Chapter 24

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The way he held me in his arms without saying anything was more powerful than any words he could have said. He hugged me close, his arms tight around my body, and his face resting on my shoulder as he took a deep breath. We stood like that, just holding each other, and for a while, it all seemed to heal.

Ryan took my face in his palms and looked into my eyes.
"It's over," he said quietly.
"You're fine," I whispered, to which he smiled.
"I'm fine, baby," he said before kissing my lips. He didn't hold back his emotions, even from his brothers, and I certainly won't hold back mine anymore.

The boys started whistling as he picked me up, my legs dangling in the air before I wrapped them around his waist, pulling me closer to him.
"Yeah, knock yourself out, Doc...we'll clean up here," I heard Duke complain, and we both laughed into the kiss.

"Oh, give them a break," Ace said as Dylan shook his head, laughing.
"As if we don't want a break," Masters said, and Duke nodded in agreement.
"Well then, you have each other...knock yourself out, boys," King said, to which everyone laughed.

Lilly helped Doc treat the wounded; she had been assisting the Coyotes' doctor for years, and Doc seemed thrilled with her skills. After a while, they had treated everyone, and Pete came out of the house, accompanied by Bane who helped him.

"You should get out of here before I call the police," Pete said to the soldiers, who agreed with him. "What are you going to tell them?" King asked him.
"This is private property...they broke in...attacked us. We were just defending ourselves," Pete said, laughing.
"It's not a lie," King replied.
" want to be here? Or are you leaving," Bane added, to which King shook his head. "Better we're not here," he said, smiling.
"You take your stuff and go...I'll call them now," Pete said as he shook King's hand.
"Thanks, Pete," King replied.

We said goodbye to the coyotes, and Lilly held me as I bid her farewell last.
"Take care of yourself, Lilly," I said to her quietly.
"I'm doing my best," she replied.
When we parted, she looked to the side, and her face beamed.

"Remy," she called as I saw Gears lead the dog towards her. "Thank you, Gears," she said as she knelt down to hug the puppy. Gears just nodded and ran after the boys who were already ready to leave.

"We have to get Piper," I said to Doc as he came to me after thanking everyone.
"I have to change for a moment," he replied as he looked down at himself, and I nodded. As sexy as he was in that uniform, it was just too much for Piper to see him like that. He was very sensitive and always thought about her and her feelings.

"It's better if we don't all show up...Emily and I need some time to explain everything to Piper," he said to King as we stood by the cars.
"You're right...we're flying home. You can stay here...I'm sure Pete won't mind. You'll find your way home on your own," King replied, laughing.
"Thanks, King," I said, to which he nodded.
"You are family now, Doc," he said proudly. "And we are there for our family."

"Do you mind if I stay here too?" Duke asked sweetly.
"Yeah...get your ass in the truck," King said, to which Duke laughed loudly.
Rzan stood at the cars and talked to his SEAL brothers as they shook hands and hugged each other.
"Don't forget to send me an invitation to the wedding," one of the boys shouted, and Ryan laughed.

As Pete's people drove them to the airport, they honked, and everyone waved after them.
"Shall we get Piper?" Ryan asked me.
"But she can't come here yet," I said as I turned towards the Coyotes' compound. There were battle scars everywhere, and blood could be seen. Covered bodies of the fallen men that Dominik brought here to murder me...and Dominik her own father.

Dear Doc ( MC No limits Book 4)Where stories live. Discover now