Chapter twenty-five, It's time

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*Taylor's POV*

   "Rayne?" I asked. "Will you?"
   "Umm ... Okay." She stretched out every letter, making a simple one second response take almost twenty. She smiled then stood up to leave as my bladder moaned and I got up to go for a pee, great.
I held onto the banister and pulled myself up the stairs, each step hurting my poor bladder. I only peed like ten minutes ago anyway so how can I need to pee again?
   I hauled myself up the last step and turned to go to the bathroom when liquid gushed between my legs. It didn't feel like peeing though.
   "AHHHHHHHHHH! SHIT SHIT SHIT! OW! RAYNE!" I held the rail and used it to lower myself slowly to the floor. Rayne came up the stairs, stepping in the water that was trickling down them.
   "Mom what happened?" I don't think she noticed what she said. It instantly made the ache in my stomach stop and one grow in my heart. "What happened?" She asked again, bringing back the pain with it.
   "I think ... I think my water broke." I was panicking now. I hadn't prepared for this. I hadn't even packed a bag. "Ray, I didn't even pack a bag." I squeezed the rail and closed my eyes as a contraction rippled through my lower stomach.
   When I opened my eyes Rayne was stood there with a big bag over her shoulder.
   "I figured you wouldn't pack your own bag so I did it." She said, helping me to my feet. "ALI, GO STAY WITH KATY, SHE'LL UNDERSTAND!" Rayne yelled. I'd forgotten about Alison. She helped me down the stairs then to the car. "Do you think you can make it?" She asked. I waited for the next contraction, timing it. Thirty minutes apart.
   "Yes." I got in the car and twenty minutes later we pulled up at the hospital.
   I opened the door and got out, dropping to my knees as another contraction hit. Several doctors were at my side in seconds. They helped me into a wheelchair and rushed me inside.
   They got me into a bed and made me change. When a doctor came in alone I started to worry.
   "Where's my baby?" I asked.
   "Well, she's currently being born." The doctor said.
   "No! My other kid. She's fourteen. She's called Rayne. She's my birthing partner." I started crying. "I need her here."
   "Oh, that girl. We asked her to wait in the waiting area."
   "I need her here now!" I almost yelled. Another contraction hit and I gripped the bed sheets.
   The doctor left and came back a few minutes later with Rayne and my bag. I pulled Rayne into a quick hug before yet another contraction hit.
   "You're all sweaty." Rayne said.
   "Good." She laughed a little and held my hand.
   I tugged it away to grip the sheets so I didn't hurt Rayne.
   "Okay Miss Swift, I'm just going to check to see how dilated you are. If you wouldn't mind laying back for a moment." I waited for the contraction to subside and I dropped onto my back.
   Rayne stroked my hair and stared at me until the doctor was finished.
   "Three centimetres." He said.
   "Is that it?" I don't remember it ever being this bad when I had Rayne. I knew it hurt but I didn't think it was supposed to be this intense this early on.
   I sat up and Rayne sat on one of the chairs. The doctor left and said he would check up again in an hour to see if anything had changed.
   My toes curled and my hair fell in front of my face as I leaned forwards. This contraction was definitely worse than the last. It left me gasping for air and tears formed in my eyes.
   Rayne put one hand on my shoulder whilst the other rubbed up and down my back. It didn't help with the pain but her comforting me helped heal the wounds that had started to grow in my heart.
   When the next contraction hit the tears spilled out and I wanted to give in.
   "I can't do this." I whispered.
   "Yes you can." Rayne said. I laid down and closed my eyes.
   "No, Ray, I can't."
   "Taylor Alison Swift!" Rayne almost shouted. I turned to face away from her, I couldn't bare to see the disappointment I knew she would have.
   Her soft footsteps told me she was walking around the bed and she held my face as she spoke.
   "Taylor Swift. International pop-sensation had her second child. She is strong and she is special to so many people. We need her to know that she can do this and she is loved."  She emphasised the words 'is' and 'can' as if to tell me that I am strong now and not in the past. Now.
   "But it hurts." I said, a fresh wave of tears pouring from my eyes. "Shit! Wyatt!"
   I grabbed my phone and dialled Wyatt's number.
   "Hey honey, what's up?" Wyatt asked. I clicked the button that allowed us to FaceTime and he accepted. "Oh my goodness! Baby where are you?" I smiled.
   "I'm in hospital."
   "Baby, what happened?" He was really worried. He ran his hands through his dirty blonde hair.
   "I'm in labour."
   "Wow, oh really?"
   "Wyatt, baby, come back to bed!" A woman's voice called down the line.
   "Wyatt?" I asked.
   "Baby, I can explain." A young woman, completely naked, appeared on my phone screen.
   "Don't bother! OWWWWW!" I was cut off by a sudden contraction. I hung up and put my phone on the table besides my bed. I looked over at Rayne, she looked so angry.
   "He was my brother!" She spat. "I thought I could trust him. Tay, I'm here, don't worry." I don't think she meant it but I needed a shoulder to cry on. Firstly, because I was super angry with Wyatt. Second, these contractions are super painful.
   When the doctor came back he checked down there.
   "Congratulations Miss Swift. You're fully effaced and dilated." He began mumbling more stuff that I had no idea what it meant. He left for a moment then came back with another doctor who turned on an oxygen mask.
   I pushed and held my breath, trying not to scream. A contradiction hit and I pushed again. And again.
   "I can just see the head." The first doctor said. I put the oxygen mask to my face and took several deep breaths before pushing again.
   "Oh. So sexy!" Rayne said in the most sarcastic voice possible.
   "There is nothing sexy about childbirth my dear." I said, putting my hand to the side of her face. We both laughed until my laugh turned into a scream.
   "It's okay Taylor. You can do this." I wasn't sure if it was sweat or tears pouring down my face. I pushed and Rayne squeezed my shoulder.
   "One more, one more to push the head out." The doctor said.
   "You can do it Tay." Rayne whispered. I pushed.
   "Well done." One doctor said.
   "Just a few more pushes." Said the other.
   "It's okay, Tay, whenever you're ready." Rayne held the oxygen mask to my face and I pushed.
   "And again." The doctor said, supporting the baby's head.
   "Yes you can!" Rayne cut me off from saying I couldn't do it. It was unbelievably painful and all the energy seemed to have been sucked from my body with each breath I took.
   Rayne gave me a quick hug and as she pulled away my hands gripped her arm and squeezed as I pushed.
   I heard her whimper with the pain I was causing but I couldn't seem to let go.
   "Sorry." I said.
   "It's fine. I don't mind. If it helps then it's fine."
   "See, this is why I love you."
   "Whatever." She laughed.
   "One more push." The doctor said.
   "Come on." Rayne pushed my hair from my face and I let out a huge scream as I pushed.
   As my scream ended the cry of a baby could be heard.
   They weighed her then gave her to me.
   "Eight pounds seven ounces." I held her. She was beautiful but her right arm was missing. "We will need to take her for some scans to see if there is any internal damage." I gave her a quick kiss on her forehead before she was taken from my arms.
   I grabbed the oxygen mask and held it to my face. I couldn't breathe. What if she died. What if she was ill like Rayne.
   The second doctor turned off the oxygen and she took it away.
   "Well done, you must be such a proud mommy!" Rayne sat next to me on the bed and I ran my fingers through my hair.
   "I hope she's okay." I said.

