Chapter 20

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Before the community really woke up, they were already gone. I stood outside the clubhouse on the front porch with Gears and watched them as Ryan and his brothers drove out.
"I'll come back to you," Ryan said before he left. I hope he keeps his promise. I couldn't bear it if something happened to anyone because of me.

"I'm sorry you're having so much trouble because of me," I said quietly to Gears, who turned his head towards me.
He was wearing a hoodie and had the hood low over his face
. "Go to Hawaii next time," he said with a smile.
"I hope there isn't a next time," I answered him, to which he nodded.
"I'm sure everything will be sorted out by tomorrow," he added, and I looked at him.

He didn't say much; never did. After Dad retired, I took over Gears' therapy, and he never said much.
"It is what it is" is what I often heard from him. The darkness that surrounded him must have been a terrible burden for him. And yet he was always the first to help.

"You feel guilty," he said to me, and I looked at him as he looked out over the community.
"I do," I answered him.
"Some things you can't influence. It is what it is, Doc," he said before nodding forward. I caught his eye and saw Lilly and Piper walking in our direction.

Lilly was carrying a dog in her hand, and Piper was hopping excitedly next to her. I'm glad she didn't see what was going on. As she ran into my arms and hugged me, she looked up at Gears. "Angry?" She asked, to which he smiled—a rare moment to ever see him smile.
"I thought Doc was coming," she added as she looked at me.
"He's coming soon...he still has something to do," I told her, and Gears looked at Lilly, who was coming up the stairs. He took off his hood and looked at her, confused.
"Lilly, this is Gears," I introduced her.

She held out her hand to him and smiled kindly, and he just continued to look at her.
"It's confusing, isn't it? She looks like Ivy...but somehow not," I said, to which he shook his head while holding her hand.
"She doesn't," he replied before he went into the house, and she watched him go.
"That's Angry. Don't worry about it; he never talks. Look, Mom, Lilly has a dog," Piper said, to which I laughed.
"He's very cute," I said as I stroked the little one's fur.

Pete and Bane had warned their people and held a meeting to explain everything. I don't know what he told them, but lockdown was a big topic. The gates were closed, and guards were now even more intense than before. He asked me to stay in the clubhouse with Lilly and the ol' ladies. Our children had enough space there, and it was safe.
"Beth isn't here... she and her husband are out of town shortly before you arrived," Jane said as Lilly spoke of her big sister.
"So you're the youngest?" I asked her, to which Lilly nodded as she watched Gears.
He stood at the window in the corner of the room and looked out. His huge form towered above the window, always tense and on guard.
"He's from the No Limits," Jane said as she followed her gaze. Lilly seemed a little uncomfortable when we caught her and looked away from him. "He was there when they freed us," Jane added as Lilly looked at her again.

"Doc," I heard Gears call me, and I went to him in the corner of the room.
"Is everything ok?" I asked him.
"Tell Blondie to stop staring at me. It makes me nervous," he said, to which I laughed.
"You're a new face, Gears... everyone is staring at you. I don't think they all know that the No Limits are coming. But they do know something is happening," I told him, to which he turned around and looked over the women.
He let out a huff and looked through the window again, "Don't worry, Doc; no one can pass me," he said as I wanted to leave.

"Thanks, Gears," I answered him, to which he nodded.
Time seemed to go by very slowly, and the day seemed to have no end. The whole time I was thinking about Ryan and the dangers they were all putting themselves in because of me and Piper. Lilly brought her dog into the house, and Piper seemed excited about the puppy. She had a German Shepherd that was almost one year old. The children were clearly too loud, and there were way too many little hands that wanted to touch the puppy, which made him withdraw. The dog didn't seem to think much of children and retreated to the corner of Gears, where he sat on the table next to him and looked out.

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