Chapter two, Fine then, I'll starve

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*Rayne's POV*

I pushed some buttons then. Taylor's so mad. She came down about an hour ago and sat in the kitchen. Good. She's pulled me away from my perfectly perfect life.
I walked to the kitchen and sat opposite her. She had her head in her hands and when I walked in she looked up and scowled. I smiled. This made her scowl more.
"Do you want dinner?" She asked. My stomach growled "Yes then." She answered for me.
"NO! I'd rather jump out a window." I snapped. She spun around, terror written all over her face. "Haha, joking." I laughed sarcastically.
"You better be."
"Is that a threat?"
"No." She said a little faster than necessary.
I made eye-contact then slid off the chair and sat in the front room. She followed.
"Look, I try okay. Can you at least give me a chance. I don't know. Family time? Get to know each other. Please. I don't know what I'm doing wrong here. Can't you just give me a hint as to why you hate me?" She demanded. I stood up and looked her in the eye.
"I did! Or don't you remember. You know when you took me from my family. When you ruined my life." I shouted. I barged past and stormed up the stairs.
Half way up Taylor shouted.
"Oh, and don't bother unpacking, we leave for England next week." WHAT! She's carting me of to England. I slammed the bedroom door and pulled off my shoes. I threw them to the ground in rage. I slipped under the covers of my bed and closed my eyes, attempting to sleep.
After an hour or so my door gave a soft click.
"Hey. Are you awake sweetie?" Taylor whispered. I didn't reply, and I kept my eyes shut. I felt the bed in front of me sink and her hand stroked my cheek.
If I removed her hand she would know I was awake and then we would have to talk. If I didn't then she would keep touching my face. I rolled over and pulled the blankets closer, this worked, she gasped. I heard her sniff and the bed rose. I rolled back over and opened my eyes a tiny crack. I saw Taylor closing the door with tear tracks down her face.
The door clicked and sat up. It's four o'clock. I opend my suitcase and unpacked. I hung up my clothes then put all my books, in alphabetical order, in some drawers.
I grabbed one and opened it to my favourite page. I read and re-read the same few lines.

"After all this time?" Said Dumbledore.

"Always," said Snape.

I always cry when I read this part, just like I cried when Hedwig, Snape, Dumbledore and Dobby died.
The door clicked and I wiped the tear marks from my face. I checked the time. Six o'clock. Woah!
"Hi sweetie." That's not Taylor. whipped my head around and put my book on the bedside table. Katy? My cheeks heated and my heart jumped.
"Hi." I mumbled. She came and sat beside me and placed her hand over mine.
"What did you say to Taylor? She's in pieces." Katy asked.
"I'm ignoring her. She took me away from my family ... she's dragging me off to England next week." I explained, a tear leaked from my eye and my voice broke.
"Oh. Maybe we could go somewhere when you get back? Give you something to look forward to." She suggested. I shrugged. "I go away for quite a while too in like six months though." I felt the panic show on my face.
"Where?" I asked, sounding a lot calmer than I felt.
"I'm touring." She'll be gone for about a year. I have to put up with Taylor for a year! I think I might actually jump.
I put my book away and grabbed another one and stormed out the room, down the stairs and through the door.
I turned to walk down the side of the house. I went into the back garden. There were a couple of trees. I analysed each of them and climbed the one on the far left. I sat at the highest point and read. By page three I had completely zoned out from everything.
I read quite fast but it's a big book, six-hundred pages. I read about two-hundred pages an hour and when I finally closed the book it was pitch black. I began to panic and I made way down the tree. I ran to the front door and slid in. All the lights were off. I ran to my room, as quietly as possible, and slid into bed.
I could hear sniffles.
I opened my door and peeked through the keyhole of Taylor's room.
She was sat on the floor, curled up in a ball, her frame shaking. I turned and went back to my room, slamming the door. I dropped onto my bed and I pulled my shoes off, throwing them at the door. The fact that Taylor cared about me seemed to enrage me. She came through the door as I threw the second shoe, hitting her in the stomach.
"Ughhh!" She doubled over and dropped to her knees. Her breathing became ragged and she had one hand on her stomach the other still on the door-handle. After a moment of wheezing she got up and made her way over.
She sat down on the bed and stuttered random vowels. Suddenly she wrapped her arms around my waist and wouldn't let go. I didn't return it and I didn't bother escaping. She was holding on too tightly.
When she finally let go I jumped up and rushed to the other side of the room. The panic was gone now. Her face showed anger.
"WHERE WERE YOU?!" She asked. I didn't say anything, I folded my arms and looked her in the eye. She stood up.
"Say something." She sighed. She dropped onto the bed and put her hands to her face, her elbows on her knees. I remained standing, silent. When my legs began to hurt I sat down.
Fine then, I'll starve.

Hate is a strong word, but I still hate you.Where stories live. Discover now