Chapter 18 - Love at First Sight x2

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[A/N : this chappie takes place a few weeks in the future from the last one :)


[Riley's p.o.v]

"Are you ready?" I said, grabbing Phil's cast-free arm, ready to hoist him up.

"Yeah, get me out of this place." He said, gritting his teeth and swinging his legs off the side of the bed.

Today was the day that Phil would be allowed to come home. He was like a little kid, so excited to be leaving. He hadn't talked of anything else the day before, he just asked and asked and asked. He asked what the apartment looked like, what his bedroom was like, what movies they had, everything. He even asked where I slept.

I helped Phil off the bed and into the wheelchair. Once he had settled in, he looked up at me with sparkling eyes and grinned.

"Let's go, let's go, let's go!" He whined, tapping the side of the wheel impatiently.

"Hang on, we have to get your stuff together.." I said, looking around and pulling my bag further up on my shoulder.

I walked around the room, gathering the few of Phil's possesions which Dan had brought from the apartment in an attempt to boost his memory. I picked up the small lion toy from the bedside table and smiled at it, before tucking it safely in my bag. I turned on my heel and gave Phil a smile.

"Ok, let's go!" I laughed, gripping the handles on the back of the chair and steering him down the hallway.

We arrived at the front desk after a short journey through the hospital.

"Philip Micheal Lester." Phil said, leaning forward eagerly. "Checking out."

"Mmhmm.." The girl behind the desk popped her gum, typing Phil's name into the computer. "You're free to go."


"God, I missed air." Phil said, a blissful look on his face as we walked (or rather, I walked and he wheeled) down the pavement.

"I bet. You were cooped up in there for a while." I said, swinging my arms as I walked.

"Yeah." He tilted his head back, letting the sunlight wash over his face. "Having you and Dan there helped pass the time though."

I blushed slightly, looking down at my feet, so my hair covered my face.

"Hey, can you push me? My arms are getting tired."

I pushed Phil the rest of the way to the apartment, explaining to him the way to get there as we went. We made meaningless small talk, but most of the trip was spent in silence. I could sense how badly Phil just wanted to sit and take it all in, how badly he wanted to get to know everything all over again.

I pushed the wheelchair into the lift at the apartment block, pushing the button for the 4th floor. The elevator made a loud ding as the doors closed and it started ascending.

"Phil, calm down! I can practically hear you screaming!" I said, placing a hand on Phil's shoulder.

"I can't! I just... I don't know, it's like I've been waiting for this my whole life, y'know?"

"No, Phil, I don't know. It's just an apartment!" I said, rubbing his shoulder as the elevator dinged again and the metal doors slid open.

I felt Phil tense under my touch, and I wheeled him down towards the door with my spare hand. I leant over him and knocked on the door.

"Phil!" Dan beamed, opening the door wide. "Welcome home, mate!"

"Thanks! Wow, it looks alright!" He said brightly, peering in through the doorframe.

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