Chapter 12 - Lee Mee Aluhh

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[ A/N : chapter 12, oh how the time flies. Sorry its a shortie and a bit of a filler, I just wanted to get it up :| Comment•vote•fan mwah]

[Dan's p.o.v]

11:00am I woke up. Phil and Riley got in at about 12pm last night. They came in all giggly and holding hands and ridiculously, disgustingly romantic. It was a bit sickening.

Ok, I'm being a douche. But understand this - Phil is my best friend. I had a big think about it and maybe I'm just kidding myself about Riley. Maybe it's that part of me coming out that just wants to be the winner. Maybe I just wanted to see Riley be mine because Phil wanted her so badly. But, like I said, Phil is my best friend. I decided to leave them alone, and just quietly fume by myself.

I padded through to the living room, rubbing the sleep out of my eyes. As I got closer to the door, I could hear a faint laugh. I rolled my eyes, took a deep breath and walking in.

Phil and Riley were both clutching mugs of tea, bending over Phil's laptop. He was in his editing program [a/n : im tired and i cbf remembering what program he uses], in an old video. He was quietly explaining things to Riley.

I cleared my throat.

"Huh? Oh," Phil said, his head whipping around. "Morning! There's some tea for you in the kitchen."

I couldn't help noticing how much brighter he seemed, sort of like he had just had the best night ever.

"Sure. Thanks." I nodded. "Phil, can I have a word?"

Phil followed me into the kitchen, shutting the door behind him. As soon as he had, he turned to me excitedly.

"Dan, she said she loved me! And... And I said it back, and we-"

"That's great, Phil, mate." I interrupted, in a falsely cheery voice. "Really great. Good job."

Phil's smile faltered slightly, but came back as bright as ever.

"You don't mind, right?"

"Mind? Me?" I said, that horrible cheery voice still coming out of my lungs. "Phil, I was just stirring you. She's all yours!"

"She really is.." He said softly, so softly I wasn't sure I was supposed to hear. "Thanks, Dan!"

Before I could say anything back, he disappeared back out into the lounge, sitting down next to Riley and taking the laptop from her again.

I downed my tea in less than a minute, leaving the kitchen silently and going back to my bedroom. I closed the door behind me and banged my head on the frame.

I swore under my breath, punching the wall. What the FUCK was wrong with me? I didn't need Riley, for gods sake. I went through this last night.

[Phil's p.o.v]

I showed Riley how to edit videos. I let her re-do one of my old videos, the one with Walter that I did for Cadbury Wispa. She wasn't half bad, honestly. She made a few beginners mistakes, but she was probably better than half the people on YouTube.

After she had finished messing about on the laptop, I switched on the TV and flicked through all the horrible day-time TV shows that were designed for stay at home parents and little kids. I rested on a cooking show, with some old lady in an apron bending over a pot.

"Never knew you were the cooking show type, Phil." Riley joked, nudging me with her elbow.

"I'm a man full of surprises, Riley." I laughed back.

The show went on, and somehow we both ended up lying down, myself behind Riley. It's hard to explain how we were lying, but I'll try - I was behind her, my back against the couch. She was lying in front of me the same way. I had my arm rested on her waist and she had her other arm hanging off the end of the couch.

"This is a really bad show." Riley commented, reaching for the remote.

I nodded, but she didn't see me. She flicked through the channels, until she came across a channel playing the soccer from last night. Riley laughed and tossed the remote down, settling back.


"You're a soccer fan?" I asked.

"Yes! My dad and I used to watch it all the time together!" She exclaimed, leaning back into my chest.

I laughed, her head right in front of mine. We watched the soccer for about 15 minutes before I - managed to, at least - got off the couch and walked through to Dan's room. Riley was so engrossed in the game that she hardly noticed me leaving.

I knocked on the door. I swung open behind my touch and the first thing I noticed was the plaster on the floor to my left. My eyes trailed that direction and I saw a small hole in the wall, not big enough to go through to the other side, but still noticeable. My eyes snapped back to the bed, where Dan was sprawled again, much like the other day.

"Um.. Dan?" I said awkwardly into the silent room.

I heard a grunt from the general direction of his head, which was buried in a mess of pillows and sheets.

"Are.. Are you ok?"

Another grunt.

I took a tentative step into the room, towards Dan.

"You sure?"

"Leave me alone." Dan said.

Well, it sounded more like this -

"Lee mee aluhh." But close enough, anyway.

"No." I said simply, taking a few more steps in.

"Ugh." Dan's head shot up, turning to me slightly. His cheeks were red. "Why?"

"Did you punch the wall?" I said, gesturing behind me.

"It was a misunderstanding." He said, plopping his head back onto the bed.

"Sure." I scoffed. "Dan, is this about Riley?"

Dan laughed, almost hysterically.

"Riley. Why would this be about Riley? Oh, magical red headed Riley. Like a fucking ginger angel, huh?" He said quickly.

My jaw dropped.

"That was uncalled for, Dan."

"Was it? Get out, Phil."

I turned on my heel and left the room, slamming the door behind me. Dan was going mad. I'd almost had enough.

[ A/N : agh it's finally here. Chapter t.w.e.l.v.e.

Hey almost 2k as well :D coolies coolies. Hey do we want me to publish chapter 1 of the Harry styles fanfic i've been working on? Its pretty much been my means of procrastination while I was writing this.

And I have a good idea for the sequel to this. Maybe I should end this at chapter 20? We'll see.

Luh yah ex oh ex oh]

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