Chapter four, John please, NO!

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*Taylor's POV*

"Hey mom, hey dad." I slept on it and decided to do it. I had called my dad and asked him to put me on speaker phone.
"What is honey?" My mother asked.
"Do you remember Rayne?" I shuffled on my bed and waited for a reply.
"Rayne?" My mother asked.
"My daughter." I whispered. Tears streamed down my face as I remembered how it happened.
"Yes." My dad said, interrupting me from the spiral of memories.
"I've got her back."
"Congratulations!" My dad practically shouted, masking whatever my mother had mumbled.
My mother still didn't accept me even though it wasn't my fault I was pregnant at thirteen.
A short sharp scream shocked me from my stupor. I jumped and let out my own tiny yelp.
I hung up, ran downstairs and into to the kitchen. Rayne was stood with her arm under the tap.
"Sweetheart, What happened?" I ran over to her.
"I'm fine." She was holding her forearm under the cold tap. A bright pink patch of skin, reaching from her wrist to her elbow on the inside of her arm, was clearly throbbing.
"What happened?" I asked, a little more sternly.
"I burnt myself, okay!" She shouted. She clenched her fist because of the pain but then whimpered because of the pain caused by clenching her fist.
"On what?" I tried to be comforting.
"I was getting the tray out of the oven and I dropped it because I'm clumsy!" She looked away but I still saw the tears. "I miss my mom." She whispered.
The pain I felt can't be compared to the pain she must be feeling right now.
She began to hum and fidget.
"What're you humming?"
She looked up and frowned.
"I'm not humming."
"You were."
"I was not. Whatever." She looked back at her arm. It had begun to cool but Rayne still looked like she were in pain.
She turned off the tap and dried her arm. She then wrapped cling film over it.
She grabbed my car key and walked away. By the time my brain had caught up she was sat in the passenger seat of my car. The car was purring. I sat behind the wheel and buckled up.
"Where are we going?" I asked. She held up her arm and raised her eyebrows.
"The hospital." She turned to look out of the window. I pulled out of the drive and to the hospital.
The second I cut the engine she jumped out and I jumped out after her, clicking the lock button on my keys as I chased after her.
I found her at the reception.
"Yeah, I burnt my arm on a tray. I held it under cold water for ten minutes then put the film on it but it still burns."
"You know first aid? Who's this?" She looked at me and frowned.
"I'm her mother, I was just locking the car."
She nodded then gasped.
"You're Taylor Sw-"
"Shhhhh!" I held up my hands and glanced around. No one else seemed to have noticed.
They took Rayne to another room and I had to wait. I kept my head down and tried to hide.
After waiting ten minutes something brushed against my shoulder. It was that girl that was there when I hit Rayne with my car.
"Oh hi." I said. She smiled and her face darkened a shade.
"Where's Ray?" She asked.
"Ray? Oh Rayne. She had an accident."
"What happened?"
"She burnt herself on a tray."
"Shock! She's so clumsy." She laughed.
"I'm sorry, I forgot your name."
"Jess." She said at the same time Rayne yelled her name. Rayne almost plowed Jess down when she ran over for a hug. When they broke apart Jess moved some of her brown hair from her face.
"Why are you here?" Rayne asked.
"Chloe broke her leg."
"Aww, poor Chloe."
"Jess!" A woman yelled.
"Ugh, mom." She sighed and punched Rayne in the shoulder playfully and Rayne returned the punch. Jess hurried off and I walked to the car.
I'm so glad she didn't recognise me. It can be so annoying sometimes when dealing with fangirls. I love them all so so much but now isn't really the most convenient time.
Rayne got into the passenger seat and we drove home. As I parked the car I noticed a car in my drive.
I ran inside and checked every room, they were all empty. I began to relax and I slouched into the sofa. I pulled Rayne into a hug, knowing she was still uncomfortable with me.
"What did they do?" I asked.
"They put a bandage on it and said it will clear up in a day or two."
Something sharp hit my head and I fell to the floor. A man held a cloth to Rayne's face and, after a few minutes of struggling, she slumped the the floor. The man looked up at me and our eyes locked.
He smirked and pinned me to the floor.
"What about Katy?" I asked.
"She's a tramp. I don't care about her. Besides, you always turned me on, unlike Katy. Katy's boring in bed." He leaned down and kissed my neck and I could feel bile in my throat.
"John please, NO!" He slowly bit the buttons off of my blouse and I tried to push him away. I couldn't. I screamed and John punched my stomach.
"Shut up, silly bitch!"
I flailed my legs and he brought his fist down again.
"Stupid cow." He spat. He tore my blouse and snapped my bra in the middle. My tears spilled over. He tore every inch of my clothes from my body and asked me to do the same. I nodded. When he let go of me I stood up and ran.
He grabbed my ankle and I fell, face first, on the floor. I heard his jeans unzip so I jumped up and ran, knowing he was preoccupied. I locked the door to my bedroom and curled up in a ball.
On no, Rayne! I would rather it were me than her. I opened the door and ran to Rayne. John was naked and had Rayne in her underwear. I pulled her towards me and shielded her.
I looked him in the eyes and put Rayne down.
"Please not Rayne. I'll do anything, just don't hurt her."
"Good." He grabbed my ankle and dragged me up the stairs, my head banging on each one. He threw me on my bed. I closed my eyes and focused on the incessant ringing in my ears.
After what felt like hours he finally finished. He went downstairs, two minutes later the front door banged closed.

*Rayne's POV*

   I opened my eyes and my head was in Taylor's lap. She was stroking my hair.
"What happened?" I asked.
"John. He drugged you and tried to r- ... I made him ... me instead." She began to cry and she curled into a ball. She let out a small retch and vomit exploded from her mouth.
John tried to rape me but she let him take her instead.
I let her vomit then cleaned her mouth with water. I gave her a protein shake and sipped one myself. I also ate an apple and managed to keep it down.
I made Taylor relax on the sofa whilst I cleaned her vomit. She tried to help but she couldn't stop crying.

Once I had collected the vomit I bleached the floor and got changed. I was only wearing my underwear and bra, it felt wrong whilst I were in front of Taylor, even though she was fully naked. I got a quick rinse, avoiding my still damp hair, then slipped into a long sleeved black tee. I grabbed a pair of skinny jeans and accidentally put both legs in the same hole. I could pull them up to my waist and there was still room. I quickly slipped my leg into the other hole and grabbed a belt. I could wrap it around twice and still have it on the tightest setting.
I curled up into a ball on the bed and began crying.
I can't believe how thin I am. I've always had a bit of fat on me, not much but still, and now I'm just bones.
I heard pounding on the stairs followed by Taylor's voice.
"Shit shit shit shit shit shit!" There was a lot of banging from next door the she burst through my door. She had gotten dressed and was now grabbing hold of my suitcase. I hid my face and followed her.
She jumped into the car and waited for me. Once I had clicked my seatbelt in she put her foot down and drove.
"Shit!" She muttered. "I can't believe I almost forgot!"
"You shouldn't swear." I said.
"I don't normally but we're gonna be late."
She began tapping the wheel impatiently when we got stuck at traffic lights.
"Late for what?" I asked.
"Our flight!" She stepped on the the gas pedal and a short while later we were at the airport.
Taylor dragged me about the unfamiliar airport and when we sat down on our private jet she let out a sigh.
She moaned. Freak.

*Taylor's POV*

When we finally sat down on the plane I let out a huge sigh. I can't believe we were almost late. I fastened my seatbelt and moaned. It was digging into my stomach, which was now extremely sore like the rest of that area. I shuffled on to my side and saw Rayne messaging Katy.

Just got on the plane. See you in a week.

My pelvis gave a sharp twinge and I let out a small gasp. This was followed by silent tears. I didn't want to be facing Rayne but it hurt too much to move.
She looked up and I looked down, holding my stomach.
"Taylor ... What's wrong?" Rayne slipped her phone into her pocket and put one hand to my shoulder.
"You don't need to pretend. I know you don't like me, it's fine." I said, seeing through her act.
"You're right, I hate your guts but I have to put up with you. I live with you." She turned away.
After a moment she turned back holding out a pack of Advil and a bottle of water.
I crippled forward when a new spasm of pain hit my stomach. When it subsided I popped out two pills and threw them down my throat, washing them down with water.
"Thanks." I whispered, massaging my stomach. The plane shook and took off. The shaking made my stomach twinge.
Half an hour later the pills kicked in and I managed to fall asleep for the rest of the flight.

   "Taylor." A voice was whispering in my ears. My shoulder shook and I pried my eyes open. "Taylor, we're landing." Rayne said. I sat up and stretched.
An hour later we were in a cab going to the hotel. The driver pulled up and I thrust a note with a twenty on it into his hand. I got out and grabbed all the luggage and dragged it to the reception. We were shown to our room and our things were carried for us.
When we were finally alone I curled up in a ball on the bed and cried. When Rayne came and tried to calm me it made my tears worse. Seeing her made me think of the only other time I'd had sex. That wasn't quite rape but it was forced.
"Taylor, I love you. I want you to marry me."
I think I loved him and ever since then I have been trying to find the same connection with others. The only other person I truly love is Rayne, but she won't return those feelings.
My tears turned into hysterics and Rayne put her hand to my shoulder.
Unable to contain my emotions, I screamed. And screamed. And screamed.
I expected Rayne to run, instead she laid in front of me and I curled into a ball around her.
I knew she hated me still but at the moment I basked in her warmth and the comforting feeling she carried around with her.
"I love you Rayne." I whispered.

Hate is a strong word, but I still hate you.Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora