Chapter 2

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A day earlier...

"Today is Ace and Nora's wedding," my father said as I stared intently at the TV.
"I know," I answered briefly.
"You should go there... She would be happy. Besides, you hardly go out and your only hobby is watching this series," Dad said as he stared at the TV annoyed.
"Yeah... I watch it because of the exciting plot," I lied to which he laughed.
"The plot is the handsome cop, huh?" He asked to which I laughed.
"It's interesting Dad," I said laughing, definitely surprised that Dad noticed.
"What a name The Rookie is for a series," he stated as he sipped his coffee.
"Dad..." I started laughing to which he shook his head.
"I have to say, though, that Tim looks a hell of a lot like Doc," Dad said, making my eyes shoot open.
I turned off the TV and turned to him.

"I'll go to the wedding if you stop making fun of my show," I said, to which he raised his hands and laughed.
"Deal," he answered briefly.
"I'm going to need a dress... Can you take care of Piper?" I asked him and he grinned at me.
"Piper... Come on, darling, Grandpa orders us a pizza and we'll eat ice cream while your mother isn't there," he said, laughing to which I shook my head.
My daughter's little footsteps could be heard as she ran down the stairs cheering.
"And juice!" she shouted as she rushed past me and accompanied father into the garden.
I had to laugh when I saw the two of them romping around in the garden.
Dad loved Piper so much it filled my heart.

When I gave birth to her 6 years ago I thought he would be angry. But he was my biggest support from day one.
In contrast to Piper's father, who turned his back on me when I found out about the pregnancy, Dad was always there for me.
Maybe his conscience was bothering him about my terrible childhood... But it wasn't his fault.

"I won't stay long," I shouted as I took my car keys and left the house.

Me and Piper had been living with Dad for years. He had been alone for many years and when I needed help he offered it to me. No questions asked... no accusations.
The plan was to find work so that Piper and I could rent an apartment, but since I got here... I stayed.
My greatest wish has always been to help people who, like me, once experienced bad things.
I was a Prodigy child and could write and read at the age of 5, finishing school was a small thing for me and when I finished psychology, my father was the proudest man in the world.
The fact that I would follow in his footsteps filled his heart with pride and he was thrilled to take me in.
He taught me a lot, and to be honest when he retired it was more to be with Piper and give me his space than he really wanted.
My search for a dress seemed magical, no matter which one I tried, none seemed good enough.
They'll have something in Irvine that covers my breasts normally and doesn't make me look like a porn star.
I probably inherited my ample chest from my mom, just like the butt I had. I was actually happy with my figure, even though I had a fairly large chest and hips, my waist was very narrow. An hourglass figure, that's what mom called it.

I took a deep breath as I remembered her and quickly pushed the thought away.
My parents divorced when I was little and she got custody. Unfortunately...
"What do you think about this dress?" the saleswoman asked as she showed me a dark blue long dress which was very pretty.
I smiled at her and nodded, maybe it would fit me and I could wear it.
When I looked at myself in the mirror, the woman clapped happily.

"Oh, they look fantastic Miss," she said. "Your husband will be amazed," she added.

Husband... yeah that's something I haven't had. Not even a boyfriend for years... But maybe Doc won't see me as his shrink when I arrive like this.
"I'll take it," I said to her with a grin as she nodded happily.

I couldn't help but smile as I thought of Doc. When Dad noticed that I was watching a show where someone looked like him, I was extremely embarrassed. As a psychologist, I always had to keep my relationships with my patients strictly professional, and I didn't want to disappoint Dad.

Dear Doc ( MC No limits Book 4)Where stories live. Discover now