Chapter 13 - Easier Said Than Done

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[Dan's p.o.v]

I kind of stood in the middle of the pavement staring off into space for who knows how long. I needed to get out of that damn apartment so I grabbed my keys and yelled that I was taking a walk. Not that anyone cared. I felt invisible.

I only realised what I had been doing when someone bashed into my shoulder. Hard. I opened my mouth and turned my head to say something to the jerk, but before I could, they did.

"Dan! Didn't see you!" Pj said loudly, pushing back through a group of tourists.

He took off his headphones and clapped me on the shoulder, grinning. I gave him a weak smile in return, signalling for him to walk with me. We travelled down the street, talking.

"What're you doing here?" I asked him as we walked.

"Actually, I came to visit you two." Pj started. "Phil texted and said you were acting weird? What's up?"

"Did he?" I said through gritted teeth, shaking my head.

"Yeah, he also said it may be something to do with this new girlfriend he's got."

Pj and I slumped down onto a bench on the side of the road, in the sunlight. I raised my hand up to my eyebrow, shading my face from the harsh light. Despite the bright sunlight, the air was still crisp and I hugged my jacket closer to me.

"I don't even know if it's about her, Peej.."

Over the next 5 minutes I explained the whole situation to Pj. He sat silently, with his head tilted up towards to sun, listening. He nodded here and there. We got interrupted a few times by excitable looking girls asking for pictures, but otherwise we were left alone. When I finished, Pj opened his mouth a couple of times, like he was going to say something but decide better of it.

"Honestly.." He said, squinting at me. "Just tell Phil how you feel. It'll make it all better, Dan. You said you feel like Phil's going to get too caught up by this girl then get his heart broken? Tell him exactly what you told me."

I slumped back into my seat, scanning the street in front of me.

"Easier said than done."


Pj and I walked around town for the rest of the afternoon, talking about Phil, about Riley, about me. We had a few laughs. It was refreshing to have someone who didn't know Riley, someone who hadn't seen her eyes. Someone who wasn't completely enraptured by her.

After we both went our seperate ways, I stopped at Tescos. I was trying to put off the time before I had to go face Phil. I had promised Pj I would confront him. I entered the store, and walked slowly through the aisles. One Direction was playing over the loudspeakers.

I picked out a can of Coke which I really didn't want. I went up to the checkout girl and handed it over, digging in my pockets for coins. I gave her £1.22, resulting in a flirtatious smile from her. I didn't return it. I grabbed the can from the counter and walked back out onto the street.

I opened the top with a click and chugged the cold, sweet liquid. I finished half the can in one go, and wiped my mouth with a shaking arm. I shook my head to fight off the sugar rush that I could feel coming on, and walked in the direction of our apartment.


I stood outside the door, the empty can crushed in my hand. I fiddled with the key in my pocket, bouncing on the balls of my feet. My heart was racing from the sugar.

I unlocked the door and walked in, tossing the key on the table and walking through to the kitchen to toss my can in the bin. Phil was hunched over his laptop on the couch, scrolling his Tumblr feed.

"Hi." He said in a bored voice, not making any effort to move.

"Hi." I forced back. "Where's Riley?"

"She went to a gig." Phil said in the same bored tone.

I hummed, sitting myself down next to him. He did a little shuffle away when I did, still staring intently at then screen. I tapped my fingers on the edge of the couch. Neither of us said anything.

"Phil, I know you're annoyed at me, but let me explain something." I started, taking a deep breath. "I honestly like Riley. I was being stupid last night, stupid and hormonal or something, but I honestly like her. Not in that way, though. I'm... I'm just worried you'll get too caught up in her, I mean even you've seen how long it's been since you put a video up." Phil shot me a dirty look which made me recoil a bit. "No.. I'm just saying I'm worried you'll get caught up in her, and forget all about YouTube and your fans and.. And me. And then I'm worried you'll go off and get your heart broken.."


"Dan, I'm not that stupid." He said.

"I'm not saying that, it's just, people do crazy things when they're in love, and I don't want you to." I said helplessly.

"I can handle myself." Phil said coldly, slamming his laptop closed.

"Phil, I was just trying to help."

"I bet. Dan, I get it, you liked Riley, but she chose, ok? She chose me. It's over. Stop being childish, ok?"

I gaped at him. Honestly. He grabbed his laptop and left the room quickly, probably to go to his. I fell back onto the couch, feeling the burst of sugar mixed with adrenaline I had felt previously die away.

I sighed deeply, looking around the room. I grabbed my phone and sent a quick text to Pj.

From : Dan

Didnt work. He kind of blew up :/

I tossed the phone to the side and put my legs up on the couch. I stretched out and pulled the cushion behind me over my head. Pretty soon I fell asleep, tired from the events of the day. God knows I probably needed a sleep. Some sleep and an axe. That'd be good.


i haven't done Riley's POV in a while. Oop.

goddamn mcfly stop distracting me

ok hope you had fun kiddles.

shout out to @MandTDFan for the fantastic foursome idea even though I only used Pj because im a lazy bum]

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