Chapter twenty-one, Do two negatives make a positive?

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*Taylor's POV*

It's been one month since Rayne left. She came back after a week, like she said, but our relationship spiralled. She won't talk to me at all.
She keeps having crying fits, especially when she looks at my stomach. My stomach now looks like I've got a few hot water bottles up there. I've gone up two dress sizes.

Rayne came down the stairs and went into the kitchen. I got up and followed.
I went into the kitchen and slipped. I fell to my butt.
"MO - TAYLOR!" Rayne stopped whatever she was doing and dropped down next to me. This was the first time we'd spoken since she came back.
I burst out laughing, even though hitting the floor had sent a wave of pain up my back.
She tucked a bit of hair behind her ear and smiled before getting up.
"Rayne?" I held out my hand and turned back to face me. "Are you okay?" She nodded and returned to whatever she was doing. I grabbed a stool leg and attempted to pull myself up. Failing. Rayne held my hands and pulled me up then turned back around. She was cutting up celery.
"Oh God." She put her hand to her mouth. After a moment she turned and ran. I would have chased after her but I wasn't as swift anymore.
When I did catch up with her she was pushing away from the toilet and flushing the chain.
"Were you sick?" I asked.
"I'm fine. It's probably just the food I had last night." She stepped past me and went into her room where, yet again, she curled into a ball and began crying.
"Rayne?" I whispered as I lay behind her and stroked her hair. Her hand sat on top of mine, holding it. "Are you okay?" I asked. She nodded, holding my hand a little tighter. "Rayne, are you sure?"
"I'm fine." She whispered back. "It's just whatever I ate." I didn't believe her. Not one bit. I haven't lived with her for four months just for her to lie to me. I know when she's lying.
"Will you come with me to the hospital tomorrow?" I asked. I remember just now when my stomach seemed to move. The baby was wriggling.
"Why?" She asked. She sounded terrified.
"We find out what the baby is." I said. She let go of my hand and wrapped both her arms around her knees.
"Okay." She whispered.

*Rayne's POV*

Taylor left then. I said I would go to the hospital with her. When I was sure she had gone I took a test from my drawer.
I ran to the bathroom and bolted the door.
Okay. Pee on a stick and wait three minutes. Seemed easy enough. I peed on the stick and put it next to the sink as a washed my hands. I also vomited again whilst waiting.
I grabbed my phone and called Alison.
"You have to come to the bathroom." I ordered. When she knocked at the door I let her in and locked it again.
After five torturous minutes of waiting Alison and I looked at the stick.
"How is that possible?" I said. "He did it. I've been vomiting so much. My stomach burns and I've missed my period." Alison wrapped her arms around me and I cried on to her shoulder.
"How many tests did you get?" Alison asked.
"Three, this is the first." I said.
"Well, we'll do the second one tonight and the third in morning. If they all come out negative then your not pregnant. Besides, it's natural to miss your period every once in a while."
"Thanks." I said. Alison gave me a quick kiss then threw the test in the bin. I left the bathroom and went downstairs. I felt so much better knowing I wasn't pregnant.
I wasn't so sure though. I pulled out my phone and opened up Google.
   Can a pregnancy test be negative if you are pregnant?
Several web links popped up and I clicked on the first. Not liking the answers I went on the other links. All telling me the same thing.
My stomach flipped and I ran to the toilet. I threw up again then splashed cold water over my face.
I dried my face with a towel and when I turned to leave I saw Taylor leaning against the doorframe.
"What's wrong with you honey?" She asked, walking over and holding my face in her hands.
"I'm fine Taylor." I stepped out of her hold and went to my room.
"Are you sure?" Taylor asked, sitting next to me. I laid down and Taylor put her weight on her arm. My hands covered my face as a few tears escaped.
I composed myself then moved my hands away.
I had almost gotten over what happened, with the help of Alison and Katy. They locked up the guy and Taylor was still blissfully unaware.
"Rayne, baby, what's wrong?" With her other hand she held the side of my face.
"I was ra-" I cut myself off. It was too hard to tell her. Her eyes looked deep into mine.
"You were what?" She asked. My tears poured from my eyes. Not because I was thinking about it, because I was afraid of what Taylor would think.
I got out of bed and ran. I went to the kitchen and curled up in a ball in the corner.
A few moments later Taylor was in the doorway.
"Stay there!" I said. I jumped up and held my hand out.
"Okay." Taylor stopped and I put my hand down.
The back of my throat tingled and my brain told me I wanted mashed potatoes and peas.
I grabbed a few potatoes and peeled them.
"What are you doing?" Taylor asked.
"I want mashed potatoes and peas." I said cutting the potatoes into small cubes. Taylor got the peas and put some into a pan.

Twenty minutes later everything was cooked and I was angrily mashing up the potatoes.
Taylor, who had gone to the front room, ran in. She held my hands and I stepped back. My craving had intensified in the past twenty minutes and when Taylor put the plate down in front of me and scooped the peas into the mash and ate the entire thing in five minutes. I washed my pots and my stomach growled.
The back of my throat was still tingling and this time I wanted chocolate.
I ate through one, two, three bars.
"What's gotten into you?" Taylor asked as I got up from the sofa to throw away another wrapper.
A baby. My brain quipped.
"I don't know." I said. The nerves in my stomach were unbelievable. It's only been an hour since I took the last test.
I went upstairs and shook Alison. She woke up and I slid the second test up my shirt. Alison came to the bathroom with me and she looked away as I peed on the stick.
Waiting, again was almost unbearable. The seconds slowly passed and after three minutes I looked at the test.
An answer hadn't come up yet.
After another three more minutes I looked at the test.
Again. How? How is that even possible.
Can tests come out negative twice?
According to google, they could.
The door opened and Taylor came in. She saw the test.
"Rayne?" She looked at the test then Alison then our eyes locked. "What's going on?" I could see her eyes filling up.
"Taylor?" I stepped towards her and she took a step back. Her tears spilled over.
"Don't. You disgust me!" She spat before she turned and ran. I heard her door slam and Wyatt came in.
"Care bear?" I wrapped my arms around him and he picked me up. "What's wrong with Taylor?"
I showed him the test.
"I was raped." I whispered. "I'm so scared. Two have said I'm not but I think I am. Please don't tell Taylor."

*Taylor's POV*

Why did Rayne think she was pregnant? I was crying in my room when the door opens and Wyatt came in.
"Hey babe." He said. A smile spread across my face. "You do know Rayne's a virgin, right?"
"She is?" Wyatt nodded. "Oh crap. I've done something terrible." I got up and opened the door to Rayne's room.
"I'm sorry Ray. I overreacted." I pulled her into a hug and she held me tightly. "What was with the test for?" I asked.
"I don't know." She whispered.
"Rayne? Oof!" My stomach was kicked. After the pain was extreme happiness. My hands held my stomach and smiled. I'd felt the baby kick.
"Are you okay?" Rayne pulled away and looked at me.
"Give me your hand." She hesitated before giving me her hand. I lift up my top and I put her hand to my stomach.
"Well, this is awkward." She said. I could feel the baby moving. It suddenly gave a big kick and Rayne yanked her hand back. "That's disgusting!"
Alison was in the corner of the room, laughing. Rayne threw a pillow at her and Alison sent it back.
Rayne got under the covers and closed her eyes.
"I really want some lemonade." She mumbled. I looked at the small bump of a stomach I had.
   When I was pregnant with Rayne I was terrified. I didn't want the bump there. I didn't want to be pregnant. I'm glad I have Rayne though.
I didn't want to be pregnant this time either but I was already in love with the baby. This time I've learned to love the bump too.
I still don't think that I'm ready to be a mother. I wanted to find a husband and get into a real, long, relationship before we even had sex but that obviously didn't happen.
The baby kicked again and my heart seemed to beat faster. Tears streamed from my eyes and I ran my hands over my stomach.
Alison came and got into bed. She wrapped her arms around Rayne and Rayne, who was already asleep, pulled her closer. Alison was asleep in a moment or two.
I laid down and watched my stomach rise and fall until I fell asleep.

When I woke up it was ten and I was extremely nauseous. I sat by the toilet for an hour before I dared to move.
I changed and woke up Rayne.
"Come on sweetie. We have to be at the hospital in an hour." I said. Rayne and Alison got up and changed.
After twenty minutes they were ready.
We had some breakfast and then left. When we arrived I took Rayne's hand and vomited on the front tyre. I was so nervous.
Rayne held my hand as we went in and when the doctor called out my name we got up, Alison wanted to wait in the waiting area, and went with the doctor.
He asked me to lay on the bed and hold up my shirt. I did. Rayne took my hand. When he put the gel on my stomach I squealed.
"Is it really cold?" Rayne laughed.
He got his monitor and dabbed it along the gel. When he got an image I cried.
It had each of its limbs and was curled up into a small ball. I think.
"Is it a girl or boy?" I asked.
"I appears to be a girl." The doctor said.
He printed out a few copies of the scan and we were allowed to leave.
Before we did I pulled some wipes from my bag and clean my stomach.
We went to the waiting room and asked Rayne to get Alison.
We drove home and when we got back I ran up to Wyatt excitedly.
"Look!" I showed him one on the picture. "It's a girl!" He took the pictures from me and put them away then he leaned down and kissed me, passionately.
He finished and I sat on the sofa, Rayne running up the stairs way too quickly.

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