Chaper eight, Shopping and scars

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*Taylor's POV*

   I woke up and waited for Rayne to wake up too.
   "You never told me what was wrong yesterday." My throat felt much better.
   "Yesterday, when you got home, you were crying, you never said why."
   "It's not much." She put her head to my shoulder.
   "It's still something."
   "It's the paparazzi. They were calling you names when we were driving to Katy's. Then when we got there she just kept throwing up. It looked so painful too. She looked like she wanted to scream."
I pulled her closer to me.
   "It's fine. They were saying shit to my face. Plus, I'm sure Katy will get better soon, I mean, it's morning sickness, right?"
   "Yeah but Taylor, I told the paparazzi that she was my aunt. When they realise it was Katy then people will start making assumptions." My breathing hitched.
   "Rayne. Katy is your aunt." She looked up at me.
   "Your father is Katy's little brother."
   She looked disgusted. She pushed me away and was about to leave. I stood up but as I did I flexed the muscles in my stomach too fast and I fell.
   "How did it happen?" She asked, taking a hesitant step towards me. I carefully sat up and she took a baby step towards me.
   "I got into a fight with my mother when I was twelve so I ran away to Santa Barbra. Well, I got a bus to LA and stayed a night then a bus to San Francisco and stayed two nights. It was amazing. Plus they were filming Charmed and I adored that at the time. Then from San Francisco I got a bus to Santa Barbra. I'd heard about the beaches and always wanted to go.
   "I slept on a park bench for a week and the met David. At night he would sneak me into his room and we'd have food and sleep. Then one day his mom found out. She wouldn't let me stay so he ran away too. We went to his friend's house who showed us to this little abandoned subdivision.
   "Then David's friend came back. He had a knife and once or twice a week he would force us to ..." Rayne stepped closer and sat beside me. I wiped away my tears and carried on, being pulled deeper into the memories I'd tried to block out for so long. "David and I ran back to his house after four months of it. My stomach had begun to show. We exchanged numbers and he talked me into going home. Before I did though he proposed and I said 'yes.'
   "When I did get home my mom beat me and locked me in my room. When I went into labour she threw me a towel and a bottle of baby milk. Fourteen hours later you were born. I cleaned you and fed you. Then my mother came in and pretend you were hers. Four months after that. I went out to sing and when I came back she laughed and told me she'd put you up for adoption.
   "A few years later David called. He said that his sister had gotten big and was called 'Katy Perry'. Then my career blew up and I really wanted to meet David again.
   "I found Katy and we were so close. I never actually saw David again and then I got really annoyed when she hired backup dancers from under my nose. We trusted each other."
   Rayne snuggled into me.
   "I was a mistake." She whispered.
   "Yes, but you were the best mistake I ever made."
   "Thanks ... does Katy know about me?"
"I'm pretty sure she'll know, I don't know for definite though." Rayne helped me back up on to the bed and she tossed a wii remote at me. "How are you at Mario Kart?"
   "The best." She laughed and jumped on the bed besides me, the topic change really lightening the mood.

   3 ... 2 ... 1 ... GO.

   I spun around corners and threw banana skins but when I crossed the like to go onto my final lap Rayne's screen flashed finished.
   "What the hell!" I yelled.
   "The best are we?" She laughed again.
   "Fine." I chose a really difficult level and even the computer characters died a few times. I finished lap one and she dropped her remote.
   "Done." She giggled. Once I'd finished I looked at her. I frowned and she tried to stifle her laughter. I got on all fours over her and began tickling her. She screamed and slapped her hand to her mouth as her body convulsed. She laughed hysterically as I only ticked her more.
   Another scream sounded out, but it wasn't hers. It was mine. Whilst she was flailing her arms around, Rayne had brushed against my stomach.
   I didn't want her to think she had hurt me so I laughed and rolled on to my back. Rayne was gasping for air as she sat up.
   "I'm sorry." She muttered. "I know I touched your stomach."
   "How about round three?" I said trying to change the subject. I tossed Rayne her remote.
   "Prepare to lose." She she said smugly. I did. I came eighth. She came first. That was the same for round four. She had won each of the four games so she came first overall too.
  "Hahaha!" She smirked.

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