Chapter 19 - Auditions and Acceptions

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[ A/N : ffs guys so i take it you all want a sequel wowee

should I leave you a spoiler at le end? Maaaybe

oh btw thx for the 7k you guys are insane]


[Phil's p.o.v]

My arm had healed over the course of the past couple of months, leading to me going to the hospital and getting the cast taken off, finally. It was an odd experience, but pretty cool.

I learnt everything about my past life, from the last 7 years. Who I was friends with, what my personality was like, what I wore. When I logged into my twitter, it was flooded with tweets from my 'phillions', which was apparently what my fans called themselves. All of the tweets were really lovely, caring and concerned with a few creepy ones thrown in (Dan said to expect these).

I learnt to love everything as much as I obviously had before.

Riley and I were still going strong. It was a great feeling, where I loved her more every day. She was the first thing I thought of in the morning, the last thing I thought of at night. Last month she finally saved up for her own place, though, and left my place. She was still over here 80% of the time, though.

When we were alone, without Dan, we secretly made plans for when I was going to move in with her. I really wanted to, and I think she wanted me to as well.

That's where I was headed right now, actually. Her apartment was just a few minutes from ours.

I knocked on her door, and she promptly answered, a grin on her face.

"Phil!" She said happily, throwing herself at me and burying her head in my neck.

I laughed, wrapping my arms around her and half carrying, half pushing her back into the apartment. I closed the door behind me and instantly noticed the smell of something burning.

"Riley... Is something on fire?" I said tentatively, looking at her.

"Oh.. Wait.." Riley's eyes grew wide. "Shit!" She exclaimed, running through the small living room to the even smaller kitchen.

She bent over the oven, throwing a pair of oven mitts on and pulling out the smouldering remains of a cake, which had collapsed in and was bubbling.

"I got distracted by that damn laptop!" She said, throwing me a glowering look.

When Riley moved out I bought her a MacBook Air, brand new, as a house-warming present. She had never had a computer, so I figured it would be good because we could Skype and stuff, right? Nope. She constantly blamed me for buying it for her, because she said she wasn't getting anything done anymore. The power of the internet.

I took her by the waist and led her back out to the living room, where we sat side by side on the couch. We made meaningless small talk for a few minutes, until my phone rang. I took it from my pocket and frowned, an unknown number coming up on the screen.

"Who's that?" Riley asked, peering over my shoulder.

"Let's find out." I smiled, pressing the accept call button and raising the phone to my ear.

"Hello?" I said into the phone.

"Hello, this is Jessica from Rayne Acting Agencies. I'm just calling to let you know you were successful in your audition and our brother agency in America has informed us that Marvel would like you for their new Avengers movie! Congratulations!" A smooth voice said, all in one breath.

"Uh, I'm sorry, I don't recall auditioning for anything?" I said, looking to Riley, who frowned, her ear pressed up against the back of the phone in an attempt to eavesdrop.

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