Chapter 15

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After King told us that Tom wanted to see us immediately, I had no choice but to pull myself together. Storm was sitting in the car waiting for us to drive to the meeting point, and when he saw us walking towards the car, he started it. King, Ace, Storm, and I went to the meeting, and none of us talked while driving. We were all thinking about what we had heard. If Dominik knows where Duke and Emily are and they are unprotected, it could be fatal for both of them.

"What kind of meeting place is this?" I heard Storm say as he stopped at a small cafe shop not far away from the highway.
"You know he's always careful," Ace replied as he got out.
Tom was always looking for meeting places that were far from other eyes, a warehouse, a hotel room, or in this case, this little cafe shop that was completely empty.

As we walked in, the worker behind the counter looked up and down at us from his phone. He nodded towards the back corner of the cafe where our eyes were directed. Tom sat alone at the table and stared ahead, not even noticing us as we walked in his direction.
"Tom," King said as he sat down in front of him, and we followed him and sat next to them when he finally looked up.
"It's good that you're here. I have bad news," said Tom, to which I stared at him.

Thousands of thoughts ran through my head, and the nervousness was clearly visible.
"What happened?" King asked as he sat uncomfortably in his chair.
"Dominik must have found something in Roger Owens' house. Whatever... it led him to us. He has my son," Tom said nervously.
"What do you mean he has your son?" Ace asked with narrowed eyebrows.
Tom looked to his left and right and pulled a picture out of his suit pocket. A young, dark-skinned man could be seen, tied to a chair, pretty badly beaten, with a bloody face.

"I got a call this morning from Junior... I didn't think anything of it until I heard a strange man's voice telling me my son couldn't be reached until Emily's location was given to him. A life for a life," Tom told us stressed.
"You didn't tell him where they were?" I asked angrily, to which he shook his head.
"You know I won't find out until everything is finished by Duke. I don't know where they are. We are tracking Junior's phone but nothing," Tom replied.
"Then how do you know he knows where Emily and Duke are?" King asked confused.
"The body of the pilot who works for us on our private flights was found... The man is a trained Air Force soldier... whoever murdered him... they are the same people who have Roger on the conscience... the same kind. He left the picture on the body for me as a note, and shortly after we found him, he called me," he explained.
"So... are you telling us they were professionals?" King asked.
Tom nodded, taking a deep breath.
"Whoever it was knew how to fight; the pilot defended himself. They had everything planned out," said Tom.

"How do we find Duke... he needs to be warned," Ace said to Tom, to which he nodded.
"I sent him an emergency beeper message this morning before I contacted King. He'll know they're in danger. I couldn't reach him," Tom explained.
I know you couldn't reach Duke; I tried so many times.I took the picture of Tom's son in my hand and turned it over. "A life for a life" was written on the back.

Tom looked up at me as I thought... what a way to deliver a message.
"He wanted me to know that he has Junior, and the handwriting is the same as on Roger's message that we found. A manhunt is already out... but I can't see where Junior is; the picture doesn't show anything. No clue... nothing. Like he was playing with me," Tom said as he looked at me.
"Duke will know what to do," I heard Storm say, reassuring himself more than us.
I looked at the picture that Dominik had left for Tom and thought about it; Dominik was clever; he let Tom know without fear that he had his son. One sentence was enough to say so much. And then I remembered something...

"Doc... Duke left something for you," I remembered Nora's words.
I looked at Ace, who narrowed his eyebrows at me as I nodded. He followed me out of the cafe, and I was still deep in thought.
"What?" Ace asked as he looked at me questioningly.
"Ask Nora what Duke wrote when he left me the book..." I said to him, and he looked at me questioningly.
"Just do it," I told him as he rolled his eyes and pulled out the phone.
"Hey Doll... don't you happen to have Duke's message that he wrote to Doc?" Ace asked into the receiver and listened to her, looking at me.
"YES, please go into the safe house and read the message again," he added as he continued to look at me and wait.
"For Doc... you'll know what you're looking for," Ace said as he looked at me and repeated Nora's words.
There was nothing in the damn book other than Emily's writing; I turned every blank page. I explored the book in every possible way. Nothing...
"What is it written on?" I asked Ace, and he repeated my question into the receiver and narrowed his eyebrows.
"Take a picture and send it to me, please," Ace said before hanging up.
I looked at Ace as he stared at his phone after a beep was heard, and he looked from the phone to me.
"Wtf is that?" Ace asked as I looked at the photo with him.
The message was written on a child's drawing of a dog, over which Duke wrote "Ouuuu."
I enlarged the picture and saw the letters "Coyote" written on the dog's head, and Ace and I looked at each other.
" The Coyotes" I stated as I looked from the picture to Ace.
"I'll be damned," Ace said as he grinned and slapped my chest with his hand.
We ran in, and King looked from Tom to us, questioningly.
"We know where they are," Ace explained as he showed the photo to King.
"A dog?" Storm asked, confused.
"That's not a dog... a coyote... that howls just like... Ivy... he's with Pete," I said, to which King looked up at me and immediately stood up.
He took out his phone and called Pete, nervously walking to the door.
"Tell me he's there," I heard King ask into the receiver.
His eyes found mine, and he grinned, laughing.
"We're coming," I heard King say before he hung up.
Tom looked confused from King to me as we walked to the door, and he ran after us.
"What?... King," he asked, confused.
"In Alaska... Duke is in Alaska, Tom," King said to him as he got on his motorcycle.
"I can't just go to Alaska... I need permission for that, it'll take a few days, King," said Tom, to which King looked at him angrily.
"They don't have a few days, Tom, none of them," King said angrily.
"Take care of your son... we'll be fine. I don't think he took Junior with him. Junior will be his protection if something goes wrong to blackmail you. I'm sure your son is here somewhere with Dominik's people," I said as I looked at Storm, who was looking up and down at Tom.
"You won't be able to do anything alone," said Tom as he looked from one to the other.
"He's right... we don't know how much Dominik knows. The community needs to be protected too. We have to split up," King said to Ace, who nodded.
"I can help here... but I can't just go to another state without permission, and you will travel very long to get there in time," explained Tom.
"Then let's get backup," I said to King, who looked at me questioningly.
"I need to make some calls and get my other brothers," I explained as I turned on my motorcycle and drove off, followed by my MC brothers.

The community wasn't safe; we didn't know what Dominik knew, and we had to protect our home.But Duke and Emily too.
Everyone couldn't help no matter how much we wanted to, so I had to ask for help.
When we got home, we immediately changed and prepared ourselves. King called Duke again just to let him know we were coming. I finished my last phone call in front of the bar when I came in, and King was giving his instructions.
"Storm, Ace, Gears, Doc, and I are leaving; the rest stay here and protect our community," he said, to which Wrath gasped.
“You five?” he asked, confused.
King looked at me, and I nodded.
"No, Doc told me he was calling for backup," King said as he grabbed his bag and headed towards the door. The old ladies stood by the cars, confused about everything that was happening, and looked at us.
"What backup? You put on your mission clothes and wait for who?" Wrath asked as he ran after us.
King looked at me as I threw my bag into the car.
"The SEALs," I said shortly, and Ace looked at me.
"Oh shit," he said, grinning.

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