Chapter 6

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The knock on the door interrupted my writing, and I looked up to see King.
"Tom is here," he said shortly, to which I nodded and glanced at Duke and Piper, who were sitting in the kitchen.
"We should do this right now... the conversation. He came straight to us... Void is giving him some information as we speak," King said to me, and I nodded.
Duke assured me that Piper would be okay during our talk with Tom.
"I need you too. Take Piper to one of the ol ladies," said King to him, as he left the safe house, and I followed him.
"I'll be back quickly, honey," I said to Piper, to which she nodded as she watched me go.
I couldn't bring myself to look up to see who was watching me as I walked into the bar. The whole thing was giving me a huge headache, and I felt uncomfortable in my workplace, now being the work itself.
I've seen this so many times... the victims come talk to King, they are taken to the safe house, Doc treats them... Tom comes, takes care of them... then I come and help to heal. Always the same routine that was known between us... and now I'm a different part of it. Who is going to help me heal?
My feeling of shame exceeded everything I had ever known; I could hardly recognize myself.

"Dr. Owen," I heard Tom say as we entered the basement room where these secret meetings and agreements always took place. He looked up from Void's laptop and forced a smile. I think he already knows who Dominik is.
"Emily," I said as I sat down.
"Is anyone else coming?" he asked King, who nodded.
"Storm and Duke are coming," he replied. "Void is already here... so that's all."
"And the rest of them?" Tom asked, confused.
"Well... Emily doesn't want to involve her patients in this," he said dryly, looking at me.
"That... will be difficult. Almost all of them are your patients, aren't they?" Tom asked me tensely.
"Not me," I heard a deep male voice behind me. I turned to see Storm standing there, nodding at me in a friendly manner. He was once my father's patient, whom I knew nothing about, and I nodded back, smiling.
"Me neither," Duke said as he entered and closed the door.
"Storm," said Tom as he greeted him, to which Storm grinned at him.
"Tom," he answered, and the old man just exhaled.
"How is our boy David?" Duke asked cheekily, to which Storm grinned even more.

I watched them stare at each other as they exchanged biting words. David was a sick man who put some of the ol ladies in danger, and Storm was about to kill him when Tom's people saved him. I knew about David... from my patients.
"That's not funny, Storm. You almost beat the man to death," said Tom, looking at him angrily.
"Cry me a river," Storm said as he sat down and stared at Tom.
"I know you would like to beat him to death, but I still need him," Tom answered, staring back at him.
"I think Doc here doesn't give a fuck about David, like Storm and the rest of us... so," Duke stated, looking from Tom to Storm, and made himself comfortable in the chair next to me. I was thankful he managed to keep them both quiet with just one sentence and exhaled deeply.
This seemed to be enough to get Tom's attention.
"I did some research, Emily," Tom said to me, which made me swallow as I looked at him.
"I'm confused... maybe you can tell me what you have to do with Dominik?" He asked, looking at me.
King nodded at me, so I had no choice but to tell him everything.
"He is the father of my child," I answered, to which Tom just seemed to stare even more at me.
"I was a lonely student who had struggled with depression all her life, with no friends and definitely no love interests.
Arousing the interest of a boy and getting to know a whole new side of life in his excessive interest probably attracted me more than anything else about Dominik.
I met him by chance when we were sitting in the same cafe and I accidentally bumped into him.
I don't know how he found me, but that same evening he walked into my college looking for me.
Nobody approached him to tell him he had nothing to do there, and even the popular kids were amazed when he stood in front of me, and I looked at him questioningly.
I didn't know who he was, so I treated him like anyone else... I ignored him.
Rejection seemed to be something he didn't know, and so he was there every day for the following week until I agreed to a date.
The loner who suddenly gets so much attention became a rebel of her own rules from one day to the next. And so I blindly overlooked all his red flags and dove into his dark world, blinded by his large presence into which he brought me.
Gangs and gang members were his everyday life; I watched as he blackmailed people and started fights, even engaging in business in front of me. He was dangerous, but maybe that was what attracted me too.
But as quickly as he became interested in me...the quicker he got fed up with me, and after six months of ...well, love... he kicked me out of his apartment when I found out I was pregnant.
Everything seemed to be against me, even the contraception we used let me down. After I got my diploma, I disappeared and went back to my father. I read that he went to prison because of an anonymous call that exposed him a few months later. I hadn't heard from him until a few days ago," I said, then looked at the men who each gave me different looks.
Tom looked at me with interest, King looked confused, Storm was lost in thought, Duke was grinning as he listened to me. Only Void kept typing, not paying any attention to my story.
"Well, Doc, you've found yourself a perfect stalker," Duke said, shaking his head.
"Did you make the call?" King asked me, to which I shook my head.
"No... I was done with him and never wanted to see him again in my life, but sending him to prison... that wasn't me," I said to him.

