Chapter 23

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"If something goes wrong, we'll retreat to the clubhouse," said the Coyote, who was with us.
King picked up his phone and tapped on it as we looked around. After a few seconds, he got a message and looked at me.
"Duke, listen to me...Gears is in the basement of the clubhouse...the back door is open, he doesn't know if anyone is there...but the ol' ladies and kids are behind a closet with him," he said on the radio.
"A closet?" Duke asked, confused.
"That's what he wrote," King said
. "I hope the closet leads to fucking  Narnia," I heard Duke reply.

"Got eyes on the target," we heard Finn say.
"How many?" King asked.
"Seven men...They're holding the Coyote president in the clubhouse. He seems injured," Finn said, briefly.
"Gears said 15 men...where are the rest?" King asked me.
"We have to distract them while Duke saves the women and children," I said to him, to which King nodded.
"The cars are still at the gate...we can use them for transport. There is a friendly community a few miles from here that will take them in," said the Coyote.

"Dylan, send Pete's men to the gate, he has to evacuate the women with our man," said King, to which only an "OK" was returned.
"You go to the car, Duke, and Masters will cover you. You know your way around here better than we do...Go," King said to the Coyote, who nodded and snuck away. "Duke...go get the women!" King said, looking at me.
"What's the plan?" I asked King.
"We'll smoke them out," King said into the radio as he looked at me.

The smoke grenades we threw through the window seemed to do their job, and the men ran out of the house. Dylan and Ace followed our actions and threw more smoke in front of the house, and we all moved forward.
"Go...go!" we heard Dylan calling over the radio, and we ran towards the houses.
The coyotes cared for each other, and they knew their community better than Dominik and his men. As soon as they came out, they ran crouching in our direction, aware and informed by Pete that we were there as reinforcement. As much as Pete didn't want to admit it, his men were significantly older than us and not particularly in shape.
"Bane is with Pete...he got shot," one of the men said as he coughed.
"Stay here," King ordered him as he wanted to go back.
"King... Gears took 3 men out...Masters and I got 2," we heard Duke on the radio.
"Me and Ace got 1, and the Coyotes killed 2," Dylan shouted over the radio.
"Seven more," King said, looking at me, and I nodded.

We crept closer to the clubhouse and saw Ace and Dylan on the other side. Dylan showed me with his fingers that he had visual contact.
"Two men ahead of them," I said to King, who looked from Dylan to me, confused.
I held the rifle tightly in my hands and saw Dylan indicate that we were advancing, to which I nodded, and out of the corner of my eye, I saw Eden and Storm giving us cover.
"Let's go," I said to King who followed me.

Tactical movement in formation is what we did for years. Every move was imprinted in the brain like breathing. The men started shooting at us, and we shot back. We did not miss like them, and soon they were on the floor. Even if they were good, we had the numerical advantage.
"Stop killing my men," Dominik shouted angrily as he held Pete in front of him with a gun to his head.
"You won't survive this, Dominik if you shoot him," shouted King as we all pointed our guns at him.
Dominik's eyes scanned us, and he seemed nervous, pressing the gun even harder against Pete's head. The coyotes around him all had their weapons trained on him and his left-hand man that came out on the front porch, obviously knowing they didn't stand a chance. I put my gun down and looked at him.
"Tell us where the boy is," I said to him, and he looked at me.
"What?" he asked me, confused.
"Tom's son," I said to him.
"I'm not telling you anything," he answered me.
"You want Emily, we want the boy," I said to him, and King looked at me.
"You know where she is," he said, pointing his gun at me, and Dylan and Eden yelled at him defending me.
"Just you and now...the winner gets the answer," I said to him, and he looked from me to the others.
"Doc?" Dylan asked, confused.
"Like I said, just him and don't get involved. It's about my girl," I said as I handed my rifle to King.

Dear Doc ( MC No limits Book 4)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora