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Evelyn and Elijah exchanged numbers . They would text all day sometimes.

It's been a couple days since the last among us irl video so she haven't seen the family in a while. Ev was about to do her laundry until Elijah texted her.

Elijah: Mom wants me to baby sit my and I was thinking If you wanna join?

Evelyn: Yeah of course. I babysit my siblings sometimes so I know what I'll be doing.

Elijah: Alright, see you in 1 hour.

Evelyn had a shower and got changed. She didn't do a lot of makeup since she didn't wanna get any on the child so she did something simple.

She walked to her neighbours house and knocked on the door. Shiloh opened it.

"Hey Evelyn? What's up?"

"Elijah said I could come help him babysit."

"Oh yeah, I'm just about to go out so it will only be you, Elijah and Jocelyn in the house. Elijah will tell you the rules, right Eli!?" Shiloh asked and Elijah shouted "Yeah!" "Have a good time." Shiloh says before getting in the car with her siblings.

"Who's that?" The child asked. She looked 4 years old. Had brown hair and was wearing a pink dress.

"Oh that's Evelyn. She's going to help babysit today." Eli answered "Evelyn this is Jocelyn, Jocelyn this is Evelyn."

"Hi Jocelyn." Evelyn said before sitting down on one of the seats.

"Hi Evelyn." Jocelyn says not making eye contact.

"She's just shy, but when you get to know her you guys will be best friends." Elijah says hoping that Jocelyns mood would lighten up.

Evelyn sighed before she got a big bag with loads of stuff inside. "I brought some toys, and some arts and crafts that we could do." Jocelyn looked up to see some slime, unicorn headphones, games and other things that she thought she would like.

"Can we make some slime first." Jocelyn said while standing up.

"You don't even have to ask!" Evelyn replied before she passed Jocelyn the bag and let her do what she wants.

They made slime. Jocelyn and Evelyn really bonded, Elijah got shaving cream in his hair. That was really funny, Jocelyn almost mistaken activator for water and Evelyn got her press ons stuck in the smile.

"That was so fun!!" Jocelyn sqealled. Evelyn and Elijah realised how messy they were and laughed at each other.

"We have loads of time. Let's clean up before we do something else." Elijah said after the laughing and giggling.

"I wanna open an LOL Doll now!" Jocelyn said after they cleaned up. She ran the the bag and got the 3 LOL dolls that Evelyn bought.

They opened them and it was pretty cool. Jocelyn got Crystal Girl, Elijah got Laldy Diva and Evelyn got downtown B.B

"I got the coolest!" Jocelyn said when we finished playing with LOL Dolls. "I Tired now."

Elijah sighed while saying "You can go to bed if you want. I'll go get your PJs."

It was getting pretty late anyways. It was like 08:55 and it was past Jocelyns bedtime. Ev and Eli put Jocelyn to bed and they sat on the sofa.

"I'm so tired too." Evelyn said to Elijah while scrolling on her phone

"We can watch a movie?" He suggested.

"Yeah what one?"

"Mabye descendents. It sounds cool."

"Yeah I've watched that one like 50 times. Let's watch it."

Evelyn and Elijah got popcorn, sweets and a blanket. They watched all three movies. It was really fun since she knew all the songs and stood up to dance sometimes. Halfway through the second movie Lyn could see something coming into the living room. Luckily it was just Jocelyn.

"I can't sleep." She whispered. She was holding a LOL doll and a bunny that Evelyn got her.

"It's ok, you can come watch the movie with us." Elijah offers her. She sat in the middle of them and put some blanket on her. When the family came back they saw Elijah, Evelyn and Jocelyn all sleeping on the couch. Josiah took a funny photo of all of them.

Evelyn woke up when Josiah took the photo.

"Josiah!" She said while jumping on the couch. "Give me your phone!" She began to cause him around the house.
Evelyn went back home. Sheet Jocelyn keep all the arts and crafts since she enjoyed them.

Elijah: Thanks for helping me babysit yesterday.

Evelyn: Its alright. I had so much fun! She should play among us with us sometime.

Elijah: Great idea. We are playing among us tomorrow if you wanna join as well.

Evelyn: Of course in going to come. I'll be at your house.

Elijah: This time it's not at the house. Mom rented us a cabin for the winter. I'll send you the address.

Evelyn: How do you get all of these places!? 😲

Elijah: I don't know mom hasn't told us 😭.

Evelyn: Lol, I'll see you at the cabin then!

𝐉𝐔𝐒𝐓 𝐍𝐄𝐈𝐆𝐇𝐁𝐎𝐔𝐑𝐒Where stories live. Discover now