Hao Pizza - Zhanghao

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-Y/N's POV-

Today,I was craving something to eat,The first thing came to my mind was Pizza,Woah~ Imagining it makes mouth waters.

I quickly got up from my bed and put on a a dress and now ready to go to the Pizza store(?)

-Time skip-

I have arrived at the pizza store but I decided to order through drive thru. While I was waiting for my turn to order,I took out my phone to play with it for a while.

-Tuk tuk tuk-

Someone knocked my car window,I turn to see a man,he was wearing a pizza outfit just like the other workers inside the pizza store.

"Hi my name is Zhang Hao,what would you like to order?" He asked me with a warm smile plastered on his face.

"Umm Hi,I would like to order Tuna pizza, Pepperoni,smoked beef and uhh yeah just that," He nodded.

This is weird why does he take my order outside of the store, Usually there it's inside,Weird.

"Would you like to order Hao pizza?" He suddenly said.

"Hao pizza? Is Hao Pizza even exist?" He said and he chuckled a bit.

"Hao pizza is the new pizza from this store,If you buy it,You will be the first one," He said energetically.

'Me? The first one? Never have been'
I thought in my mind.

After a few seconds of thinking,I nodded as I smiled at this man.

"Sure, I'll take it,"

"Okay,Wait a minute okay?" He said and I nodded.

-A few minutes later-

-Tuk tuk tuk-

This Zhanghao man knocked on my window.... again,I then open the window and he gave me the pizza.

"Miss,I think you must open your door, because Hao Pizza is the big one," He said,I looked at him and eventually agreed,Not knowing what's gonna happen.

When I opened the door he went inside that made my jaw dropped.

"What are you doing?!" I asked hum,Really confused.

"Hey chill, I'm your boyfriend now," He said ti me while smiling.

"I don't--I don't have a boyfriend,Wait can you get out, you're freaking me out right now,"

"But you picked Hao Pizza,Here it is, I'm Hao," He said and smiled cutely.

"B-but I thought it was a real Pizza..." I said.

"It is, don't worry I can treat you really well," He said and winked.

"But I don't know you," I said

He tried to lean closer but I held his shoulder.

"Woah woah woah,what are you doing?" I asked him, Surprised

"Don't people kiss when they are dating?" He said and I rolled my eyes.

"When they know each other then it's a yes,but we don't know each other," I said to him and I saw that he was kinda sad.

"Okay, let's introduce ourselves," He said and smiled.

"Hi my name is Zhanghao,and I can play Violin really well,I am a 00 liner," He said and smiled.

"H-hi my name is Y/N,I work as a teacher,I am a (what year you're born) liner," I said and he smiled at me.

"Now we know each other,We can kiss right?" He leans forward but I held his shoulder again.

"It's not like that Zhanghao,You need to know someone for a long time then you can kiss them If yoy really love them," I said and he oh-ed.

"Let's just be friend for now," I said and he nodded,he was about to get out but I stopped him.

"Let's go to my house then,We can eat pizza together,maybe netflix and chill?" I said and he smiled while nodding.

Then we went 'ZOOOM' ,And went to my house,I can't believe I go out to buy pizza and went back home to have a bestfriend that worked at the pizza store,I think after this I need to teach him all the things about love, because I think he's stupid with love.

Whatever! Let me enjoy my netflix and chill with my new bestfriend Zhanghao :)


Just a short one for today,I hope you guys liked it even though it's short, :):);)

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 19 ⏰

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