Chapter thirteen, Snow

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*Taylor's POV*

   I burped again and a vomit rose in my throat. I swallowed it down and sipped on my glass of water. I put my head back to my pillow and tried to sleep, to pass the time. I burped and vomit rose in my throat, and I swallowed it again. I knew I was only delaying the inevitable but I'd rather be sick later instead of right now.
   I heard Rayne's door slam about hour ago and Wyatt had gone out, he messaged me and told me he needed a drink.
   I pushed back the covers and put my feet to the cold floor. I had to pee, yet again. I burped again and swallowed back vomit.
   I washed my hands once I were done and stepped out of the bathroom. I glanced across the hall to Rayne's room. I tapped at the door and waited a moment before opening it.
   Rayne was sat on her bed. She radiated relief but her tears said otherwise.
   "Sweetie, what happened?" I asked, sitting besides her. She shrugged. I put my arm around her and she shuffled away.
   "It's Wyatt. I told him ... something and ... And he didn't respond well." She ran her hand through her hair and looked up at me.
   "What did you tell him, maybe I could talk to him." She looked hopeful for a second.
   "No. I don't want to talk about it." She ran her hand through her hair again.
   "I'm not ready to tell you." She began chewing at her nails. I held her hands, stopping her from continuing with her bad habit.
   "Okay." I wrapped my arms around her and she held me back. She seemed to be really struggling, whatever it was it was clearly important.
   My throat gave a long burp and acidic bile rose in my throat. I swallowed it down and Rayne gave me a worried look. I smiled and burped again, raising more vomit. This time it sat in my throat. I burped again and ran back to the bathroom. I held my mouth then let the vomit out as I hung my head over the toilet.
   Wyatt, who had obviously just returned, rubbed my back. Rayne was nowhere to be seen. I coughed and the last of the vomit splashed out. I rinsed my mouth then turned to face Wyatt. He gave me a quick kiss and he stank of alcohol.
   The smell made my head spin. I went back to my room, Rayne had gone downstairs, and he followed. He kissed me again and I pushed him away.
   "Come on baby." He begged.
   "You're drunk."
   "I'm not. I'm fine." He slurred his words and the smell was horrible.
   "I don't want our first time to be while you're drunk, Wyatt."
   "I'm not drunk." He shouted.
   "Yes, you are." I laid down and closed my eyes.
   "It's not my fault." He flopped down beside me. I scoffed. "I just couldn't handle what Ray told me."
   "What?" I sat up an looked at him. "What did she tell you that was so bad?" He leaned in and put his mouth to my ear.
   "She's gay." He nibbled at my ear and I moved away.
   "She's gay!" He was shouting again.
   "Get out. Don't come back until your sober." I pushed him from my room and locked the door.
   I'd failed. I'd failed at being a parent. Now I couldn't even notice something as important as this. Well, it's not that important but it's something that could get her a lot of hate. She's going to get enough hate growing up with me as it is, being famous and all.
   As I looked around the room I began to remember that day. When we left for England, when John ...
   After three months I still couldn't handle it. I unlocked the door and ran from the room. I ran to the stairs and as I did I caught a glimpse of myself in the mirror at the end of the hall.
   I slowly walked over and put my fingers to the cool glass. I couldn't believe what I saw. My eyes were sunken and grey from sleep deprivation, my cheekbones looked so sharp that they could cut you and my lips were chapped. I turned on a side and lift up my top. Could you tell? I'd gone up a dress size in clothes but could other people tell? My stomach that once had a slight dip now had a slight curve outwards. I saw Rayne in the mirror and I tugged my top back down.
   "You look fine." She said, taking my hand.
   "Thanks." I applied makeup to my horrendous face then sat downstairs.
   "Why did you put makeup on, we're not going anywhere." Rayne said as I sat down.
   "I felt like it."
   "Let's go out then, since your ready."
   "What!" I exclaimed as she tugged me to my feet and dragged me to the car.
   I started the car and we drove about aimlessly for two hours before I finally pulled up at the park.
   "Amazing!" Rayne hopped out of the car and ran. I jumped out after her and tried to keep up pace.
   "Wait up, I have little legs!" I shouted after her. She stopped then turned to glare at me.
   "You have little legs? You're almost six foot tall, me, I'm hardly five. If anyone has little legs it's me." She laughed at me but still slowed down.

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