Chapter 4

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I stood in front of King and Ivy's door and knocked. I rang and knocked like a crazy person, turning over and over to the car where Piper was now sitting awake and looking at me confused.

As King angrily opened the door, he glared at me annoyed and tried to open his eyes. His still sleepy eyes opened quickly as he scanned my face and stared at me.
"I need help," I said, and he stared at me even more confused.
"Ivy!" He called out to which I looked at the car and he followed my gaze as I looked back at him and our eyes met. "My daughter too," I said, keeping my emotions under control as I tried not to cry in front of her.
"Dr. Owen?" I heard Ivy behind him as she put on her shirt and came down the stairs. "What the hell happened?" She asked worriedly as she scanned my face.
"Yeah, Hell has opened...and the devil is coming for me," I replied, to which the two looked at each other.
Ivy sat in the kitchen with Piper and they made breakfast. I was grateful that she didn't ask many questions...both of them.

"Ok, now again so I understand," King caught my attention.
"Your ex is Dominik Wilson...and he is Piper's father...who was in prison...5 years...and now wants the child...and is threatening you?" he asked again as I told him everything while we sat in the living room.
I just nodded and looked from him again to Piper who was making pancakes with Ivy.
"He's Dangerous King...He can't take Piper! Father told me to come to you and look for help...I know that Doc is always up early. I was with him first, I didn't want to wake you up," I said quietly.
"Doc knows all this?" he asked me.
"No...I didn't get around to it...I can't, he's my patient. None of my patients should..." I started but he interrupted me.

"Listen, Doc...if we're supposed to protect you then everyone needs to be involved. You know how we work," he said as he looked at me worriedly.
I knew exactly how they work when they protected victims of violence...I was part of it. "King...none of my patients should take care of me...please," I said to which he looked at me confused.
"I already mix my private life and my job too much." He nodded knowing what I meant and looked towards the kitchen.
"Does the little one know what's going on?" he asked me.
"No...she thinks we're visiting friends," I said to him.
"You know she's not stupid?" He asked to which I took a deep breath.
I know! She saw my upset I was as I drove away from Doc and it woke her up...She knew something was wrong. Piper is a gifted child just like me...she's not stupid and knows that something is going on.

"I'll call Tom...and your dad...give me a moment," he said as he picked up his phone and went into another room.
My stupid behavior got me into this situation. I was so ashamed that I asked for help here. I knew Father was right and the No Limits would help me. I was part of them in a way and here we were safe. I know they could keep us hidden and protected. But that didn't make it any easier...all my life is now exposed to them, all my mistakes and problems. I have therefore failed as a therapist and am mixing my private life with work, which I have kept separate for so long. When I stood in front of Doc and he let me into the house, I was so confused that I didn't even know what I was doing.

I'm sure he already knew something was going on and was just waiting for me to say something, playing along with the whole therapy thing today. He's not stupid, he didn't have an appointment with me today, not until tomorrow... But it'll probably never come to that. I made such a fool of myself...embarrassing.
How am I ever going to treat these people again if I mix it all up.
"Ok...Emily, you stay with Ivy and she takes you to the safe house...Tom won't come here until Wednesday, he's in Las Vegas at the moment. You're safe here...When he comes we'll see what happens. Until then I'll let the others in and you'll be protected," he said to me and I looked at him hopelessly.
"King...none of my patients should do that...please," I said to him, to which he exhaled heavily. "I'll do my best," he said, before his phone rang again and he left his house. Ivy looked from Piper to me and I looked at the floor, embarrassed.

"We're taking you to your house now, Piper...While you're here you'll have your vacation home," Ivy said to Piper, to which I looked up at her and she smiled at me.
I wanted to die of shame.
The house, where I was so often as a psychologist to help other victims, suddenly became our home. The thought of it weighed heavily on my shoulders, and I was silent the whole time. I was happy when Alice came and brought her daughter with her, who was immediately enthusiastic and made friends with Piper. The two girls went upstairs to play in Piper's new room and I sat on the couch in the living room surrounded by the ol' ladies.
"Listen don't have to tell us anything. We're here for you. You're one of us," Ivy said, to which I just breathed more heavily.
"Think of it as a vacation," Josie said and I looked up at her.
"I promise we won't ask anyone anything," Alice added as I looked from one to the other. Only Nora remained silent and looked at the floor, whereupon I looked at her.

"You're going to have to leave us...that's how it works, isn't it?" She asked with a trembling voice, to which I took a deep breath.
If there is no choice, I will get a new identity just like Piper and have to leave the country for our protection. I was a witness in so many similar cases that everything suddenly became clear to me. What they didn't know was that I knew so much stuff about Dominik and his was undeniable I would have to leave. I knew who Dominik was...he'll never give up. Supported by his family, he had power and money, contacts and people...I'll have to leave Dad behind. A tear rolled down my cheek, and Ivy breathed out loud.
"Listen, Doc..." she began as I looked up at her.
"Emily," I said to which she just nodded.
"Emily... you're here until the boys know more. And if it comes to that and you have to leave, then we'll make this our farewell vacation," she said with a smile.
My whole life is falling apart because of my stupidity from before and I just watched idly.
"You are here as a guest... not a psychologist. So all your appointments are canceled and you can enjoy your peace here." Alice said.
What kind of peace?

"You can talk to us if you want... and if not then see us as friends. Not patients," Ivy said to which I took a deep breath.
I had no choice for Piper's sake so I waited for Tom and stayed in the house.
The Ol' Ladies kept coming to me, even Evelyn came and none of them ever asked what happened. That was what I preferred rather than what I could have told them.
Ivy changed completely from one day to the next, she put aside her worries and started talking to me as if I were a friend, a guest who was visiting.
Piper didn't ask anything and I was afraid to talk to her about her father. Her new friendship with Drew was my luck, she seemed to get along very well with her.

"Well Emily... I'll hang out with you," Duke said when he came to me the next day. Like the day before when he just stayed in front of the house.
He was the only one who was never with me and I was grateful that King took my request seriously.
"Thanks, Duke," I said quietly as he looked at me.
"Doc is worried about you," he told me as he watched the girls play in the yard.
"I'm fine..." I answered him.
"He would look at your injury," he said to which I shook my head.
"Evelyn is taking care of me," I replied to which he nodded.
"He's still annoying," he added as his phone beeped again.
"I won't leave the house until Tom comes... If you could just keep an eye on Piper?" I asked him and he looked at me curiously.
"I'm not a shrink... but I think it would be good for you to socialize a bit," he said, to which I shook my head.
I couldn't, the shame was just too great.
I felt like I had failed. Not only disappointed me but also Piper... Dad... all of them.

"I have everything I need here," I said as I held my big book in my hands.
"Reading and writing... that's all you do," he said, laughing.
That was intentional... I've been recording my thoughts since childhood. A diary that was my own therapy. I've written and burned so many that I can't remember the number.
"Fine... I'll take care of the little one... if you need anything call me," Duke said as he looked at the window again and panted.
"Where the hell did they go?" he asked me as he went into the garden and looked for the girls.
I watched him go looking for her and shook my head.
Piper was fine, she was laughing and happy with Drew since we arrived. And that's all that matters. They played and even had a sleepover. Drew is Piper's first friend who really accepted her without being mean or asking questions which other kids did in the daycare. I was happy for her, maybe I would have been a happy kid too if I had a friend like Drew.
I sat down on the bed I slept on and opened my already half-filled diary.
Dear Diary... I began and paused.
If I go from here and can't return ever I want to do it right...
Dear Doc...

Dear Doc ( MC No limits Book 4)Where stories live. Discover now