Chapter sixteen, Alison

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*Taylor's POV*

   Rayne was fine with me sleeping with her brother.
   It wasn't even intentional, it just happened. We were kissing then we were on our backs and gasping for air.
   I made soup then messaged Rayne.
   When she got back she was complaining about the paparazzi. That's when she figured out that I'd slept with Wyatt. We ate in silence then Rayne checked the time and ran off.
   Five minutes later she jogged down the stairs in sports kit.
   "Where are you going?" I asked.
   "Basketball." She opened the door and ran out. I followed her, I don't know why. I'm not a stalker, I was just bored.
   She arrived and had a quick conversation with the instructor before she was sent to a group. They did some sporty stuff then she was handed a ball. A group of girls next to her were laughing and she moved away. One of them sucked in her cheeks and wobbled her head. They all laughed and Rayne slyly wiped her eyes.
   After ten minutes they were separated into two teams and they had a full game. Rayne sat at the side until the gym instructor came and spoke to her she nodded her head and went onto the court. In five minutes she had scored twelve goals.
   At one point she looked up and waved. I wasn't sure if she was waving at me or a passer-by.
   As she ran across the pitch to go for the ball another one of the girls stuck their leg out and she tripped over it. She put her hands out and front-flipped. I laughed at her amazing reflexes.
   By the end of the match her team were up by thirty-seven goals. She grabbed her bag and left. She rushed over and slammed the car door shut. She had to wipe her eyes again and I held her. She cried for a moment then she rubbed her eyes again sat up.
   "Just go." She said.
   "Do you want me to go in next time?" I asked.
   "I'm not fussed."
   "I'll write a song about them." I offered. She laughed halfheartedly.
   "I can see it already, number one it a hundred countries." She laughed again. I started up the car and began the drive home.
   I had to pull over though. The baby wasn't staying still. I jumped out of the car and vomited pea and mint soup on the sidewalk. I held onto a lamppost as I coughed violently. Lights flashed in my eyes and I wanted to scream.

   Taylor Swift vomits on sidewalk

   That will be their story. Hopefully they write about something else but I doubt it. They fired questions at me and Rayne snapped back.
   "She's just sick. She got food poisoning. It happens to everyone." When I finally finished we got back into the car and Rayne got me a bottle of water from her bag. I had a quick drink before stepping on the gas pedal. I pulled up at the house and ran inside.
   Wyatt was on the sofa.   
   "Hey." He said. I sat down closed my eyes. He gave me a kiss then looked at me disgustedly. "You've been sick." He said. Rayne came in and sat down. I nodded.
   Wyatt gave me a hug.
   "Aww babe." He picked me up. "Baby isn't very well. She should go to bed." He said in a baby voice. I was too tired to argue. He carried me to my bed and wrapped me up. I pushed the covers off, I was far too hot.
   I began to fall asleep and I felt my top lift. I looked and saw Wyatt looking at my stomach. He was engrossed and shot about five foot in the air when I coughed.
   "I'm sorry." He said. I couldn't help but laugh. "I like girls with curves." He kissed my stomach. I laughed more.
   "You're so cheesy." Rayne said. She was stood in the doorway.
   "Ray!" Wyatt yelled. He sounded really mad. "Can't you see me and the foetus are trying to have a private moment here!" He still sounded really angry. She laughed. "You can't look at it though, there's skin in the way." He pointed to random parts of my stomach. "This its arm. This is its leg. This is it head and this is his winkie." Rayne laughed.
   "I thought that was his head." She gasped. Wyatt grabbed a red Sharpie and drew a stick figure in my stomach. He drew an overly large penis on it and I laughed at his stupidity.
   "That's it's winkie." He said triumphantly.
   "Okay." I said, tugging my top down. "Enough gawking at my stomach." I yawned in sync with Rayne. She climbed onto the bed and I wrapped my arms around her.
   "Move up!" Wyatt yelled, squeezing between us. Rayne rolled over him and back into the middle.
   "Well this is one big happy twisted family." Wyatt said.
   "Father used to be girls brother." Rayne said dramatically. "Mother is a famous pop star." She was still being overly dramatic but her voice was normal for the final sentence. "But daughter it completely sane." I laughed. She snuggled closer to me and Wyatt pulled me into a hug, crushing Rayne. I fell asleep soon after that.

Hate is a strong word, but I still hate you.जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें