Chapter 16 - Don't Fight It

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[ A/N : i'm meant to be doing english work but pfft i have a computer who expected me to? E N J O Y]

[Dan's p.o.v]

"Hey, Phil!" I said, as brightly as I could as I stepped into the clean room, where Phil lay on the bed, his right arm and left leg bandaged.

Phil replied by narrowing his eyes, looking me over carefully and then averting his attention to Riley.

"Do you remember us?" Riley asked tentatively, trying (unsuccessfully) to hide the shake in her voice.

"Should I?" Phil asked, raising an eyebrow. "I've heard I've lost like 7 years of my life, so that's great, huh?" He added, in a very un-Phil way.

I swallowed hard. Well, here was a chance to start again. Anything stupid I might've regretted saying, has been erased. A clean slate to start on. I bit my lip, knowing I was kidding myself. Phil would probably never be the same. What if he didn't take to me? What if I lose my best friend?

"I-I'm Dan. We... We're best friends." I said, in a small voice.

Phil looked back to me, giving me a sceptical look.

"Right. You look ok, I can probably get on with you." He said dismissively, scanning his eyes back over me. "And you?" He added, looking to Riley. "You're pretty cute, who're you?"

I could tell the 'who're you' part hurt Riley, those small words. She and Phil had been almost perfect for eachother, as much as I hate to admit it. They had clicked instantly, but now she faced the same problem as me. She'd have to start again, re-create all those seemingly perfect memories, which might not be perfect second time round.

"I'm your girlfriend. We just started going out. You... You said you loved me." She said, raising an arm to wipe away a tear.

"Hmm." Phil hummed, fiddling with his bandages. "Well, take a seat. We have to get to know eachother, I suppose." He sounded thoroughly bored at the idea.

My eyes narrowed, and right on cue, Riley piped up.

"I'm just going to go to the bathroom, I'll be back in a few minutes." She walked away, shielding her face, giving me the suspicion she was crying. Phil watched her go, a smirk on his face.

"Phil, stop being such a douche." I burst out, throwing myself into a seat next to the bed.

"Excuse me?"

"Well, stop being so insensitive. Riley took this really hard, even harder than me, she was with you when this happened. You can at least pretend like you remember how you feel about her."

"And how exactly do I feel about her?" He asked, sounding genuinely curious.

"You-You think she's amazing. You think she's the most beautiful person you've ever seen, that she's perfect for you. You said to me once that she's everything you've ever wanted." I said, avoiding his eyes.

"Right.." Phil nodded, thinking. "And does she feel like that about me as well?"

"As far as I can tell.." I said, my mind thinking back to all those nights when Phil and Riley came back into the apartment at all hours of the night, careless and happy.

[Riley's p.o.v]

I emerged from the bathroom stall and leant on the sink, the smooth surface feeling cool against my skin. I was a mess. My eyes were bloodshot, and my nose was all red. I don't know why I was so emotional. Just something about the fact that Phil and I had just really started. We both knew our feelings for eachother, and who knew what came next? Well, what would've come next.

The gold chain glinted in the harsh light of the bathroom, making me squint. I picked up the metal circle, rubbing my thumb over the engraving. How was it possible that not even a day ago we had shared this moment, this moment which was so romantic and touching, but now he coulnd't even recognise me when I walked into the room?

I dropped the chain and tucked it back under my shirt. I gave myself one last look in the mirror, wiped my eyes and left the bathroom.

When I entered Phil's room again, Dan was sitting in the armchair on one side of Phil's bed, leaning on his arm. Phil was lying back, staring at the roof.

"Hi, what've I missed?" I said, giving them both a weak smile and sitting in the remaining chair.

"Not much, nothing exciting at least." Dan spoke, stretching in his chair.

"Yeah." Phil said, in a flat tone.

I nodded, biting my lip. We all sat in an awkward silence, none of us wanting to say or bring anything up. I think Dan and I were both scared of saying the wrong thing.

"Uh," Dan tapped the side of the chair, standing up and walking over to the door. "I'll let you two get on with it, by yourselves.." He gave me one last look of encouragement, then left.

"How long've we been going out?" Phil asked, as soon as Dan had shut the door.

"A... A week or so. But we had feelings for eachother long before that, we just didn't say.." My voice became progressively smaller, until it trailed off into nothing.

"Right. I actually am sorry, you know." Phil started, his head rolling over and his familiar blue eyes locking on mine. "This must be hard for you two, and from what Dan said, we were pretty... Uh, in love."

I nodded, not trusting myself to speak. But I couldn't help, and a single tear slipped down my cheek, followed by another, until I was gulping for air, and my eyes were streaming. I tried to awkwardly cover my face with my hands, in shame more than anything. I had promised I wouldn't do this. If I were to get Phil back, one way I could do it was by being strong. Not by becoming a pile of blubbering mush every time I saw him. But the one thing I definitely wasn't prepared for, was feeling a warm hand on my forearm, gently tugging my hand away from my face.

"It's ok. Let it out." Phil said softly, his eyes still locked on mine. "It's ok. Don't fight it." He took my other arm as well, brushing a lock of my hair from my face as he did so.

Somehow, I found the strength I needed in his eyes. We sat, our faces growing increasingly closer as he whispered comforting words. Soon our noses bumped together, our lips met and we shared another blissful moment. As we broke apart, Phil cracked a smile at me. A beautiful smile, the one I knew so well. Our hands stayed clasped together, almost desperately.

"You.. You gave me this last night.. Before you got hit.." I said quietly, my free hand reaching up and bringing the chain out from under my shirt.

Phil's hand took the small charm, bringing it (and my head) close to his face, in order to read it.

"I'm almost glad about this, you know." He said, releasing me and sinking back into his pillows.

"What? Why?" I said, cocking my head to the side and raising my eyebrows.

"It means I get to live all this stuff again. You seem like a great girl. I mean, we definitely have something here. I can't wait."

[ A/N : well herrow there! Updates updates updates


tomorrow, I shall make a lemon meringue pie to celebrate. Yes.


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