It really wasn't me! Whoever it was knew exactly where and when he conducted his business and betrayed him.
"Emily, we checked him out too... Dominik is more than dangerous. His contacts go far beyond the norm. Not just gangs and petty criminals... He was at the top of the arms trade," King explained to me.
"Yes, your boy has business connections everywhere... and therefore, our work is in danger too. If he finds out where you are... and who we are..." Duke began before Storm nudged him.
"She's aware of what can happen... that's why she's like that," Storm said, making everyone look at him. "You obviously don't get it. She's been working with us for years, and we've saved and helped so many now. She was part of the healing... and now she's the possible reason for... Don't you think that this is bothering her. She knows who this Dominik is," Storm said to them, while I stared at the table in front of me.

"Anyway... he was rejected by his family. The bad boy seemed to tarnish his father's reputation and was summarily disowned by the entire family. I think it's not about the child..." Tom said, deep in thought.
"What do we do next?" King asked him, to which he grinned.
"Talk to someone who knows more about him," Tom explained, to which I shook my head. Even more people involved in this mess.
"Let me try. You're safe here; he doesn't know where you are. And I need to know more about him... from my own people. No offense, Void," Tom said, to which I looked at Void, who shrugged his shoulders.
"What do we do until then?" asked Duke, more to his brother than Tom.
"The less attention we draw, the better. So... let me have a few conversations first. Maybe everything can be sorted out without us even being mentioned," Tom explained to all of us.

I didn't expect much and trusted them, so I agreed, and we finished our meeting.
The men stayed behind and chatted, while I looked for Piper. I didn't want her to wait for me, and I didn't want to be a burden to the ol ladies.
Josie saw me and waved as I stood in front of the bar. She sat on the front porch of Nora's restaurant and smiled as I approached her.
"Have you seen Piper by any chance?" I asked her, to which she nodded.
"She's with Evelyn," she said, smiling.
"I should go get her. Thank you, Josie," I replied quickly.
As I walked the familiar path to the house, and heard the piano playing, I smiled. Piper was so talented; I had noticed from a young age that the piano was hardly a challenge for her, and she mastered it in a short time. After a knock, I walked into the house and saw Evelyn and John standing behind her, along with Nora, listening to Piper and Ace. They were so engrossed that they didn't notice me initially; I stood there proudly and winked at Piper when she finally looked up.
My heart raced as I noticed Doc leaning against the piano. Her face lit up when she saw me, and Doc turned to me. I could barely look at him, and after formally thanking him for looking after Piper, my only goal was to leave.
Duke was supposed to take her to one of the women; why did he take her to Doc? I would have to talk to Duke... He can't involve him like that, Doc is a busy man.
But Doc followed me as I was about to leave and stopped me to send Piper back into the house, which she did without question or reply.
It would have been much easier for me to walk away with her by my side, but this was now not an option as she left me alone with him.
He quickly told me what he wanted, and I looked at him, confused.
Married? He thought I was married? I don't know why that was the only thing on my mind, but I really just wanted to get away. As he turned me towards him, I felt his fingers lightly squeezing me. He sounded desperate when he wanted to know why I was avoiding him, and I wasn't lying when I said I was emotionally involved... I should be professional and be able to separate my personal life and work. But I wasn't just emotionally attached to the community...

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