Chapter eleven, Even the sweetest dreams turn sour

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*Taylor's POV*

   Part of me wanted to help Jess, I feel terrible for not, but the rest of me was terrified and when Rayne ran over to protect me I wanted to protect her.
   "She asked me to adopt her." I said.
   "I'm not surprised. She's a massive Swiftie, you should see her room." I laughed.
   "How did you put up with her, being a Katycat and all?"
   "We've been best friends since forever. I actually loved your songs until the feud but in offending Katy you offended her kittens too. Jess just picked you, I mean we've alway fought over who was better. We were actually arguing about that when you hit me with your car."
   "Sorry for hitting you with my car." I said.
   "It's okay, I forgive you mom."
   I felt Rayne go tense, like she didn't mean to say it.
   "I love you too." I whispered. Even if it was an accident I could feel something in me, it felt whole, like I was never truly together, not until now.
   Slowly, she began to relax. My fist opened up from her shirt. My sweat had plastered my hair to my forehead and my own shirt to my skin.
   "Sorry, I don't feel safe." Rayne pulled away and ran down the hall. The front door locked and she rushed back.
   "Come on." She grabbed my wrist and practically dragged me up the stairs. She pulled me to my room and locked the door.
   The memories of John rushed back and I clawed at the door. I had to get out. I couldn't breathe. My hands fumbled at the lock and when the door burst open I ran as far away from that room as quickly as possible.
   Rayne held my shoulders as I curled up in a ball. I didn't cry, I rocked back and forth and tried to breathe.
   "It's fine. It's okay now."
   "It was there. That was where he did it." Rayne made her breathing audible and made me copy. When I got my breathing under control she helped me to my feet and guided me to her room.
   I sat on the edge of the bed and she disappeared, returning with an armful of my clothes. She walked into her closet and began to hang them up.
   "That's your side, you can stay with me and you won't have to go back.

   An hour later she had moved all if my stuff, clothing wise, and put it into our now shared closet.
   "We can move more stuff later." She flopped on the bed and twirled her hair.
"I didn't move anything. You wouldn't let me." I pointed out. She shrugged and got up. I went downstairs and got comfortable on the sofa whilst Rayne pottered about the kitchen.
When she finally came and sat down she sat at the opposite side of the sofa.
"What were you doing?" I asked.
"Cleaning." She put her head on the arm of the sofa and closed her eyes.
"Go to bed if your tired."
"I'm not tired, I'm thinking." She snapped.
"What's up?"
"I'm fine." Her voice was harsh and cold.
"I do-ohh." I didn't feel sick, but my stomach did feel off. I hunched forwards to try and numb the pain but that didn't help.
"Taylor?" Rayne sat up and shuffled closer.
"Stomach ache." I said.
"Shit!" She mumbled. "I hope we're not in sync." I laughed at her vague comment, knowing instantly what was wrong with her. She put her hand to my shoulder as the uneasiness settled.
"We're not in sync, I don't think." I smiled at her and she flushed a deep red. She quickly turned away and laughed. "How about we get take-out?" I asked.
"I don't care." She slumped back down, curling into a ball.

*Rayne's POV*

I curled in a ball as my stomach clenched. I hated this. Taylor had 'stomach ache' and I hoped we weren't in sync.
Taylor wanted to order pizza and my cravings screamed yes. I hate this time of the month, I hate the local pizza place too. Their pizzas are always raw, well, they're obviously not but they might as well be.
She ordered a simple cheese pizza and I ate a slice before I felt bloated. I sauntered off to bed and changed.
I missed my pillows but today had gone so fast.
Taylor's phone buzzed on my bedside table I turned over. It buzzed again, and again. I glanced at the screen.

You have seventeen new messages

I unlocked her phone. She should really think of a harder password. They were all from John.

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