Chapter 15 - You Have No Idea

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[ A/N : I don't know why I keep doing these authors notes its not like I have anything interesting to say.

Hmm enjoy the chapter ]

[Riley's p.o.v]

"Do you have a phone?" I said frantically to the woman next to me, taking deep breaths to keep calm.

"Yes, yes.." She said, handing me an iPhone which was already opened in the phone app. "I already called 999.. Do you know him?"

I nodded, kneeling down next to Phil clutching the phone. My free hand reached out to hold his, my entire body shaking.

"He's my boyfriend." I whispered, wiping my eyes with my wrist.

I dialed Dan's number, and raised it to my ear. He picked up on the third ring.

"Wassup Phil?" Dan slurred. Great. I get to deal with drunk Dan.

"Dan. Listen to me. Phil's hurt, he got hit by a car. An ambulance is coming soon. Can you meet us at the hospital or are you too drunk?" I rushed, my thumb rubbing small circles on the back of Phil's hand. He was still out cold.

"Phil wha-? Which hospital?"

"St Thomas'." I said, with a quick glance at the woman who had dialed 999.

"I'll be there soon, I'll get Pj to pick me up." Dan said quickly, suddenly sounding a lot more sober and hanging up.

I ended the call too, and passed it back to the woman.

"I'm Karen, love. Do you know what happened?" She said, kneeling beside me.

"Riley. I-I doubled back to help this old woman who fell...and Phil was halfway across the road already... He must've come back and gotten caught in the middle of the road.. Oh god, this is my fault!" I said, breaking down, the tears starting to silently fall down my face.

Karen rubbed my arm, in an attempt to comfort me.

"No, no, it's fine, love. Calm down."

I shook my hair out of my eyes, leaning down so my long hair shielded mine and Phil's faces. I could hear the sirens in the distance, getting closer.

"It's going to be fine, Phil.." A few of my tears dripped down onto Phil's bloody face. "I'm so, so sorry, it'll all be okay."


The rest of the evening was a blur. Dan and Pj met me at the hospital. I rode in the back of the ambulance, with Phil and the medic. Karen and a few other people tried to make me go in the front, but I refused to let Phil out of my sight.

They took Phil into surgery after diagnosing him with a lot of broken bones and a bad concussion. The doctors said he would be oht for a while, as they had to give him a lot of drugs to ease the pain. I sat in the waiting room, between Dan and Pj, with my head in my hands.

It was all my fault. How could I live with this? If I had just pulled Phil back with me, rather than letting him go on, we would both just be sitting at his flat right now, watching TV or something.

"He's never going to forgive me." I said, my voice muffled into my hands.

I heard a sigh from either side of me, as they tried to figure out how to react to what I had just said.

"It's not, Riley. It's fine." Pj said, rubbing my arm.

"No, it's all my fault, it's all my fault.."

"Riley, STOP. I get you're beating yourself up over this, but have you forgotten that my best friend is currently fighting for his life? So just stop making this about you!" Dan burst out, forcing himself up from his chair and walking to the exit.

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