Chapter 20 - My ________

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[ A/N : legit so sad this is ending, but i'll have a quick thingo after the chapter :)

i love you guys. you've been the best]

[Riley's p.o.v]

"Yeah, I miss you too, babe." I said quietly into the phone.

I was having my nightly check-in with Phil. Yeah, check-in. Right now he was in America, shooting his movie. I hadn't seen him in, maybe 4 months? You loose track of time after a while. We had Skyped a few times, but the time difference was tricky to get used to and whenever either of us tried calling we'd never get through.

It was hard, yeah.

On the other hand, I was getting closer and closer to Dan. We'd become really close, bonded over the sudden disappearance of Phil.

"I'll call you tomorrow, same time, ok Riley?" Phil's voice came loud and clear through the phone, making my heart feel like it was pressing up against my ribs, trying to burst out and spill all the feelings I wouldn't say out loud. The fact that he was so far away, yet his voice sounded like he might just be around the corner, right about to burst in my door, made it all crash down.

Maybe I was over-reacting. But, you've got to admit, you know you've got it bad when you start to relate to Taylor Swift songs.

"Phil?" I started to say, but a shout cut me off.

"Babe, I've got to go, they're shooting again. I love you, ok?" Phil said, his voice starting to break up and crackle.

"I love you, Phil, so much." I said, but the line had already gone dead. I stood for a while longer, the phone still pressed to my ear, even though nobody was there.

After I came to my senses, I tossed the phone down onto the table and sank down onto the couch. I had been doing my gigs every other night since Phil left, as a way to keep myself sane.

I know what you're thinking - but no, I'm not some overly obsessed girlfriend. But I had been no one before I met Phil, and now I was... Well, I was someone. People recognised me on the streets, after I had made a cameo in one of Phil's videos, where he introduced me as his girlfriend.

A knock at the door snapped me out of my momentary silence.

I walked over to it and wrenched it open. I didn't even have time to say "Hello" before the person who was there burst into the room and made a beeline for my laptop.

"Dan? You alright, over there?" I said, a bemused expression on my face.

"I need to check my emails, my internets' gone down.." He said frantically, his eyes scanning the screen in front of him.

"Well, sorry to burst your bubble, but I was just about to go out." I said. I needed to get out and get some air.

"I have keys, I'll lock up for you."

Oh, yeah. I had given Dan my set of spare spare (Phil had the first set) keys, not long after Phil had left for America, and believe me, he used them to his advantage.

I would have argued, but Dan's tone implied he wasn't about to let up, so I let out an exasperated sigh and walked to my bedroom, where I laced my feet into my converse. I was wearing the same jeans I was wearing on the night Phil got hit, and a black sweater on top.

I actually hadn't touched these jeans for a good 5 months after the accident. I had flung them into a far corner of the room and not given them a second glance. I soon came to my senses, though, and got over myself.

I pulled my old olive overcoat on and pulled a black beanie over my unruly hair. I threw a few necessities into my backpack (wallet, spare picks and gum) and picked up my guitar. Maybe I could do a bit of busking.

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