Chapter twenty-four, Katy's home

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*Rayne's POV*

   I woke up and jumped from my bed. I changed and brushed my hair in ten minutes and I had breakfast.
   By eight I was ready to go. Taylor knew I was leaving early today but she was spending time with Wyatt, he leaves tomorrow.
I opened the door and the wind blew my hair about. I quickly ran out and closed the door behind me.
I ran down the driveway and and turned towards Katy's house. I got there and grabbed the hidden spare key. I turned on the heating and soon the house was toasty and warm.
Katy wasn't due home until twelve so I had three and a half hours to wait.
I wish I had brought a book. I strolled into the kitchen and looked in the empty fridge. Empty freezer. Empty cupboards.
Damn, I was going to make her a gluten free pizza.
I could always go to Wal-Mart and get the stuff I need.
I ran home and got ten dollars then went to the store. I grabbed everything and was back at Katy's in twenty minutes.
I pulled my hair into a bun and rolled up my sleeves. I rolled out the gluten free base and added the blitzed tomatoes and herbs I'd made. I sprinkled on sliced mushrooms and mozzarella then grated cheese and more mozzarella. I slid it into the oven and at eleven I started to cook it.
After forty-five minutes it was ready.
I took it out, sliced it and put some onto a plate just as the door clicked. I set the plate on the table and ran to the door.
I jumped onto her and held her as tightly as possible.
"WHAT THE FFF-OH MY G-D!" She wrapped her arms around me tightly. "I missed you so much Rayne." Tears splashed onto my face from Katy's eyes.
"Come on, I made you something." I let go of her and dragged her to the kitchen.
"That smells amazing." She said grabbing the plate with the pizza on. She took a bite. "Oh my goodness, that's so good. It's so cheesy."
She sat down and ate four slices before she said anything else.
"Rayne!" She sounded terrified. "Where's your baby?" She asked. Tears slipped out of my eyes and she held me.
"I lost it."
"Awe, baby. I'm so sorry I wasn't here." She let go of me. "Pizza?" I laughed at her and dried my eyes.
"Thank you."
"It's a good job I'm not lactose intolerant." Katy said, changing the subject. I laughed.
"Yeah." I held her tightly. "G-d I missed you Katy."
"You too." I never wanted to let go but I had to. My phone vibrated in my back pocket.
   Just hug Katy whilst it lasts. I'm coming - unknown
Shit! Someone was watching me? I looked around and saw nothing. No cameras, no people. There was only one window that gave a direct view to where we were and the curtains were closed. In fact, all of the curtains were closed.
"Oh ... Uh ... I have to go." Before Katy could say anything I ran out the door.
I was almost home when a pair of hand grabbed my waist and I was thrown into the back of a car.
"How was your hug with Katy?" They asked. I opened the door and ran. Idiots.
I ran up the driveway and into the house, locking the door behind me.
I ran to my room and closed the curtains. I heard Taylor giggling in the next room and Wyatt's deep laugh.
I flicked on the television and put on a movie. I tried to sleep but I was still a little shaken up by what had happened.
My phone buzzed again and I looked at my new message.
   That's my favourite film - unknown
I screamed and dropped my phone on the bed besides me.
After a minute or two Taylor came in and sat down.
"Ray?" Taylor was almost a foot taller than me and whenever we hugged my face would be perfect boob height, luckily she doesn't have any of those. When she wrapped her arms around me I turned my head away and pulled her close.
I still hate her but I needed to feel comforted.
"Ray, what happened?" Taylor asked.
"I had a bad dream." I lied.
"But you've just gotten home, how could you have had time to sleep?" She knew I was lying but I wasn't going to tell her.
She broke our hug and put both of her hands on her stomach, leaning forwards, saving me from having to think of an excuse.
"Taylor?" I asked. She began to take deep breaths. I was terrified.
"The baby." She said.
"You can't, you're a month early." I said.
"I'm not in labour!" She laughed. I let out a sigh of relief. "She just moved and kicked just about every organ in me." I let out a fake laugh and she gave me a soft bump on my arm.
My phone buzzed and I glanced at the message.
   What happened? Are you okay? - K.T
I didn't want to have to explain to anyone but I wanted to tell Katy. I was absolutely terrified.
   Tell and your precious aunt K.T gets it - Unknown
I turned off my phone and hoped Taylor hadn't seen. I couldn't tell her.
"I'm getting a bath." I said, getting away from Taylor. Before she could say anything I was locked in the bathroom and pouring bubble bath into the tub.
I stripped down and slid into the water.
I closed my eyes and the warmth of the water relaxed me enough to fall asleep.

Hate is a strong word, but I still hate you.Where stories live. Discover now