Chapter 3 - It Must Just Be Fate?

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[A/N : bit short and a lot of dialogue :) enjoy!!! xx]

[Phil's p.o.v]

"Ellie?! What-" I started, struggling to comprehend what was going on before me.

Ellie swept her brown hair back, rolling her eyes. The guy she was in bed with, the guy with the messy blonde hair had put his arm over his face, blocking it from my view.

Any other guy would have gone and punched this guy, really beaten him up. Fortunately, I'm not really that kind of person, and honestly any of that sort of business is unspoken of with me.

"Look, Phil, we're hardly a match, ok? We don't GO together." Ellie spoke, licking her lips.

"Well why didn't you just tell me that, rather than doing this behind my back?!" I gaped at her.

The guy beside her dropped his arm. I knew this guy. He was a youtuber. I didn't know him personally all that well, but I still knew him. A new-comer to London.

Caspar Lee.

"Look, Phil, I didn't know it was you.. I knew she had a boyfriend but... erm... I didn't know it was you..."

I backed slowly out of the room, and out into the cold street. As I was walking quickly back home, I wiped away the tears that spilt down my face, but my attempts at looking happy faltered. The tears dripped off the end of my nose, onto my bare hand which I still had clasped to my face.

[Riley's p.o.v]

I woke up from my nap, looking groggily at the alarm clock. 8pm. I slept for a LONG time. A reminder made my phone vibrate loudly on my bedside table. I squinted my eyes against the brightness and opened the calender app.

"Craaap.." I groaned. I had completely forgotten that I had a gig, in less than an hour, all the way across town.

I leapt out of bed and took a quick 2 minute shower. I tied my hair back into a messy ponytail and applied some mascara onto my otherwise pale eyelashes. The woes of being a ginger, I guess.

I threw on my usual gig attire, consisting of dark blue skinny jeans and a white and black spotted collared shirt, sleeves rolled up. I slipped my converse onto my feet, lacing them up tightly and letting the worn shoelaces droop over the sides of my feet.

I slung my backpack over my right shoulder and my guitar case over my left. I grabbed my Oyster card and ran out of my apartment block, down to the station and boarded a train going across town. I sank into a seat near the window and sighed.


About 15 minutes later, the train pulled into the station and I got off, tapped my card and walked briskly down the road to the pub where I was playing. I could see up ahead that the street was bright and busy. I narrowed my eyes. This wouldn't do. I scanned the street and ducked down a dark little side street. I took my time walking down little alleys, weaving around houses until I found myself right outside the back door of the pub.

I was about to walk in when I heard a sniffle come from the alley which I had just exited from. A tall figure emerged from the darkness. Not only that, but a tall figure with black hair and blue eyes. I looked frantically about for a place to hide. I ducked into the shadows beside the pub and waited for him to pass.

But he didn't. He just stood there, leaning against the fence. I squinted, and saw that he was....crying! I stared a minute longer before I was distracted by my phone making a loud DING in my pocket.

I cursed, and the man stood up, looking confused.

"Who's there?" He called, in a hoarse voice.

I decided to bide my time, not give myself up too easily.

"More to the point, who are you?" I asked, my voice more confident than I actually was.

"I... I'm Phil. Phil Lester." He said. "Your turn."

"Phil, if I tell you my name, you'd know instantly who I am. Unlike me with you."

"What? Dan, is that you? ...Or Chris?"

I took a deep breath and sidled out of the shadow, the harsh street light illuminating my hair.

"Oh!" Phil said, visibly more relaxed, but his face still streaked with tears. "It's just you.."

I didn't say anything, but took a few tentative steps towards him.

"You're... You're crying.." I whispered. "Why?"

"Long story.." He said. "Um... Are you playing here tonight?"

I nodded, still taking slow steps towards him. I was soon close enough that if I wanted to, I could reach out and caress his face.

..Not that I wanted to..

"Are you following me?" I whispered.

Phil shook his head, his eyes watching mine.

"It... It must just be fate?" He said, more like a question than a statement.

I blinked at him a few times, before turning and striding back to where I had left my guitar and backpack. I had just climbed one step to the door of the pub before I heard his voice call out again.

"Riley? Can I... Uh, can I have your number?"

I turned and gave him a half smile.

"We meet again, and I'll give it to you."

And with that, I walked into the pub and became distant again.

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