Chapter twenty-nine, Interveiw ... And a hospital bed?

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*Taylor's POV*

When my eyes opened Rayne was shaking me.
"Get up lazy! We're going to be late!" She was already changed and ready to go. She was wearing a knee length golden dress, it used to be mine, and her nails were painted golden. I'd done them.
I got out of bed, changed and did my make-up in half an hour.
"Bye Ali." I said, peeping into the room where she was typing at a computer.
"Bye Taylor, see you later." She said, without turning. Rayne squeezed past me and planted a kiss on her cheek before turning to leave.
Alison spun around on the chair and pulled Rayne onto her lap.
"Is that all I get?" She asked, giving Rayne a kiss on her lips. She pushed Rayne towards me and she stuck her tongue out. We both left and got into the car.
After a few minutes Rayne began to giggle hysterically.
"What?" I asked.
She unplugged her earphones.
"You were talking in your sleep last night and I accidentally caught it on camera." She explained.
"Let me hear it." She went to press play then stopped.
"No. I'll make you wait."
"All you are is mean, and a liar, and pathetic, and alone in life. And mean, and mean." I sang.
"Oh my G-d, Taylor, no! Just no!" We both started laughing.
"You're definitely not listening to it now." She mumbled.
"You know we've lived together for over a year now." I pointed out.
"Yeah, and I still hate you." She sniggered.
"Oh really, just you wait missy. We get out of this car soon." I drove using one hand and I poked her as hard as I could with the other.
"OW! That really hurt!" She shuffled away.
"Yeah, wait until we get out the car." I smirked.
"Oh, I'm so scared." She said sarcastically.
"Good." She flicked on the radio and 'shake it off' blasted out.
"For crying out loud! This is on all the time, it's been months, how can it still be this popular?" Rayne moaned.
"It's because I'm awesome!" I flicked my hair and she rolled her eyes.
We listened to music until we arrived.

When we did arrive we were shown to a dressing room where I quickly brushed through my hair before perfecting Rayne's.
A security guard came and we waited back stage for our cue.
"Up next is America's second cutest and prettiest woman, after me, Rayne Swift and her has-been mother Taylor Swift." I held Rayne's hand as we walked out and the second we sat down I started.
"Has-been?" I asked.
"Yes. Didn't you know that your beautiful daughter is the next big thing?" Ellen asked me.
"Yeah Taylor." Rayne said.
"You're supposed to be on my side!" I hissed, loudly. The audience laughed and Rayne took her hand in mine.
"I am. I still have great weapons to use against you though." She smiled.
"Like what?" I asked.
"Yeah, Rayne, like what?" Ellen asked.
"Well," Rayne looked up at me and began giggling. "last night I couldn't sleep and Taylor had fallen asleep so I was messing around on my phone. I was on Snapchat when I accidentally started to record. That's when Taylor started talking in her sleep so I saved the video." She pulled out her phone. "I actually have it with me."
They hooked her phone up to the screen and as they were doing so Ellen continued talking.
"So Taylor, have you seen this video?" She asked.
"No, I haven't. Ray was laughing at it on the way here but she wouldn't show me it. Now I guess she's just going to embarrass me on television."
"Oh, I think we're good to go." Ellen said.
The screen was entirely black except for the faint outline of my body. I moaned a little then spoke.
"No, come back puberty. I want my boobs! I don't like being flat chested, there's only so much Victoria's Secret can do!" Oh no! I actually said that. I sank back into my chair and covered my red face.
Through the gaps in my fingers I saw Ellen gesture to Rayne then someone jumped out of the coffee table.
I screamed and slid from my chair. Rayne was unfazed, that's what Ellen was gesturing about.
I was laughing so hard that tears were streaming down my face.
"You've got a bad habit of falling over when I scare you." Ellen said, referring to the time she scared me in the bathroom.
I pulled my knees to my chest and tried to control my hysteria.
Rayne helped me back onto the sofa and we attempted to continue the interview.
"I heard someone recently had a birthday." Ellen said.
"Oh I did. It was amazing." I laughed.
"I wasn't talking to you." Ellen quipped.
"Yeah, I don't think Ray is going to be answering." Rayne was staring off into the distance.
I waved my hand in front of her face. She didn't respond. I clicked my fingers but she was still unfazed.
I shook her and her head moved to look at me.
"Yes?" I laughed at her, she's always losing concentration.
"You recently celebrated your birthday, right?" Ellen asked.
"Oh, yeah." Rayne mumbled.
"You got back the day of your birthday, I heard you went missing."
"No, I was at a friends house in San Francisco. Someone obviously forgot where I was." Rayne elbowed me and laughed.
"I did not!" I said, trying to sound offended. I put my hand to my chest and gasped. "As if you would accuse me of that!" We all laughed.
"Hey, do you remember the time when you spoke in your sleep?" Rayne asked me. My face reddened and I covered it with my hands. Everyone began laughing again and Ellen had the video played again.
"Now, a more serious note." Ellen said.
"Ellen, you don't have the ability to be serious." I said.
"How did this happen?" Ellen asked Rayne, gently touching the scars on her arms.
"I think it's pretty obvious." She looked up at me then down at her hands. "I went through a phase of depression and then I moved in with Taylor and she helped me through it. Without her I don't think I'd be alive today." That was obviously a lie. When she moved in with me she wanted to kill herself more.

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