Chapter 4 - Gladly

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[Phil's p.o.v]

This Riley girl was driving me mad. All I wanted to do was talk to her, introduce myself and see what happened from there. It's not like I wanted to be her boyfriend or anything. I think.

I hadn't told Dan how I felt about her yet, because I thought he might make fun of me for 'pining' after her. I had told him about Ellie and Caspar, though. That got me a good 10 minute rant about how disgusting it was and how Dan had been right about her from the first minute, e.t.c, e.t.c. I had made sure my eyes were dry and it didn't look like I was crying not 5 minutes before.

I sat in front of my laptop, ready to log into my youtube account and check my subscribers. As I was about to press 'sign in', a banging came from my bedroom door.

"Yeah?" I called, looking towards the door.

Dan opened the door, peering in cautiously.

"Uh... Just wanted to make sure you were alright.."

I gave what I hoped was a confident smile.

"I'm right, thanks." I said.

Dan nodded, chewing his lip.

"It's just.. You seemed not all that suprised when you told me. Maybe suprised is the wrong word.."

"Dan," I said, smiling at his concerned tone. "I'm ok, you know? Was just a bit shocking. I'd like to just put it behind me now."

[Riley's p.o.v]

That was one of my worst shows ever. Really. It deserves an award or something. My singing was off tune, I broke a string before I went on stage and didn't have time to replace it. People booed me. I know this sounds prissy, but I'm really not used to booing.

I stomped up the stairs to my apartment, swinging my guitar case around carelessly. I unlocked my door, threw my keys down onto my table. I dumped the guitar and my bag down next to the kitchen counter.

As I went to grab a glass of water, a knock sounded at my door. I groaned and walked over. I was really not in the mood to deal with people.

"What?" I said, tearing the door open and sweeping my hair back.

"Sorry, is this a bad time?" A deep male voice said.

Looking up I saw it was my landlord, Jake Dennis. Jake was a few years older than me, with dark hair and green eyes. I had engaged in a few conversations with him, mostly about late rent and broken faucets, nothing extreme. He had asked me out for a drink once, but I refused.

"Oh. Sorry. What do I owe the pleasure to, Jake?"

"Uh, this isn't a happy visit, sorry Riley." Jake said, staring down at the ground. "I... How do I say this... You're rather overdue on your rent."

"Yeah," I said, shrugging. "What of it? I always am. Let me off again, no one notices."

"But someone has, Riley. Mind if I come in?"

I stepped back from the doorframe, gesturing into my loungeroom.

"Be my guest." I said in a monotone voice.

Jake and I were friends, I guess. But since I has refused to go out with him, he had been slightly icy towards me.

He settled down on the couch, looking around my small (and messy) apartment. I sat on a chair just to his right, folded my hands over my lap and looked at him expectantly.

"So," Jake said, scratching his head and squinting up at the ceiling. "I'm just gonna say it, because I don't fancy dancing around the subject. But I want you to know there's nothing I could or can do about it."

"What the hell are you on about, Dennis?" I said, leaning back into the chair.

Jake looked at me, his eyes grazing over my hair, my face, my body.

"I'm sorry, Riley." He handed me an envelope, and looked away.

I frowned at him, and slipped my finger into the fold of the envelope, dragging it across. I pulled the letter out, unfolded it. A big red stamp was across the top of the page. It read EVICTION NOTICE.

My hands started shaking, my head started spinning. I dropped it onto the coffee table and put my head in my hands. I felt Jake's hand on my shoulder.

"Jake. You knew I couldn't pay, you knew I don't have any money. Why couldn't you give me another chance?"

"Riley, I've given you too many chances already! This is my business. I couldn't let you just stay here, without paying. Even if I do have feelings for you, I can't do that."

"To hell with your business!" I said loudly, walking over to the kitchen. "What do I do now? Where do I go?"

Jake followed me to the kitchen, his hands clutched into fists.

"I don't know! But you can't stay here!" He shouted, running his hands through his hair. "You've gotta get out by Tuesday."

I slumped against the counter, rubbing my temples. Next thing I knew, Jake was leaning above me, his hands either side of me. I could feel his breath against my face.

"Or.. you could come stay with me. Until we work this out..."

"Jake," I said, placing my hand on his chest. "I would rather live on the streets and never perform again than move in with you."

I shoved him off of me and shook my head. Jake furrowed his eyebrows together and walked to the door.

"It's your loss. I just offered you a way out. Tuesday." He pulled the door open and walked out.



Packing my last shirt into my bag, I took a long look around what once was my apartment. It was hard to believe it was the same place. All the things that made it home, the posters, the couch, the coziness of it all was gone.

I swung my luggage bag holding my minimal possessions over my shoulder and my guitar over the other. I stood in my doorway. I heard Jake coming up the stairs behind me so I took it upon myself to slam the door as hard as I possibly could.

Maybe I under-estimate my strength.

"Jesus Christ, Riley!" Jake came running up to me. "I know you're mad, but don't tear the building down.."

"Get the hell out of my way, Dennis." I snarled, pushing past him and stomping down the stairs.

"Riley!" He called, racing down behind me.

I picked up the pace so I was outside and walking down past the building for the last time. I heard heavy footsteps running, and soon Jake's hand wrapped around my upper arm and pulled me to a halt. I crossed my arms and stared at the ground, listening as Jake caught his breath.

"Riley... I know... I know you don't want to forgive me and I know you aren't going to take me up on my offer," I scoffed. "....Yeah. But I like you, Riley, a lot. And if you can come up with the money for this last months rent in 2 or 3 weeks, maybe I can hold off anyone wanting to buy the apartment."

"You.. What?!" My eyes snapped back to Jake's hopeful face. "I do not want to live anywhere near you or your stinking deals, Jake."

"Jeez. Just an offer. You know what, Riley, I'm not happy with this situation either. I wanted to keep you here. But my father said no. I offered you a place with me. You would've been able to stay in this place. But, no, I don't want you anymore either. So get out of my face."

My face got hot and I wrenched my arm out of his grip. I turned on my heel and started to walk. All I could think of was Phil. I don't know why, but for some reason I knew I had to find him as soon as I got into town.

"Gladly." I called over my shoulder, turning the corner and walking to the train station.

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