Chapter 11

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I let out a grumbling groan when I woke up. My bed was empty when I turned to my left and looked around the room searching for Emily. She must have already left because of Piper. "Emily?" I called out, hoping she is still here, but she didn't answer. My eyes went to the clock on the bedside table, and I saw it was almost 10 am. Yeah, she is already up. I don't remember the last time I slept for so long. Or slept at all like this. I didn't have any nightmares... I think I didn't dream at all.

After I stretched and came to, I looked at the place where Emily was lying next to me the night before. My lips pulled into a smile as I thought about it, and I took a deep breath. In the shower, I practiced what I'm going to say to her... I can't let her go. I am going to tell her everything. I love her, and she needs to know that. If she wants me, I am more than willing to make her my Old Lady and take care of Piper. She will become my little Old Princess. Whatever she decides is better than me keeping it a secret anymore and regretting it for the rest of my life.

I left my house and walked up the street to the safe house, smiling. As I walked past Storm's tattoo studio, Josie was sitting in front of him, and he was tattooing her back. I wonder where Emily might have her Old Lady tattoo. Gears looked up at me from the car he was continuing to repair and stopped for a moment. I was in a hurry, so I just greeted him and continued on my path. King was sitting on the bar stairs with Ivy, Ace, and Nora, and everyone stopped talking when they saw me. Nora seemed to be crying, and Ace was holding her in his arms. She's probably not feeling well today. Maybe Emily can talk to her later. Since she is here, she didn't talk to anyone. Maybe Nora needs it more than the others.

Before I could take care of anything, I had to talk to Emily first. I needed to be honest with her and talk openly. That was the most important thing right now. I took a deep breath as I stood in front of the door and prepared my words. I knocked on the safe house door and waited. Knocking again didn't help, and when I heard King calling my name, I turned to him. The four came in my direction, Nora sobbing even more than before. I looked from one to the other in confusion as they stood in front of me.

"She's gone," King said tensely.
"Who's gone?" I asked, confused. He looked from me to Ivy, who was looking at me even more confused than he was.

"Emily... Doc Emily and Piper are gone," Ivy said to me.
I shook my head, thinking it was a bad joke or some kind of prank. My loud laugh disappeared when I saw their serious expressions. I didn't wait a second before I went into the house and walked through the rooms. I called out to Emily and Piper, but no answer. Panic spread through me as I ran up the stairs and rushed from one room to the next. Empty... everything empty. Nothing was there that could possibly indicate they were living there.

"Emily!" I called out again before King stopped me from continuing the search.
"She left tonight, Doc," he said, to which I shook my head in disbelief.
"No! ...Emily!" I called out again, whereupon Ace stood in front of me, and I looked at him. "This is a joke... Tell me it's a joke," I said to him with doubt in my voice.

"Nobody knew, Doc... we didn't know," he said to me in a comforting way.
"You are not serious... this is a joke, isn't it?" I asked him, desperate.
He shook his head, and I slammed my fist into the wall and screamed out all my frustration. Nora seemed to cry even more because of my behavior, and King pulled me into one of the rooms. "Doc..." he started before I looked at him angrily.

"She wanted it that way," he said, to which I narrowed my eyebrows.
"What?" I asked him.
"Tom called us today at 9. Only he knew. He told me just that Duke is off for 3 days taking care of things... She wanted it that way. I'm sorry," Ivy said to me as I turned my back to them and put my face in my hands.
"Where is she?" I asked, to which I received no answer.
"Where is she?" I yelled, raising my voice as I turned to King.

