Chapter 8

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When I woke up, it was already morning. Evelyn was sleeping on the chair next to me when I sat up and looked around. I was in Doc's clinic. I know this place by heart. The memories of yesterday flooded me, and I held my hand in front of my mouth to keep quiet. I didn't want to wake Evelyn up; I know she would worry about me a lot.

"Tom just called me...Roger was found dead in his house. And Dominik is looking for Emily, dead or alive. Duke, the shit is getting out of control," I remembered King's words as he stood with Duke in front of the house, and I overheard their conversation at the window.
I was stressed after Tom's visit and wanted to take a bath after putting Piper to bed. So I stood there shocked about the things I heard from King and gasped for air.

They must have heard me panicking and stormed up to knock on the door.
"Emily, open up... Are you ok?" I remember Duke yelling as he knocked loudly on the door.
Dad... dead? He killed him... because of me. The pain I felt at the realization hit me like a fist in my chest, cutting the air off. I started to panic, and the room seemed to get smaller while the voices in front of the door seemed to disappear.

I remember the lack of air and the dizziness I felt and my falling. I fell into water... My hand reached to the back of my head where I felt a bump. I took a deep breath and held back my sobs so as not to wake Evelyn, but it was hard as I realized what Dominik did. Dominik murdered Dad... and is looking for me... Piper! Where is Piper?!

The cold floor in Doc's clinic woke me up even more as I stood up and removed the sensors from my body. I staggered a little to the door and stepped into the hallway. The sob I was holding escaped as soon as I closed the door, and the pain of father's death caught up with me. Oh Dad... my heart was pounding as I thought about losing my only support and my best Memories jumped in my head, and I breathed sharply as I started to shake. Piper's voice could be heard and pulled me out of my sobs. I followed the sound that led to a staircase. I have to be strong for her. I have to!

The more stairs I climbed, the more clearly I could hear them.
"That looks weird," I heard Piper say as she giggled.
"Come on, kid, don't laugh at me," answered Doc, who was standing at the stove.
"You're sure you don't need help?" She asked him to which he shook his head.
"Ok, this one isn't burnt," he said as he put a pancake on a plate.

I leaned against the door and watched them laugh at his pancakes until he saw me and looked at me. I wiped my tears and looked from him to my daughter.
"Emily," he said surprised, and Piper turned around and ran towards me.
"Mom," she called excitedly as she jumped into my embrace. I hugged her and took a deep breath as her little hands held me. My eyes met Doc's as he looked up and down at me and left the room.

He soon came back and gave me a shirt, which I looked at confused.
"Your things are still in the safe house," he said, whereupon I stared down at myself and at the loosely fastened bathrobe.
"We're staying with Doc... we're in lockup," Piper said to me.
"Lockdown," Doc corrected as he shot me a look. I took the shirt and stared at him.
"Get changed... we need to talk," he said formally to which I nodded.

My reflection looked at me as I stood in front of the mirror in Doc's bathroom and took a deep breath as I changed. Lockdown means trouble... and trouble means that everyone knew. Doc's shirt that I put on smelled like him. I took a deep breath before putting the robe over it again and returning to the kitchen. He nodded at the dining table where I sat down before placing a cup of coffee in front of me.

"You should eat smarties... Alice is coming to pick you up soon," Doc said to Piper who looked at him curiously.
"Drew is home?" She asked him to which he nodded.
"She called in sick... She's not sick but that way she doesn't have to go to school and has time to watch Frozen with you," he answered her.

Dear Doc ( MC No limits Book 4)Where stories live. Discover now