Chapter 5 - Red Hair and Olive Overcoats

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[Riley's p.o.v]

I took up 3 whole seats on the train going into town. One for me, and two for my bags and belongings. I could've easily taken another, but this old woman was giving me a dirty look so my guitar was currently being hugged to my chest, my chin resting on top.

I stared at the fast-passing scenery outside, contemplating my choices. I didn't have enough money to buy a new place, nor to stay in a decent enough hotel. I didn't have any friends in the city to live with, either.

I dug my wallet out of my backpack sitting next to me. I flipped it open, staring at the contents. I had a $15 gift voucher to Tescos, around $50 in cash and a credit card which I never used, because I constantly lived in fear of forgetting it was a credit card and digging myself into an increasing hole of debt.

I stuffed the wallet into my coat pocket and zipped my bag back up. I reached into the inside pocket and pulled out my small iPod Nano. I plugged my headphones in and turned up my playlist of one of my favourite lesser known artists, Alex Goot. He was a YouTube artist who mainly did covers of songs, like myself. Except I didn't have over $1000 in cameras, instruments and recording equipment.

Soon enough the train pulled into King's Cross, [A/N - i dont know if dan and phil live anywhere near there, its just the first station i thought of ^_^] and I gathered my belongings whilst the train stopped there for petrol, or something.

I got carried amongst the wave of people through the station to the exit. Once there, I stood outside and took a moment to gather my thoughts. For some reason, only there did it hit me, when I was standing alone in the freezing cold, with my feet covered in bags.

I had no idea what to do next.

Absolutely none. My wallet was almost bare, and I knew almost literally no one in London. I ran my fingers through my hair, screwing up my nose and looking down at my feet.

I stood there like that for 5 minutes before making up my mind. I had to get into the city and find somewhere to play for some quick cash. I remembered my Tescos card, and my stomach growled. Good thinking, stomach. First, food.

[Phil's p.o.v]

"DAN?" I called from my room out into the hall.

"Whaaaaat?" I heard him call back from his own room.

Around 50% of our conversation was this, calling to eachother from one room to the other.

"D'you know if we have any food?"

"I think there's some leftovers in the fridge, otherwise, no."

I glanced around my room. I got up and walked into the living room. My eyes fell on my wallet.

"I think I'm going to make a Tescos run. You need anything?" I called over my shoulder.

"Uh.. Get me some wine! I might need it for a video coming up."

I grinned, pulling on my coat and grabbing my wallet.

"Sure thing." I yelled, pulled the door closed behind me.


A 10 minute walk in the freezing cold later, I arrived at Tescos. I stepped into the bright, warm building, pausing for a second to savour the warmth.

I slowly walked around the outside of the supermarket first, grabbing something here and there and throwing it into my basket. I grabbed a cheap bottle of red wine from the liquor section and had turned to the exit when something caught my eye.

A flaming red head of hair, with a dirty olive-green overcoat and blue jeans on, bags covering her back. And the guitar case, of course. She was bending over a shelf of canned food, the type that lasts forever. She seemed like she was looking at all the prices. I was stood there watching until I remembered our previous conversation. I grinned to myself and walked up to her.


She looking up at me, her eyes growing a little wider when she saw me. Her beautiful green eyes, outlined in brown eyeliner.

Wow, don't know where that came from.

"Oh!" Riley stood up very quickly, her hands trying to simultaneously smooth her coat and her hair. "Um, Phil, right?"

"Yeah! You remember me?" I grinned at her.

"'Course!" Riley laughed, seemingly relieved for some reason.

"So.." I didn't want to ask for her number straight away, as I didn't want to come across that way. "What're you doing in town? I didn't realise you lived out here.."

"Yeah.." She shook her head slightly. "No, I actually just got evicted from my apartment, so I'm trying to find a place here.."

"Oh, sorry.." I said, not really knowing what to say.

She shrugged.

"It was always going to happen, I can just take on the baggage I s'pose."

"Hey," I said, the lightbulb in my head going on. "I mean, I know we hardly know eachother, but you can come stay at my apartment.. Y'know, I just hate to see you here without a place. I mean, unless you already have a place. But, just in case. You know, in case you don't. I have a roommate but he's not that bad. A bit sarcastic, but he's a good guy.."

Riley smiled a bit, looking slightly bemused at my awkward offer.

"Um.. That.. I mean, if you don't mind... That would actually be really lovely.."

"Yes! Of course! Well, let me just go buy this stuff.."

[Riley's p.o.v]

Phil's apartment was in a big block, full of what looked like other young adults with bright futures. You know the type, the ones at university, with rich parents and boyfriends.

"What's your roommates name then?" I asked Phil, peering around the place.

"Dan. Dan Howell. He actually just turned 22 the other day. Which reminds me, how old are you?"

"Just turned 24.. Yourself?"


We turned up at Phil's apartment, and he pushed the plastic grocery bag up his arm a little while he opened the door. He ushered me in and I stood in the hall rather awkwardly while he walked off, I'm assuming, to the kitchen to put away the groceries.

Another boy came down from the opposite end of the hall, with dark brown hair almost in the same style as Phil's, and brown eyes.

He stopped dead when he saw me, his eyes traveling from my bags to my face. His eyes rested on mine before he grinned and spoke.

"Jesus, he goes to the supermarket and manages to bring a girl back." He laughed. "You must really be mad at Ellie!" He called to the kitchen.

I narrowed my eyes at him, biting my lip. He was good-looking, but for some reason not as much as Phil.

Did I really just think that? God.

Phil's head appeared around the corner, his mouth in a wide grin.

"Don't stand there like a lost puppy, Riley, come in here."

I started to gather my bags, when the boy (who must've been Dan) laid his hand on my arm, nodded and took my guitar and several of my bags from me.

I gaped at his back walking down the hall. I shook my head again and grabbed my remaining bags, walking down the hall as well.

I put my bags behind the couch, then stood there once again awkwardly.

"Well. Riley, this is Dan. Dan, Riley. Dan, Riley's gonna be staying with us until she finds a place."

"Oh, no.. I couldn't stay that long, it might be ages until I find somewhere.."

"Shut up, it's fine by me so you can stay as long as you want." Dan interrupted, his eyes sparkling in the light.

I answered with a smile. I took a deep breath, and looked around the living room.

There you go. Not 2 hours ago I had been thinking about this guy, and now I'm staying with him until who knows when. Phil and I, maybe it really was just fate.

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