"We don't know... the only one who always knows is Duke... You know how it works, Doc," King explained, to which I nodded and pulled out my phone.
"Hello, you filthy animal...I'm unavailable...which means I'm just about to make a woman very happy...But if you really want to say something, knock yourself out after the beep," I heard Duke's voice lead me to his voicemail.
"Call me immediately" is all I said and hung up.
"Duke left something for you," Nora said, sobbing. I looked at her and studied her upset face. Ace shot me a look to warn me not to upset his wife any more, and I took a deep breath.
"What is it, Nora?" I asked quietly and she handed me a book.
I looked from her to the book and exhaled even deeper.
"A book?" I asked her, to which she nodded.
"He left it in the living room...there was a note that said for Doc," she added.
I looked from her to Ace, who was looking at the book questioningly, and then to me.
"A book," he said, to which Ivy snorted and took it.
I didn't have time for Duke's shit. Is he making fun of me now?
If she decided to leave early, then he must have had everything ready... He had everything ready and knew she was leaving, and he was accompanying her. The wanker won't use his phone until everything is sorted out and he can go home.
That's why she was with me yesterday. She knew and didn't tell me anything.
My anger seemed to take over as I realized everything, and I was about to lose my cool until Ivy turned to me.
"You should take it," she said seriously as she closed it and handed it to me.
I looked from her to the book and took it, literally snatching it out of her hand.
When I opened it, I read a few lines.
This is Emily's handwriting... I furrowed my eyebrows and turned half the pages until my eyes met words that made me freeze.
Dear Doc...

I looked up from the book at Ivy, and she looked at me sadly. I sat on the bed that was in the room and stared at the book.
"What the fuck is that?" King asked.
"We should go," Ivy said to him as I stared ahead.
"Doc?" He asked me, confused, and I looked up at him.
"I'm good..." I replied sadly.
"You know we don't know where she is, and Duke won't tell you," he added.
"He will," I answered him.
"Doc, she is.." he started before I looked up at him angrily and he stopped.
"She's my girl, King. He took my girl away," I said, to which he looked at Ace, who smiled at me.
"I knew it! I knew it," Ivy said, to which King looked at her even more confused.
"What?" He asked as he looked from her to Ace, and Nora started to smile, wiping her tears.
"He'll be in touch," Ace said, to which I nodded.
"What?" King asked again, to which Ivy shook her head.
"Doc and Emily are a thing," she said to him, and he looked at me, confused.
"What!? Since when? I didn't know you were in love with her," he said as he looked at me.
"Oh come on, King... Dr. Owen is so smart... Dr. Owen is the best I know... she's so sensitive... she's something very special..." Ivy reminded him of my words I always said about her.
"She doesn't like the color pink... she's allergic to nuts... the way she smiles is comforting... and he knows what she's doing whenever she's free," Ace added.
"That's so romantic," Nora said as I looked from Ace to her.

King looked from me to them and ran his hand over his face.
"Why the hell didn't you say anything?" he asked me.
"Because I didn't know if it was mutual until last night," I told him, to which Ivy tilted her head to the side and looked at me.
"Oh... she came to fuck you before she leaves," she said as King looked from her to me.
I looked at the book again and took a deep breath.
"I need to know where they are," I said to King, who was staring at me.
Just as he was about to say something, Ivy put her hand on his arm, and he looked at her. Whatever the two of them had got through to him in a way that no one else could, and he let out a breath and looked at me again.
"We have to wait until Duke gets in touch... You know how it goes... 3 days for sure, Doc. But she is still not an Ol Lady. She needs to accept it, Doc. I'm sorry," he said to me, to which I nodded. Three fucking days.
"In three days, she will... She has to. She is my Ol Lady, I love her for more than two years. If she declines it, I won't make a problem. I promise," I replied to him in a stern voice.
King nodded, shaking his head as he left the room, followed by a grinning Ivy. Ace took his wife in his arms and gave me a nod.
"We will wait... All of us," he said to me as I sat there mourning her leaving.

I went back to my house, ignoring everything around me, and sat on the floor next to my bed. The images from last night jumped into my mind, and I let my face fall into my hands as I started to cry. The sob I held all the time felt like a knife cutting my heart into pieces, and I shook heavily, overwhelmed with sadness.
She's gone, and I'm alone... I've lost her. If she doesn't want it, I will never ever see her again.
I don't know how long I sat there like that before my eyes fell on the book. Duke didn't leave it for me without a reason.

Dear Doc ( MC No limits Book 4)Where stories live. Discover now