Chapter 6 - The Stupidly Goofy Grin

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[A/N : Philey! Loving it! Also here is a cryptic message to the story - three sided shape?]

[Dan's p.o.v]

"So," Riley spoke into the awkward silence, "I hate to be a party pooper and all, but I'm actually really tired, what with the excitement of today," here she gave both Phil and I a half smile, "so if it's okay I might just crash somewhere?"

"Yes!" Phil said beside me. "Er, you take my bed and I'll just take the couch."

Thus commenced the usual arguing you get when someone comes to stay - host tries to give up their bed, guest argues, host insists, guest gives up eventually.

I took my time to look Riley over. Some definitely was intriguing about her. I could understand why Phil was so crazy about her. Don't get me wrong, Phil hadn't told me his feelings or anything. He thinks he's so good at hiding things from me, but this is what comes from doing Law at uni, I suppose.

"Jesus, fine. But this means I'm staying for an even shorter amount of time, Phil." Riley said to Phil, grinning and managing to look frustrated at the same time.

Phil grinned, looking happier than he had in days.

"C'mon, I'll show you to my room."

Phil and Riley each took their share of her bags, strolling off down the hallway together towards Phil's room.

I fell back onto the couch, my hands reaching up to brush my hair back. On the table beside me, my phone glowed with a new message. I picked it up, hoping for something to make me feel better. I had this odd empty feeling in my chest.

It was only PJ, sending me a link to some tumblr post about the Fantastic Foursome. My eyes strayed up from the message, falling on the time. 7:45.

"Shit!" I cursed, jumping up from the couch and running to turn my laptop on.

8:00 on Tuesday I always did a live show on YouNow. I had never missed it before, never. Something was definitely going on here, but what?

[Riley's p.o.v]

I stood shyly in the doorframe of Phil's bedroom, looking it over. It was relatively neat, neater than most boys bedrooms I'd been in, at least. Sure, it had the occasional sock lying around, but at least it didn't reek of Axe or some other men's 'deoderant'.

His bed stood in the middle of the room, covered by a blue and green checked quilt cover. Phil dumped the bags he was holding beside it, straightening up and giving me a broad smile, flipping his fringe back out of his face.


"So." I laughed at him, neither of us quite knowing what to do next.

"Um.. This is the bed. I mean, my bed. But, you... You sleep here." Phil said, gesturing to the bed.

I stepped into the room, placing my handful of bags next to where Phil had put his. On second thoughts, I picked my guitar back up and laid it on the bed, unlatching the case. I ran my fingers over the smooth wood, smiling to myself. Without this guitar, I might've never met Phil.

Not that I like him or anything.

"It's a nice guitar." Phil spoke in my ear, suddenly a lot closer than I thought.

I kept my head tilted towards the floor, but moved it slightly to the left. I let my hair swing down and cover my face. Good, it covered the stupidly goofy grin on my face.

"Yeah, I got it when I first realised that this was what I wanted to do.." I said to his shoes.

I heard Phil shuffle a bit beside me. By looking at our feet, I could tell we were at a distance that wouldn't've been comfortable to strangers. Which we really were. To tell the truth, I don't even know why I'm here, in an apartment with 2 almost complete strangers, with almost no idea how long I'll be in this situation.

"What's your last name, Phil?" I asked.

[Phil's p.o.v]

"What's your last name, Phil?" Riley asked me. Her face was still hidden from view, but I could tell she was just trying to make conversation.

For some reason, this question caught me off guard completely. I guess I had no problem with telling her, I just wanted to keep this state with her for once, this state of meeting someone my age, and them not knowing what I did or who I was, and actually liking me.

At least, I think she likes me.

It's a sad thing, though. Lots of girls just like me for either of the following - a) that I'm sort of famous, or b) for the chance to get closer to Dan.

"Lester. Phil Lester." I smiled at her, shrugging.

"Okay. I'm Riley Sullings, you know. Kind of like Sulley in Monsters Inc, but not."

I laughed, tapping the floor with my toe. In a way, I was relieved that she didn't know who I was. It's weird.

She turned into me. I hadn't realised how close I was to her. The tips of our toes were touching eachother. She was a good height, the top of her head came up to around about the tip of my nose.

Our eyes found eachother. Riley held my gaze, her green eyes searching my blue ones. She bit her lip, one of her small hands resting on my chest.

Something came over me, and I don't know what, but it made me lean down to Riley's face, my nose brush hers lightly, and my lips touch hers.

It was a sweet kiss, a short one but it was all that was needed. I pulled back and gave her an awkward smile, which Riley slowly but surely returned.

I took a deep breath and tore my eyes from hers, stepping away and to the door of my bedroom. As I closed it, I muttered a quiet goodnight to Riley.

[Riley's p.o.v]

I watched Phil disappear behind the closed. As soon as I was sure he had gone, my hand raised to my face. My fingers lightly touched my lips, still tingling from that fleeting butterfly-kiss that Phil had given me.

I wasn't too sure whether to be incredibly happy or annoyed. Sure, Phil was incredibly handsome, but I'm not here for a boyfriend, I'm here to get a flat. I decided to stay neutral, and slowly changed into my pyjamas.

Well, pyjamas is a bit of a stretch. They were an old oversized tshirt I had gotten for 25p in a Salvo's bargain bin, and a cheap pair of jogging shorts I had bought. I laid my guitar (in its case) down on the floor gently, and sat lightly on the edge of the bed.

I bounced up and down a little, testing it. I grinned and flopped straight backwards onto the duvet. I stretched my arms out and thought about the events of the day. God, where was my life even going?

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