Chapter 10 - The Coffee Fairy

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[A/N : I love you guys almost as much as I love Phil

[Riley's p.o.v]

I stirred in my sleep, my hands reaching out from under the duvet to touch the smooth wood of my guitar. Touching it always made me relax. When my hands felt nothing but cool air, I shot up, alarmed.

My heartbeat slowed again when my eyes adjusted to the mixture of dark and light leaking in through the window. I was in Phil and Dan's living room, lying on the couch with an assortment of mix-and-match blankets over my legs. I craned my neck around to see the clock hanging on the wall. 4 AM. I rubbed the sleep out of my eyes, running my fingers through my hair. We had all gone to our seperate beds about 2 hours ago, with me finally managing to convince Phil to let me take the couch.

I pushed the blankets down to my ankles, swinging my feet down to the side of the couch. I ran quickly but quietly over to the corner where I had dumped my guitar earlier. I tiptoed back over to the couch, and pulled the blankets back again to fight the biting cold. I pulled my legs in so I was sitting cross legged, and placed the curve of my guitar over my thigh.

I started to strum, a dull, repetitive sound which had no musical element, really, but was just a method to help me concentrate. I sat like that, my hands moving with mind of their own, for maybe 5 minutes. My mind was blissfully blank.

I heard the floor creak behind me, indicating that someone had come into the room. I smiled down to my blankets, stopping my hands strumming.

"Sorry, I couldn't sleep.." I said, half whispering, half talking normally.

I heard a familiar chuckle from behind me, then the footsteps padded to the space at the end of the couch. Phil sat down, his black hair shining even in the dim light.

"Me either. I heard you playing, figured you were awake too.."

I smiled at him. We sat in a comfortable silence for the next few minutes, just enjoying eachothers presence. I couldn't help thinking back to the first night I spent here, when Phil approached me and gave me that fleeting kiss. Even though it was so light that I could hardly feel it at the time, it felt like the further I got away from that night, the stronger the feeling got. What had been a slight tingle at first had now grown into a full blown shiver, which travelled down my spine whenever I thought about it.

"Phil.." I started, ready to bring up the topic which had been invading my mind for the past few hours.

"I know what you're going to say, Riley. And I agree. We shouldn't've left it, without talking for this long." Phil said, looking up at me, his eyes sparkling. " do I say this...I think you're a great girl. And I really like you. But I understand if you don't want to take this any further."

I smiled, rolling his words over in my head. But my thoughts screeched to a halt when his words truly processed. Was I ready to take it any further? I did like him. A lot. But I had never done anything like this, never been in a relationship, never had someone close to me. But, then again, everything in my life wasn't really normal anymore. Hell, I was currently living with two guys I hardly knew and one of them liked me.

"You know what, Phil?" I said slowly, raising my eyes to meet his. "I do want to take this further. I really...really do."

[Phil's p.o.v]

"I really...really do."

My head started spinning. Here she was, the girl of my dreams, saying she wanted to be involved with me. I grinned widely at her, and sidled over closer to her. I tentatively wrapped an arm around her waist. Riley tilted her head sideways and rested it on my right shoulder. Again, we sat in silence for 5 minutes, maybe more, just thinking to ourselves. Somewhere along the way, Riley's hand and found mine and they were desperately grasping at eachother, like they were subconsciously trying to make up for all the time that we both knew we should have been honest with eachother.

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