   After an hour they brought her back.
   "She's completely healthy and free to go home. I guess she's going to be left handed." The doctor laughed and I smiled, taking my child in my arms. "We just need to sort out the officials." He said.
We got a hand print and foot prints. I also signed her birth certificate. Everything on it was the same as Rayne's, except the name. Her father was unknown and her mother was me. Her name was Olivia-Grace.
I took her home and held her close. I was so thankful that she was finally out of me but I already missed the feeling of her in my stomach.

After a week I was so tired people must have thought I was zombie. The only time I got any sleep was when Rayne looked after Olivia for a while.
At the moment she had just fallen asleep and I'd put her in her crib.
Rayne had gone to Katy's today with Alison. She said she hadn't spoken to her in a while.
I lay down and after ten seconds I fell into a long awaited sleep.

*Katy's POV*

I rolled over on my bed, still thinking of the child that Taylor had. That was Rayne's sister, who was my niece. But if the baby has no relation to me would I still be its aunt because of Rayne?
When I glanced at the clock it told me it was twenty past one in the afternoon. I slid out of bed and brushed my teeth, my hair and I dressed.
   I went downstairs and walked into the kitchen but something caught my eyes from inside my front room. My heart began to pound. Why didn't my alarm go off to alert me of an intruder? When I peeped through the crack in the door I saw it was just Rayne, she had a key. I opened the door and she jumped into my arms.
   "I'm so sorry. I'm sorry I didn't come over. I'm sorry. I wanted to but I couldn't. I'm so sorry Katy. I'm sorry." I stroked her hair as I replied.
   "It's fine, just stop saying sorry, you're confusing me." We both laughed a little then she pulled away and we sat on the sofa.
"Please don't leave me again." Rayne ran her hand through her long hair.
"I don't have a choice. I'm only home for a week longer, then I have to go out to Japan." Rayne looked down, clearly upset.
"Takemewithyou!" She blurted, looking up.
"Take me with you." She sounded extremely nervous.
"I ... Taylor ... Bradford." I didn't think I would be allowed, my manager, Bradford, probably wouldn't for starters. I doubt Taylor would let her either. She just had a baby, she'll need somebody to help her out.
"Please, I hate Taylor. I need a break. Help me get away from her, just for a little while."
"We'll see." I sat on the sofa and put my head in my hands.
Everything was so confusing. David had a baby with my 'arch-nemesis' when they were hardly teenagers. She had a daughter, Rayne, who adores me. Her mother got with John Meyer who dumped her to get with me. He abused me and got me pregnant whilst doing the same thing to Taylor. I had a miscarriage, whilst Taylor had a beautiful baby that was missing an arm.
I laid down and Rayne sat on the sofa, snuggling close. I rest my chin on her head and I slowly fell asleep.

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