adios, amigos

2.7K 101 15

oh. my. god.

i've done it. i've finished my first book (idk if fanfics count as books but oh well).

número uno -

could not have done it without my lovely people - @superwholock_5ever, @nainai19 and lotsa other people without wattpad - mostly for putting up with my and my excessive fangirling as well as giving me ideas when i ran dry of them. seriously thanks guys so much, super massive hugs.

número dos -

phil lester and dan howell and pj liguori and chris kendall and every other youtuber. oh. my. god. what would I even be doing without y'all? for one, I wouldn't be here c:

número tres -

you guys! if you've stuck with me since the start, or if you just picked up today, YOU have made this possible. by picking up whenever I made an update, by giving me your votes and comments, by letting me know that my work was being enjoyed. There is no better feeling, to me, than knowing that what I enjoy doing so much has been enjoyed by members of the public. You guys have gotten me from 0 to 8k, or whatever im on now. It means so so so much.

Oh, im getting a bit teary.

Here's the blurb for Flash, incase you missed it -

Phil and Riley are like everyone's dream couple - cute, young, happy and carefree.

But one thing all the 'Philey' shippers seem to forget it that Riley came from a very different backround to Phil; she isn't used to being the center of so many people's lives.

Sure, love is important, but even true love has to come to a hold sometimes.

I'll publish the prologue asap :)

Albums/songs that got me through this -

The 2nd Law - Muse

Memory Lane (album) - McFly

Red (album) - Taylor Swift

The Heist - Macklemore and Ryan Lewis

Boy You'll Forget (single) - Dave Days

Fuck up - Shane Dawson

This is Me (album) - Charlie McDonnell

Whatever (album) - Hot Chelle Rae

Lovesick Electric - Hot Chelle Rae

It's been a journey, guys. I'll never forget it.

But srsly you better read the sequel.


over and out

kit xxxxx

p.s. dont delete this out of your libraries just yet, ill post a small update when the sequel is up and going :)

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