him before walking quickly towards the door. I felt him jog behind me.

"Hey.. Your name's Riley, right?" He had a bit of a Northern accent.

I nodded, turning back around and continuing my walk to the door. Luckily, he didn't follow me any further.

I'm unusual that way, I dislike having company. I was made to be a loner. I don't have great conversation skills and prefer to express myself through song.


I arrived at my house after a short walk from the cafe. My home was a small apartment off a main road. I sighed, placing my guitar behind the sofa and moving over to the coffee table which held my ever-growing amount of bills and other letters.

I picked one off the top and scanned the front before ripping it open. An electricity bill. Brilliant. I was a bit hard on cash at the moment, which was GREAT considering how much I owed.

I rubbed my forehead, tossing the letter onto the couch and moving into the kitchen. I opened the fridge and peered into the contents. I was currently in posession of 1 block of cheese, a few assorted vegetables and a carton of milk.

Now you see what I mean by hard on cash?

I desperately needed a drink, so I grabbed a tenner out of my emergency stash and set off to the local corner shop.


At the corner shop, I picked out a 6 pack of beer and went to the counter to pay. I silently handed over the tenner, holding out my hand to recieve 50p and a reciept back. I took my drinks in my hand and turned on my heel.

As I turned the corner on the way back to my apartment, I felt myself crash into a warm body.

"Uh... Sorry..." I mumbled, picking up the pace as I walked away.

"It's ok, Riley.." I heard a Northern voice call out behind me.

It made me walk even faster. It scared me. I had never run into someone I had played for ever before. And he recognized me.

Although it did make me curious. This boy with the blue eyes, who seemed to be following me. But he couldn't be.

I stick to the shadows. It's impossible to follow me. Most of the time. This stranger with the eyes seemed to be quite good at it though.


I woke up, squinting at my alarm clock. It was 9:30, which gave me 30 minutes to get to work. I groaned and smacked the pillow.

Maybe drinking 3 beers wasn't the best idea..

I shoved myself out of bed and padded into the bathroom. I stood in front of the mirror and stared. I raked my fingers through my messy orange hair and blinked my green eyes a few times. In the harsh light of the bathroom I looked... incredibly pale.

After I had showered, I dressed in a pair of black leggings with a simple grey sweatshirt on top. I definitely am not the type to dress all really. I have no one to impress.

I pulled on my black Dr Martens and poured myself a coffee in the kitchen. I never ate breakfast. I think it's the most unnecessary of the 3 meals of the day.

I slung my satchel over my shoulder and strolled out of my apartment.

I suppose Starbucks is the most ironic of jobs for an introvert like me. I did have to talk, quite loudly in fact. As a barista, I had to shout out orders and stuff like that. But otherwise I didn't talk much. If someone tried to talk to me I would generally blank them until I was left alone.

I walked into the Starbucks, already bright and bustling. I walked behind the counter and pulled on my apron, quickly tying my hair back with a black hairband. I took my position behind the coffee machines, and started making the coffees.

About 20 minutes passed. A fairly uneventful 20 minutes. I was just finished making a caramel macchiato, and put it on the counter.

"Caramel Macchiato for.. Dan!" I called out into the busy cafe.

A guy who looked like he was in his early 20's came up to grab the drink, accompanied by no one but... The black haired, blue eyed guy from the night before. He was holding a small red camera, filming the other guy getting his coffee. He looked up at me, giving me a wide grin.


I looked around, my face going a bit red before turning back to the coffee machine, focusing VERY hard on the next order.

I felt a tap on my shoulder, heard a voice telling me I could go now. I could hardly think as I tossed my apron onto the side and ran all the way home.

Possibilities [Phil Lester]Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz