Chapter twenty-eight, Home sweet home

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*Taylor's POV*

   I cut the engine and stepped out of the car. I knocked on her door and Katy opened the door.
   "What?" She asked.
   "It's Rayne, she told me you have to tell me where she is." I said.
   "Oh, really?" I showed her the message she left me. "She said I have to learn to trust you. So far you're not doing very well."
   "Please." I begged.
   "What the hell is she doing here?" A short brunette, Shannon, appeared behind Katy. She was almost a foot shorter than me.
   "But ..." I looked at my feet then at Katy then Shannon. "Bye!" I spat. I turned and stomped to my car. I sped away and when I got home I went straight for the kitchen and picked up a knife. As I held it above my skin I saw a pack of pasta, the same type that Rayne used to make her cheese and broccoli pasta.
   I set down the blade and tipped the contents of the pack into a pan with water and let it boil.
   My attempt to replicate Rayne's recipe was an epic fail. I wrapped it and put it in the fridge then grabbed the knife and made a slash.
   As the blood oozed from my arm I felt my emotions seep out with it.
   I made another slash then began aimlessly cutting.
   When I put the knife down I washed out the cuts and saw I had written a word in my arm, a name. I guess cutting can't take away the fact that I miss her. I'd carved 'Rayne' into my arm. I don't know why I did it, my whole life was honestly starting to feel like a poorly written fan-fiction.
   I washed away the all of the blood I ran to her room and threw myself onto her bed. I drank in her scent and closed my eyes, drifting off into a deep slumber.

When my eyes opened I looked at my arm. It was scabbing over already.
Rayne's phone flashed and I looked at the message.
Taylor, stop looking. I am the reason your daughter had to run away, I am the reason she's hiding. She is only doing it to protecting you, because she loves you. Go careful, I'm coming for you - Unknown.
There was an attachment, a picture of a knife.
I called Katy, from Rayne's phone and asked her to come over.
After ten minutes she arrived.
"I was thinking, if we give her phone to the police they can track the number and we get Rayne back in time for her birthday." Which was in a few weeks.
"Okay." I handed her the phone and we both got in our own cars and drove down to the police station.
They said they would look and after a few minutes they had pin-pointed the stalker. They went out to catch them but they were on the run. Katy and I went home. Now all that was left was waiting.

*Rayne's POV*

I opened my eyes and shied away from the bright light burning my eyes.
"HAPPY BIRTHDAY RAYNE!" Alice was tugging me out of bed. I sat up and saw Rachel stood by the door, holding a long box.
"How did you know, I never told you?" I asked.
"Google!" Alice squealed, tossing clothes at me. "Get dressed." She skipped out of the room and I slid from the warmth of the bed.
"We're waiting." Rachel shook the box gently then left. I changed into a black dress, with long sleeves, and purple splattered all over the thin layer of black silk.
I brushed my hair, which matched my dress, and pulled on my black flats. I went downstairs and sat on the sofa, next to Alice.
She thrust a small box into my hands but I waited for Rachel, so I wouldn't be rude.
"This is mine. The bag is from the both of us and the box is from mom ... Rachel."
When Rachel arrived I opened the box to reveal a necklace. It was a locket, inside was a picture of me, Rachel and Alice.
"Thank you." I put it on then opened up a bag. It was full of lots of different books, all about weird and whacky things.
"We thought you'd like them." Rachel said.
"You've gotten to know me so well." I laughed.
"Yeah." Rachel replied. She put the long box onto my lap and I slowly peeled back the paper and it was a guitar.
"Thank you." I said, dumbfounded.
"I've heard some of the work you've done on Alice's guitar and I thought you'd like something a bit more personal."
I strummed it and after a minute it was tuned.
"Well then, play us a song." Alice said. Oh no. The only songs I'd had chance to practice were Taylor's, I used her guitar but I never got much time on it and only knew love story. I knew how to play all Katy's songs but I'd never practiced.
I guess I'll just have to wing it. As I went to strum the guitar a sharp knock rang at the door. Rachel stood up to answer it and the second I heard her voice I knew who it was. I'd left her a note and the only reason she'd know I were here was if she'd done as I asked.
I'd been communicating with Katy since I left and she would only tell Taylor if Taylor had done as I asked.
I put down the guitar and ran to the door.
Taylor's warm arms wrapped around me and I held her back.
"They've gone?" I asked. Taylor picked me up and I wrapped my legs around her waist and rest my head on her shoulder.
"Yeah. We found them last night and it turned out to be some super obsessed stalker fan of ours. Once they were locked up I drove down here to get you."
"Oh, hi." Alice said. Taylor put me down and Rachel showed Taylor to the front room.
"Who's birthday is it?" Taylor asked sarcastically.
"You're unbelievable." I said.
"I know, that's what they tell me." She flicked her hair and smiled.
Alice stood up and stomped up the stairs.
"Excuse me." I said, following after her.
She was in her room, thrusting my clothes into my suitcase.
"You're going home then." She spat.
"I don't have much choice. She's got legal control over me, unfortunately." I said, sitting on the bed.
"Do you still hate her?" Alice asked.
"No, but I'm definitely not glad she's here."
"Really?" Alice asked.
"Yeah, but don't worry, I'll be back. I miss Alison though. Or else I'd probably stay, that and Katy."
"Alison? Katy?"
"Alison is my girlfriend and Katy." I gestured to the walls.
"You know Katy Perry?" Alice was definitely shocked.
"Her little brother is my dad." I said.
"Oh my gosh." She put her hand to her mouth.
"Ali had the same reaction." I laughed. We finished packing and when I glanced at the clock I saw Taylor stood in the doorway.
"Hey." I said.
"I've spoken to Rachel and Alice, do you want to come and stay for a week or so? It is the school holidays right?"
"Yeah, school ended last month." I looked at Alice and nodded.
'Katy' I mouthed.
"Okay." Taylor glanced around the room, looking hurt, then slowly padded down the stairs.
I helped Alice pack a bag then we put all of our things into Taylor's car.
The whole time my mind was on Alison. I couldn't wait to be in her arms again.
After saying my goodbyes to Rachel I got into the front passenger seat of the car and we began the drive home.
Taylor spoke to Alice quite a bit and I zoned out, focusing on the scenery. I tried to calm my nerves, worrying about when I got to see Alison again.
The drive was horribly long but it did eventually end.
When I opened the front door Alison was waiting for me. It was like a scene from a movie. We ran towards each other and caught each other in a tight hug I grabbed her face and pushed my lips onto hers. Tears spilled out of my eyes.
"I missed you so much Ali." I mumbled.
"I missed you too." Someone cleared their throat and I whipped my head in their direction.
It was Katy. I ran over to her and sank into her arms.
"Oh my goodness! Oh my goodness! Oh my goodness! I've missed you so much. This is the best birthday present ever!" Tears poured more forcefully from my eyes.
"Good, I've only been waiting here all day." I laughed and Katy scooped me up into her arms. I held on tightly as I drank in the smell of her hair. Her shampoo was different, it smelled of bubblegum.
"You changed your shampoo?" I whispered.
"Yeah, a fan sent it so I thought I'd be nice and use it."
"That's nice."
"I got you a present." She put me down and grabbed her bag. She pulled out a box and handed it to me.
I opened the lid and I got a huge whiff of cotton candy.
Inside was a set of jewellery. It was a pair of black kitten earrings, a necklace, a ring and bracelet.
"Aww, that's so cute. Why the cotton candy though?" I asked.
"Why not?" Katy laughed. I put on all of the jewellery and pouted.
"I feel so sexy." I said sarcastically.
"Definitely." Katy said twice as sarcastically. We both laughed then I ran to Alice and grabbed her hands.
"Come on!" I tugged her to the front room and pushed her in front of Katy.
"Oh my goodness." She muttered under her breath. "H-H-Hi." She stuttered.
I saw Katy resist the urge to roll her eyes, the amount of people she's met who were nervous is above counting. She would never make her fans think she didn't care though, she's not that kind of person. That and she does love her fans.
"Katy, this is Alice. She was kind enough to let me take refuge in her house." I let out a small laugh. Katy crouched down to be the same hight as Alice.
"Hey, I'm Katy. That was nice of you, taking in this monster." Katy said, pulling me into her arms and messing up my hair. I heard Alice giggle, good, she was calming down.
Katy suddenly let me go and I tumbled to the floor. I punched Katy.
"OW!" Katy yelled, giggling.
"Come on Alice. We'll go dump your stuff upstairs." I said.
Alice, Alison, and I went up to my room and dumped everything in there I pulled out the spare bed for Alice and seven days later I was packing it away again and saying goodbye.
We'd had a good time but most of it was spent with Katy. Alice and Katy exchanged numbers and Alice was now gone. Her mom had driven here yesterday to take her home today.

Tonight was an early night because Taylor and I have an interview tomorrow. It's the Ellen show again.

Alison had fallen asleep sprawled across my bed and I had no chance of moving her so I slid into bed with Taylor.
"What do you want?" Taylor asked when I laid down.
"Oh, I'll go then." I sat up to leave but she pulled me down.
"No, stay." She mumbled in my ear. "Why aren't you in your own bed though?"
"Do you want to move the starfish that goes by the name of Alison?" I asked.
"No, you can stay." Taylor moved her head onto my shoulder and fell asleep. Me, on the other hand, was wide awake.
I slid out of Taylor's grip and began playing on my phone.
I clicked onto Snapchat and accidentally began recording as Taylor began mumbling.
"No, come back puberty. I want my boobs! I don't like being flat chested, there's only so much Victoria's Secret can do!" She reached out then rolled over. I stopped recording and began laughing hysterically.
I saved the video to my phone and Taylor woke up.
I convinced her nothing was wrong and I snuggled close to her and her warmth made me drift off to sleep.

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